Why Is Gov Cuomo Allowing So Many NYers To Die From COVID19?

LOL! i only just learned where the RTM button was Originally Posted by HoeHummer
And yous is a liar.


And btw — I found out how to RTM you, fredsy. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
LOL! i only just learned where the RTM button was, JL. Seems like some of yous fellas have known where it is since the day I arrived, eh.

At least yous chose to keep rudely insulting other posters.

I don’t know what the governor of Texas has done to help Texans other than to use the COVID%19 pandemic as an excuse to shut down women’s healths clinics. Those of yous who were upset over not closing down the churches should be equally upset about your governor likewise stripping rights from women.

So you see, JL, it cuts both ways. Trampling rights is trampling rights. But Texas seems to be the most willing to do so.

Can’t blame anybody for the virus. But yous can blame the response. Cuomo has been a leader. Trump has been a self-proclaimed cheerleader who would rather insult and fight than defend and protect.

Who doesn’t gets that? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Cuomo in New York has over ten thousand deaths attributed to COVID-19 (which originated in Wuhan, China) and is praising Trump.

Texas may get 500 - 600 deaths from COVID-19 with a 50% larger population.

Abbott has responded appropriately and deserves the thanks of mankind.

I only choose to insult gay fat liberal people - what is the point of being a Texan if you can't do that?

(I do not insult fat people who pay their own way - I just hate the fuckers who eat for free and get free housing and free medical care)
  • Tiny
  • 04-14-2020, 11:27 AM
Can anyone tell me what was happening
in the streets of CHINA when this Virus really blew out???

What, WAIT, they were protesting for freedom and the chinese government couldnt control them..

There is more substanance to this topic.

CUOMA isnt God and New York was not ready. NEW YorK is a point of entry combined with people per capita., no wonder they have such a high death rate.

Should we have been more prepared HELL YES.
Im sorry but I feel one lost American life is One too many Originally Posted by Danielle Silver
I don’t get it. You don’t have to trust the Chinese statistics to know something huge was happening in Wuhan. You could read articles and see videos . If anything Chinese statistics have understated the carnage.

Agreed, hell yes we should have been more prepared. We knew from SARS, Ebola and the Spanish flu that something like this would happen some day. Bill Gates was shouting it from the rooftops. Epidemiologists and public health experts had warned us. Departments in our government were running simulations, like war games, to understand how to prepare for epidemics that could kill hundreds of thousands. And so what happens? We’re totally unprepared. We can’t get testing or masks. We can’t even get enough of the nasal swab sticks used for test sampling, even though the only places they’re made are Maine and Italy. The CDC and FDA initially throw up barriers to hospitals and companies that want to provide tests. We lost precious weeks denying we had a problem.

Compare to Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand. They were prepared. They’ll come through this with a fraction of the lives lost and damage to their economies that we’ll suffer.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Can anyone tell me what was happening
in the streets of CHINA when this Virus really blew out???

What, WAIT, they were protesting for freedom and the chinese government couldnt control them..

There is more substanance to this topic.

CUOMA isnt God and New York was not ready. NEW YorK is a point of entry combined with people per capita., no wonder they have such a high death rate.

Should we have been more prepared HELL YES.
Im sorry but I feel one lost American life is One too many Originally Posted by Danielle Silver

that was hong kong. technically china...
Outright incompetence...


Challenge Separation of Powers

The Ventilator Shortage That Wasn’t
April 17, 2020 5:26 PM

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo speaks in front of stacks of medical protective supplies during a news conference at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City, which will be partially converted into a temporary hospital during the coronavirus outbreak, March 24, 2020. (Mike Segar/Reuters)
The ventilator shortages of which we were all gravely warned have not yet come to pass.
In March, one of the most feared aspects of the pandemic was the widely reported coming shortage of ventilators. One well-publicized estimate, repeated by the New York Times, the New Yorker and CNN, was that the U.S. would need roughly one million ventilators, or more than five times as many as we had. Gulp. Ventilators are expensive, they’re complex machines, and they can’t be churned out in the thousands overnight.

In the state that (as of today) has one-third of the country’s confirmed COVID-19 cases, New York governor Andrew Cuomo sounded the alarm for ventilators repeatedly. On March 27, he acknowledged “I don’t have a crystal ball” but said his state desperately needed 30,000 ventilators, maybe 40,000, but had only 12,000. When President Trump noted that Cuomo’s state had thousands of unused ventilators it hadn’t even placed yet, Cuomo admitted this was true but said he still needed more: “Yes, they’re in a stockpile because that’s where they’re supposed to be because we don’t need them yet. We need them for the apex,” Cuomo said at the time. On April 2, Cuomo predicted the state would run out of ventilators in six days “at the current burn rate.” But on April 6, Cuomo noted, “We’re ok, and we have some in reserve.”

