Hillary starts her down hill run.....in the polls.

LexusLover's Avatar
All that he has ever done? Well, that's not exactly accurate. Is anyone surprised?

1. a bachelors degree from Columbia University.
2. community organizer for a Catholic charitable organization.
3. Harvard Law School
4. Editor of the Harvard Law Review
5. Practiced civil rights law
6. taught Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School.
7. 3 terms as a Illinois State Senator
8. Elected U.S. Senator from Illinois.
Originally Posted by bigtex
That should qualify anyone for POTUS, at least in BigTit's "mind."

Eight years later: What "community" did he "organize"? IJA.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
All that he has ever done? Well, that's not exactly accurate. Is anyone surprised?

Prior to becoming President, Obama received a bachelors degree from Columbia University. He spent time working as a community organizer for a Catholic charitable organization.

He then went to Harvard Law School, where he served as editor of the Harvard Law Review. After he earned his law degree (with academic honors), he practiced civil rights law and taught Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School.

He served 3 terms as a Illinois State Senator. Following that, he was elected to be a U.S. Senator from Illinois.

That was done prior to giving "that speech." Originally Posted by bigtex
Not exactly accurate are you?
Half the people in the country have a bachelors degree from somewhere. What was his class standing?
What exactly does a community organizer do? What notable achievement did he achieve while an organizer?
He did go to law school at Harvard as did so many others but what was his class standing? You say he had honors? What were they? Show us the proof?
Editor of the law review? Yep, there was the year that they started affirmative action at the Law Review. He never published one single article his entire time there when the average editor publishes once a month. Doesn't sound like much of an achievement. What issues did the Review take on while he was the editor?
He NEVER practiced law anywhere just like Hillary.
Being elected to anything is not a personal achievement. It takes a team and how Obama got elected was pretty scummy even for a democrat. To become a state senator Obama had his people (we are assuming that he actually gave the orders) disqualify the other candidates by going through their petitions for candidacy.
To win the senate race his offices releases the sealed records of his opponent's divorce proceedings.

However the real question concerns what has he taken on. What has he bled for? Where did he put everything on the line (according to the rules) and come out a winner? Even for Obamacare he had to lie and decieve to get those last couple of votes. I don't even expect Obamacare to survive the next five years.
So, the Patriarch of the Idiot Klan, errr Clan dumps his bile and venom and the heir apparent follows up to spread it out.

Nice rake, JDIdiot!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
These guys continue to amaze. What would happen to the ECCIE world they all went away?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
JD makes a good point, and the response from the Axis of Imbeciles is smoke.
LexusLover's Avatar
These guys continue to amaze. What would happen to the ECCIE world they all went away?

Nothing. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
And what would happen to "the ECCIE world" IF YOU WENT AWAY?


The intellectual discourse would click up several notches, as well.
LexusLover's Avatar
...bile and venom ... Originally Posted by bigtex
The TRUTH stinks and hurts sometimes, doesn't, LOSER?
  • DSK
  • 04-11-2015, 10:11 AM
JD makes a good point, and the response from the Axis of Imbeciles is smoke. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Axis of Imbeciles!! LOL
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 04-11-2015, 11:10 AM
JD makes a good point, and the response from the Axis of Imbeciles is smoke. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I agree ^^^^ JD gave a more than civilized post, and the libtards only response is their BULLSHIT.
I agree ^^^^ JD gave a more than civilized post, and the libtards only response is their BULLSHIT. Originally Posted by Seedy
Civilized, perhaps, but mostly bullshit. He hit the RNC talking points. A monkey can do that.

He spent FOUR years as a lawyer before entering politics. That information is public and can be found by anyone willing to spend all of 30 seconds on the internet.

He went to Harvard Law, as did SO many others? They offer 15 percent, on average, of students that apply. That's not SO many. This is indicative of his bullshit though. He says things like that, without any kind of factual backup. Why? Because more often than not, there isn't any.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude, which would indicate he was in the top 10% of his class. Those are just three of his points I had time to refute. The rest are bullshit as well and maybe I'll get to them later.

RedLeg505's Avatar
Tim Kaine, Martin O'Malley, Elizabeth Warren, Lincoln Chafee, Jim Webb. They've got people. And before you say you don't know most of them, who knew the name Barack Obama before he made that speech at the convention? Nobody. Originally Posted by WombRaider
And how do ANY of them poll against Paul or Cruz or Walker or Bush? What's that? None of them are even on polling questions? Imagine that.
LexusLover's Avatar
He spent FOUR years as a lawyer before entering politics. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Let's be specific: He spent FOUR years with a law license. There's a difference.

Someone spouted off about him being a "Civil Rights" attorney ...

... please identify ONE civil rights case he filed and/or handled as a lawyer!!!

Style of the case will do. I can look it up.

Here's my hint ... that he never "worked" inside a courtroom. I have NEVER seen a courtroom equipped with teleprompters to assist lawyers in asking questions and talking another lawyer, a judge, or a jury. When he gets "off the prompter" he sounds like a "special ed student" in grade school.
Let's be specific: He spent FOUR years with a law license. There's a difference.

Someone spouted off about him being a "Civil Rights" attorney ...

... please identify ONE civil rights case he filed and/or handled as a lawyer!!!

Style of the case will do. I can look it up.

Here's my hint ... that he never "worked" inside a courtroom. I have NEVER seen a courtroom equipped with teleprompters to assist lawyers in asking questions and talking another lawyer, a judge, or a jury. When he gets "off the prompter" he sounds like a "special ed student" in grade school. Originally Posted by LexusLover
When you deal in absolutes, it's easy to find rebuttals. No, he didn't just spend four years with a law license. He was hired by Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Gallard in Chicago. He actually worked about 30 cases in 4 years. He even argued a case before a federal appellate court. Anything else you want to know?

And how do ANY of them poll against Paul or Cruz or Walker or Bush? What's that? None of them are even on polling questions? Imagine that. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
How did Obama poll 19 months before the 2008 election? No one even knew who he was. Look, I know you want to get all excited, but we aren't there yet.
RedLeg505's Avatar
How did Obama poll 19 months before the 2008 election? No one even knew who he was. Look, I know you want to get all excited, but we aren't there yet. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Nice to see that you remember that the same "Hillary" that "had a lock on POTUS" in 2008 was defeated by an unknown, never been heard of before freshman senator.

Tell us why she's got a lock on it and guaranteed POTUS this time WR?