Deal Breakers for providers

London Rayne's Avatar
Yah from what I have heard Gimmethat will wear a girl out!! He and I would never have a date but I would totally buy him a drink off the clock.
That is just nasty. I know before I see someone that i'm shower fresh. Just hard to believe that some guys would actually not even think about making sure that your clean. I think that goes for both sides. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
Yes one would think so...But every now and again (it's rare, but does happen)..a client will come in with poor hygiene...and that's just something I can't deal with..

I'm always going to be fresh and clean for my clients, I expect the same!
Naomi4u's Avatar
if i saw that id have to take him to the car wash Originally Posted by Sweet N Little

Not sure I like that avatar. You are much sexier than what that pic shows.
I do like that you follow me around Gimme. Where would I be without my reject stalkers... I said "personality" is everything to me. You came at me like LE talking all that shit. That's why I asked for the pic... or I guess it could be that I am bat shit crazy. Hell, you decide since now you have all the information.

Be careful London. He gets mad and goes for the reputation when he don't get what he wants.

Why would a girl want to wear her toy box out and have to take the next 3 days off? That was my thought anyway. But what do I know, I am just bat shit crazy.

Gimme, I know the perfect girl for you but you will have quite a drive... LMAO! She'd probably do ya for free just to hear ya call me "CRAZY".

Valerie, I miss your other avatar This one is nice but the other one was TOO HOTT!

Some guys want to be nasty when they come in. I seen a whole list of them in a thread about how we should just shut up and suck it up cause they pay us. I wrote down the whole list of them and refused them dates too. Some are still my reject stalkers. They don't have the brains to realize that guys see what they post outside of slamming us girls and they see a pattern to their behavior. This is a useful tool cause the seasoned hobbyists and smart guys come to me and the ill minded or dim witted stay away. Works for me. Thanks guys! Keep up the good work guys! I appreciate you more than you will ever know. It also shows me which providers have enough experience to talk cause if you know anything it's that a good provider always declines business for good reasons and rejected guys almost always stalk and attack that girl's credibility. If you please everybody in this business, you are not a good provider. That's just a fact! They don't talk about the ones they don't miss... right London?
if i saw that id have to take him to the car wash Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Yes! And it would have to be the premium one at that!
London Rayne's Avatar
Be careful London. He gets mad and goes for the reputation when he don't get what he wants.
Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
What reputation? Everyone he talks to already hates me anyway haaaaaaaa!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Yes! And it would have to be the premium one at that! Originally Posted by Valerie
You ladies crack me up!
LMAO London... I know, I know... right? That's why the smart and classy ones READ REVIEWS and aren't gullable enough to listen to anyone who hasn't reviewed us!!! It's the brain surgery of the boards... ROFLMAO!

But seriously though "THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL THE HELP".

Oh Goodness my stomach hurts sooo bad...

Happy New Year to you and your beautiful sexy ass! Touch'e


Ladies, Unfortunately you lost me at "dick cheese"....(Is that anything like head cheese?) ....eeeewwwwww!!!
gimme_that's Avatar
That was me Gimme is talking about ladies...lmao. He requested an over night and stated that he was not interested in girls that wanted to sleep, go out or anything besides straight hard core banging all night. Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
This is highly slanderous stuff you have thrown on board here as to my screening demeanor. So let's just state the facts. Your just being very messy right now....but Ill do ok booking ladies either way.

1. I inquired with you if you did overnight? Key word is inquire here....

The first words out of your mouth was who on thee nola board do you know......then you proceeded to talk to your cats in the baackground.....

We never discussed rates....I did send you an email on the type of arrangement I sought....WHICH WAS IN STARK CONTRAST TO THE BANGFEST AND ABUSE YOU MAKE IT SEEM LIKE VIA YOUR POST. I didn't namecall you by saying you were bat shit just seem to fit the profile at time on board and from otherr guys experiences with you.