Now New York appears to have passed the apex. Deaths, a lagging indicator, crested at 799 on April 9 and hit 606 on April 16, the lowest figure since April 6. Hospitalizations are also declining, and on April 16 also hit their lowest level since April 6. Cuomo today has so many ventilators he is giving them away: On April 15, he said he was sending 100 of them to Michigan and 50 to Maryland. On April 16, he announced he was sending 100 to New Jersey.
Wow. This thread is about Cuomo allowing people to die.

I'msorry yous feel this way. But yous are wrong about me.

Good day. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Any reasonable person would evaluate your posts, and come to the same conclusion I did.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Any reasonable person would evaluate your posts, and come to the same conclusion I did. Originally Posted by kehaar
Yous got a point or are yous simply popping round to say hi?
HedonistForever's Avatar
I don’t get it. You don’t have to trust the Chinese statistics to know something huge was happening in Wuhan. You could read articles and see videos . If anything Chinese statistics have understated the carnage.

Agreed, hell yes we should have been more prepared. We knew from SARS, Ebola and the Spanish flu that something like this would happen some day. Bill Gates was shouting it from the rooftops. Epidemiologists and public health experts had warned us. Departments in our government were running simulations, like war games, to understand how to prepare for epidemics that could kill hundreds of thousands. And so what happens? We’re totally unprepared. We can’t get testing or masks. We can’t even get enough of the nasal swab sticks used for test sampling, even though the only places they’re made are Maine and Italy. The CDC and FDA initially throw up barriers to hospitals and companies that want to provide tests. We lost precious weeks denying we had a problem.

Compare to Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand. They were prepared. They’ll come through this with a fraction of the lives lost and damage to their economies that we’ll suffer. Originally Posted by Tiny

I'll ask again, when 12,000 Americans lost their lives to H1N1, ( a far less deadly virus that apparently didn't spread as easily in 2009 ), did the MSM accuse Obama of not being prepared? And having 8 years to prepare for the next pandemic that everybody seems to acknowledge was coming and we should be prepared, did the Obama administration leave office in 2016 with 1 billion masks and PPE and enough ventilators and that all disappeared in 3 years?

And how exactly do you have a test kit ready to go for a virus that has never been seen before? Yes, South Korea did a better job than the U.S. because the CDC in the U.S. we now know, fucked up the first test kits when, get this for some fucked up irony, the labs in the CDC were contaminated ( lucky I guess that we didn't loose a virus on the world ) and they had to start all over again. That is why we were behind. Now if you want to blame that on Trump, go right ahead but at least acknowledge how we got so far behind in test kits and saying we should have done better and not insinuate that Trump was asleep at the switch, he wasn't.

This is a political game people, wise up.

The New York Times article that I posted suggested that if Cuomo had done a better job, New York might have been spared 50 to 80% of it's cases but do you hear that on CNN or MSDNC? You do not.

So, if we should have been better prepared, why weren't we in 2016 unless of course all that stuff we needed evaporated in 3 years. Naw, don't think so.

And if a President is responsible for being prepared, why wasn't Obama better prepared to shut down the opioid crisis that was by 2016, 3 times what it was in 2000?
  • oeb11
  • 04-20-2020, 08:44 AM
HF - fascist DPST's do not comprehend their Hypocrisy - the narrative does not allow for that concept.

For people capable of independent thought - thank You for pointing out their hypocrisy.

Very much as the #metoo - Biden has a police report filed regarding sexual assault - and the Fascist DPST's are in complete denial it ever happened - and after the concerted assault on Kavanaugh manipulated by Feinstein!!!
They have no Shame - "DPST Party Uber alles"!!!!
  • Tiny
  • 04-20-2020, 08:51 AM
I'll ask again, when 12,000 Americans lost their lives to H1N1, ( a far less deadly virus that apparently didn't spread as easily in 2009 ), did the MSM accuse Obama of not being prepared? And having 8 years to prepare for the next pandemic that everybody seems to acknowledge was coming and we should be prepared, did the Obama administration leave office in 2016 with 1 billion masks and PPE and enough ventilators and that all disappeared in 3 years?

