Can I buy you a drink??

Leslie Lane's Avatar is my very last post. Yup this one's it. My very last one. Ahhh...who am I kidding?? lol

I can't help it, you gentlemen (Bubba) get so riled up over the slightest things. Seriously, why all the hate?? You're in a hobby that should be fun and exciting...why all the negative energy?? Now let's all go for a drink....Oh, wait...yeah, I can't do that. Oh well.....

But seriously, to the poopy harm, no foul. But if you insist on releasing your negative energy...I am left with no other choice but to send you my positive energy Life is good gentlemen. Peace.

"Bubba"...maybe if you took that chip off your shoulder your gf would give you ps loving again.....either that, or give her a white envelope. Just saying... Hey...I'm not the only one who was thinking it!!!! Now, I'm ducking for cover!!! lol

no, you are just silly... you posted you wanted to have a drink with someone. you had several people say they would be willing to do just such a thing. you only stated you wanted someone that has some cred around here...i know for a fact you recieved offers from people that do. why not just state ALL the things they are needing? cut the bs and just spell it all out like you did last time.

i am not your thing...whatever that maybe, and when you figure it can let us all know

i have no chip and my GF is f^<king crazy so im not worried about it.

having said free tomorrow. drink?
  • Vyt
  • 11-04-2010, 09:13 PM
"Leslie", why do you feel the need to put our names in quotes?
Leslie Lane's Avatar
My sole purpose for getting a drink with a well known Hobbiest or Provider was to have someone with credibility vouch for me. I am a former provider from Houston...that can be verified very easily, but for some reason wasn't enough. Maybe, I just talked to the wrong I will try submitting that info again.

Listen, the bottom line is I'm a real genuine person. I'm learning as I go...there's no Master Plan I am scheming. I thought an offer to meet for a drink would be innocent and simple. No ulterior motive.

But, no?? Don't want to give her any cash?? Already tried it, didn't work?? Just trying to help.

My sole purpose for getting a drink with a well known Hobbiest or Provider was to have someone with credibility vouch for me.
vouch for what? that you are a woman...possibly attractive...and can drink? would you take a reference from a provider that said...i met him...but we just had a i know he is '2 legit to quit'

I thought an offer to meet for a drink would be innocent and simple. No ulterior motive.

ur motive is to get verified in your own special, way.
Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
i dont see why a girl looking for a SD needs to be verified anyway. go to a SD site adn get you a SD or 3
knotty man's Avatar
silly girl! trix are for kids. if you wanna get verified you gotta "do the deed". if you dont want to ,then you need to move on. but stop jerkin the chain. either S%*T or get off the pot!
i think she is ON the pot
we have 2 posts from her 'this is my last post'.....3 and she wins a toaster
knotty man's Avatar
yeah, i think shes about 5 min. past 4:15 too. hehehe
you mean...1620? lol
knotty man's Avatar
ok...this is my LAST post..................till my next one
Leslie Lane's Avatar
Ummm...Am I the only sane one around here??? READ the thread. posts.

Now, where can I claim my free toaster??

you can have your toaster when i get my mex mart
I'm in a bit of a pickle here. I'm trying to get verified as a provider.... However, I intend to be a very low volume provider (1-2 clients a month), I do not intend to advertise (no website, etc), and I have no reviews. So I was wondering....

Can I interest anyone (male or female) to meet me for a drink?? My treat of course. Sometime next week...early afternoon?? My only stipulation is that you must be a well known Austin provider or poster who would be able to vouch for me.


L.L. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
do somthing with the 'pickle' and go through the process

what you seek is a SD

you have people willing to let you buy them a drink
Yes, I am back. I have come to the conclusion that I would be better off as an exclusive UTR provider as opposed to being in a set arrangement. The time commitment would be less and the emotional risk would not be as great. I'm learning as I go....

L.L. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
so you want to get verified for '1 or 2' new clients a month rather than an arrangement? $$$$$$$$$$ wow