Originally I sent you the inquiry for shits and giggles. !lthough they say the crazy ones usually fuck very well lol. Some of the main people in our initial conversation you had adversion to ever seeing on board told me how you might react. So I had to observe for myself and you didn't dissapooint.

I have seen ladies recently and haven't had any problems. So this stuff you say about "he offered to pay me handsomely only if we stayed in and didn't take breaks if he fucked me all night" is straight bs. If your gonna lie about that part at least make it believable ok. What I want from each lady varies...but its never just straight sex with no breaks, as that wouldn't make sense.

When I talked to you via the seemed kinda weird. You were talking to your cats, you didn't seem to comfortable talking to a black man....and had the nerve to call me a "safe black" whatever that I just decided to pass on INQUIRING......the dick picture request wa a tad disrespectful to ask me about. I don't consider that gentlemanly.

I said Gimme knows me well enough to call me bat shit crazy. Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
Nope don't know you from adam and eve and don't care to find out.

I just never discussed him bcd like he apparently does me. Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
Ok now your stirring shit. Many people have discussed you....usually its followed by a search with crazy, and bat shit. I can't help it if your id pops up on multple hits from those search fields. Lol

Personally I don't talk about people I have never met... PERIOD. I figure anyone dumb enough to listen to those people is a match made in hell. Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
So much for discretion, integrity, and clearly showed in your response you have none. I hope as many gents see this as possible to avoid this type of stuff. Iv said my piece respond with falsehoods on any of it you wish.

Definitely a dealbreaker to encounter crazy chicks....not calling you one though lol. Your just kinda ignorant. That's not a dis...just the way it is. Sheesh.
Deal breakers for me

~Men under 35
~If he smells and refuses to take a shower at my incall
~Waits till the last minute to take a shower and takes up an additional 30 minutes..ugh!
(If you pay for the hour .. you get the hour but respect my time PLEASE!)
~Last minute appointments (I have a 24 hour policy and a few guys will still email last minute... um no!)
~ AA guys.. sorry!
~Drug users
~Equipment failure due to drug use.
~Guys that are bossy/demanding (major TURNOFF!)
~Outcalls... NEVER! (I'll make an exception for regulars)
~Rough DATY (Don't rub your beard down there.. THAT DOES NOT FEEL GOOD!)
~Sticking your fingers or anything else in my booty.. no no no no .. hell no!
~Cheap guys/asking for specials.. will get you on the Naomi DNS list. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
So I'm assuming you won't mind if I cover the bed with spinach and have a small choir performing in the corner of the room?
Oh Gimme, what you don't realize is I still have that email and will gladly share it with any mods or girls. I don't need to lie... and anyone that knows me, knows it! See, your lies and half truths haven't hurt me... I guess the truth hurts you.

Oh and my cats weren't with me and you were one of the first ones in the south I blew off nicely... you devil you! Nice try though! Bla bla bla bla bla! All of my REVIEWS are fab so bite me. you are the one pretending to know me. As usual, you got your feelings hurt and still lash out. I have ALWAYS been honest and said I don't see everyone, I am very selective. So there's a group of you now. Well I am not apologizing for being selective. I implore any provider to see you. You won't change your demanding nature on my account.

And what is a "safe black" anyway? Does that mean a safe black man? Hmmmm, I was convinced you were a cop with all the openness and graphic detail. I am sooo sure I am not the only one you were so outspoken too so I rest my case.

By the way, I never spoke to you on the phone... and you all ready admitted it was email so HAAAA! If you are gonna lie, do a better job of it. My stomach really does hurt from laughing toooo hard.

I refuse to have a battle of the wits with an unarmed person...
Naomi4u's Avatar
So I'm assuming you won't mind if I cover the bed with spinach and have a small choir performing in the corner of the room? Originally Posted by FLWrite
Sweet N Little's Avatar
spinach & a choir?
LOL!! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Now thats pretty creative!!