If I have to guide the penis in, I want a cut!

whitechocolate's Avatar
You would be surprised how many providers are insisting on taking dick pics. As I noted, I guess this gives them immediate recall of the guy when asked
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Sofakingfun, I don't mean to go off track, but you do realize that you have a most disgusting avatar, don't you?

. . . Are you just one of those maladjusted people who derive perverse pleasure in grossing people out?

Well, I typically include a picture of my penis in the initial correspondence because I don't like to be asked for one later on during the screening process. Ld, you appreciate this, yes?

...just doin' my part to make things flow more smoothly.


Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
shorty's Avatar
Sixxbach. . . Hobbyist that are active on this board, plus other's, are probably more welcomed by the ladies than someone that justs email or call them wanted to see them. I'm just pointing out that all hobbyist need to be screened.
I'm one of those providers who asks for a physical description. If the references don't remember, no biggie. I just like to ask so I know who's showing up at the door. Is it required? No. Appreciated? Absolutely. Either I, or my assistant typically says thanks in the request letter, and occasionally I go back and say thanks so maybe not everyone is getting thanked afterward and if so, my bad.

I wouldn't request a picture from the guy. First, I don't need it to be that specific, but also-- there's no guarantee that the guy who signed up for the profile on P411 (or wherever) is the one who's actually requesting the appointment. Maybe I'm just paranoid (I likely am) but I do like to include that

But like I said, no biggie if they're not remembered.

Now as far as the rest-- the car, the house, the clothes-- eh, whatever. Most cases I couldn't even tell you if you asked me for a reference.

And when it comes to the extra info-- I think it helps to go beyond "he's good to go", that is, if you remember, because there's guys who aren't creeps but do push the boundaries a little bit, or are a bit eccentric, or who tip really well and so when that gets passed down to me, I'm a little bit more lenient if time is going more than my usual over.

And if I have offended anyone here with my reference requests, or not saying thank you, I apologize. Except for one or two ladies who were really exceedingly abrasive right off the bat to my requests. They can go suck a cactus. Giving references aren't required at all-- but you don't have to be rude about a polite request.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Sofakingfun, I don't mean to go off track, but you do realize that you have a most disgusting avatar, don't you?

. . . Are you just one of those maladjusted people who derive perverse pleasure in grossing people out?
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn

Well at least mine's a chick.

Define maladjusted


Okay, here's a response that I sent to one provider who has a different screening process than mine:

Hi Ms. XYZ--
I wanted to take a minute to explain why I do things the way that I do, and if I've stepped on your
toes, it wasn't with any malicious intent.

*It's been rare, but I have run into okays where the male actually has not seen the provider. Gina gets notified, but still.
*I have heard from one or two hobbyists that they've lent out a P411 account to a friend to get them a provider date. Having the profile list Caucasian in his 40s or AA in his 30s doesn't help that much.
*If a hobbyist is involved in a bust, and then sends out a bunch of invites, it doesn't help to ask HIM what HE looks like. It makes sense to ask the providers who've most recently seen him what he looks like. Granted, I may still get busted-- but if I'm expecting a pudgy Asian, and a tall, slender Hispanic rolls up-- I can put the breaks on IMMEDIATELY.

Gina also has come on the boards and said that the Okays are not to be taken for granted and to check. This is not a situation where providers should be complacent. I get where it does make it easier to screen, but that's all-- the okays should still be double checked.

Anyway, we may completely disagree on this, and that's okay. I hope that you can understand where I'm coming from though.


And to the providers who've received reference requests from me or my assistant--
I typically go over the account 2-3 times a week and send out a quick thank you note to about a third of the women just because I'm being quick. I've now discussed things with my assistant and though he says he says thank you in the first email, he has now been instructed to say thank you after a reference is sent. I hope that this did not cause any hard feelings as I do really appreciate those that write references and happily hope to return the favor when you need it.
Still Looking's Avatar
Screening seems to have a very wide range of requirements depending on the provider. I have been asked to forward 2-3 references. I have used the same ones for 3+ months. The references are to notify me if they are contacted. One provider has never been contacted the other two have been contacted twice. I have given out these references conservatively at least 25-30 times in the last three months. So now what does that say about the screening process?
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Guys lending their P411 account to other guys? Ridiculous! Go scrape together $300 for your own lifetime membership ya cheap bastard!
Also since women may be requesting penis pics for screening purposes should I just put one of my schlong as my avatar and expedite things?
Sofakingfun, I don't mean to go off track, but you do realize that you have a most disgusting avatar, don't you?

. . . Are you just one of those maladjusted people who derive perverse pleasure in grossing people out?
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Yes, but he's adorKable as well.

I usually look at a P411 member's "okay"s and see if he is only seeing new ladies, or ones who have been around a bit longer. I also check his reviews and see if I fit in with his usual "type".

But even if someone has 12 "okay"s
If I get a weird vibe from the email or phone call, I'm going to ask one of the recent ladies if her visit with him went smoothly or if there was any incident.

When someone over 65 initiates contact with me, I'll also ask his reference if he was noticeably having difficulty. Why? Because I've had a few times where my date needed an ambulance. It's not the most fun way to end a first time meeting.
I am one who also has asked for a brief description. Why? Because I want to make sure the person I am letting into my hotel room is the actual person the provider vouched for. Now if you don't remember that is fine. Sometimes I don't remember either. It's just helpful in certain situations. I always offer a little bit more about the client if I can. Like maybe he is a sweater. I just let the lady know to turn her AC a bit colder. Its just little details that may help a gal out.
I am not asking for what his house looks like, what his gpa was in college or what kind of car he drives. I just like a brief description and did he have a pleasant demeanor.( Meaning was he nice or a cocky jackass)
I always remember this one time a provider contacted me for a reference and after her date with him she emailed me a little upset. She said something along the lines of "Geez you could have warned me he had a third arm". I felt kinda bad.
I also find it interesting how some providers bitch when they just get an " he is okay" and then bitch at the fact they are being asked to give more then "yes he's okay". Fyi this is not directed at anyone here in particular just based on my own personal experience with providers I have actually met.
Guys lending their P411 account to other guys? Ridiculous! Go scrape together $300 for your own lifetime membership ya cheap bastard!
Also since women may be requesting penis pics for screening purposes should I just put one of my schlong as my avatar and expedite things? Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
Oh yes please do so and send me one for me personal collection.
Wicket's Avatar
Picture of my dick? LOL, but I do describe it in my P411 profile. One lady thought I was just bragging. Boy, was she surprised.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Well the avatar pic may get me banned. But when next we meet baby I'll let you take a picture of my cock, you horny minx you.
Still Looking's Avatar
Picture of my dick? LOL, but I do describe it in my P411 profile. One lady thought I was just bragging. Boy, was she surprised. Originally Posted by Wicket
Ya, same thing happened to me! Well I proved it really was that small! LOL Mine is not very wide but it sure is short! Send a picture of little still looking? Ah.... no! Its HARD enough getting him to make personal appearances let alone photo opps!
whitechocolate's Avatar
I thinking sending out a dick pic is fine after the session has been scheduled so the provider can fully prepare mentally and physicall.