And how exactly do you have a test kit ready to go for a virus that has never been seen before? Yes, South Korea did a better job than the U.S. because the CDC in the U.S. we now know, fucked up the first test kits when, get this for some fucked up irony, the labs in the CDC were contaminated ( lucky I guess that we didn't loose a virus on the world ) and they had to start all over again. That is why we were behind. Now if you want to blame that on Trump, go right ahead but at least acknowledge how we got so far behind in test kits and saying we should have done better and not insinuate that Trump was asleep at the switch, he wasn't.

This is a political game people, wise up.

The New York Times article that I posted suggested that if Cuomo had done a better job, New York might have been spared 50 to 80% of it's cases but do you hear that on CNN or MSDNC? You do not.

So, if we should have been better prepared, why weren't we in 2016 unless of course all that stuff we needed evaporated in 3 years. Naw, don't think so.

And if a President is responsible for being prepared, why wasn't Obama better prepared to shut down the opioid crisis that was by 2016, 3 times what it was in 2000? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Do you disagree with anything in my post? Yes, it's a political game, and you've been sucked into it.

I've said in this forum you can blame the poor response to the crisis on the CDC, the FDA, Cuomo, and past administrations, including Obama's.

To be clear I hated Obama. I merely dislike Trump. OK, strongly dislike. We haven't had a decent president since Clinton's 2nd term and a good president since George H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan.

The federal government sucks up our money and increases our debt and provides little in return. Trump hasn't changed this. Yes, he did reduce the burden on business through deregulation and tax cuts, but we still can't rely on our federal government for jack. He hasn't changed that one iota. We depend on the states and localities for almost everything.

This is a worldwide pandemic. The federal government should be the one that prepares for this. Right now, in the bill that's held up in Congress, there's $25 billion allocated for testing. It's about fucking time. Trump should have gotten up on his bully pulpit a couple of months ago and demanded something like that. He didn't because he wasn't listening to the infectious disease experts.

As to your question, Trump tweeted this the other day, "Biden/Obama were a disaster in handling the H1N1 Swine Flu. Polling at the time showed disastrous approval numbers. 17,000 people died unnecessarily and through incompetence! Also, don’t forget their 5 Billion Dollar Obamacare website that should have cost close to nothing!”

Hilarious. Look at the number of people who are going to die and the amount of money that will be spent on the new coronavirus. We're up to 40,000 lives and at least $2 trillion in cost at the federal level. Is it Trump's fault that 40,000 people have died? Hell no. Is it Obama's fault that 17,000 people died? Again, hell no. As you say, it's a political game.

That said, Trump's personality and background make him unsuited to handle this crisis and Obama likely would have done better, except he probably wouldn't have shut down travel from China as soon. Why? Cut out the hyperbole, for example Trump's not a fucking moron, and HoeHummer got the gist of it here,

Poor Trump. Everybody’s is outs to get him. The world is shit down and he spends two hours trading barbs with reporters on live TV every day.

I don’t blame anybody for the virus. But I do think Trump’s government fucked it up for yous seven ways to Sunday because he is more concerned with his numbers than his responsibility to the people. I don’t think he could tell yous the name of the ministries responsible for public health in his own country, or who runs them. So he honestly had no clue. If he was warned, it went in one ear and out the other because he is incapable of focusing on anything that isn’t him.

I agreed with yous. Trump has done everything he is capable of doing. Not because he’s up against long odds, but because he’s a fucking moron. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Finally, as to your question about the opioid crisis, I don't have a clue. If you want an answer you might research it and post about it.
  • oeb11
  • 04-20-2020, 08:54 AM
Tiny - You opened well with the first three paragraphs.

Quoting YR - u done lost me!!!
  • Tiny
  • 04-20-2020, 09:13 AM
Tiny - You opened well with the first three paragraphs.

Quoting YR - u done lost me!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
Hey, Oeb, yeah, I'm not very good sometimes at writing clearly.
But this time I don't think it's as bad as when I tried to blame the trade deficit on low savings. I lost everyone including myself. LL had to intercede and get things back on track.
  • oeb11
  • 04-20-2020, 09:23 AM
Tiny - i beg to differ - U write well !
I may disagree with your opinion - but i appreciate your civil and constructive debate, Good Sir!
HoeHummer's Avatar
Tiny - i beg to differ - U write well !
I may disagree with your opinion - but i appreciate your civil and constructive debate, Good Sir! Originally Posted by oeb11
But would yous say the same to a DPST, oebsy?

We all’s know the answer to that one.
But would yous say the same to a DPST, oebsy?

We all’s know the answer to that one. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Certainly the answer is easy to that one.

You will never find a well written DPST. It's always cloaked in too much ignorance and hatred to be well written.