Review So full of crap.

I'm not hating on Kaylee. If Kendall wasn't talking about me, I'll delete my response if possible. Originally Posted by billiam
Wasn't directed at you at all, but you lashing out was as uncalled for as phildo's comment.

Thanks Genosha! I appreciate you being a stand up guy! :-*
This is who I'm talking about, just in case there is still some confusion.
Wasn't directed at you at all, but you lashing out was as uncalled for as phildo's comment.

Thanks Genosha! I appreciate you being a stand up guy! :-* Originally Posted by Kendall4U

Okay. I do apologize.
sparrow1122's Avatar
So, you enjoy being lied to?

Dumbass. Originally Posted by billiam
Yep! I do! All part of the illusion. This is a fantasy land. I don't want to know their true thoughts likeit
"Whew...only 45 more minutes till he leaves!"

You seem to be an angry person based on you 2012 review of Emma and thrashing those that responded with helpful insight. You went off on BigDog then and you did it again here.

Lighten up and have fun. That is what this is all about.
Hey Bombshell Betty,

Stop draggin' his heart around.

hey, hey , hey.

(see chart for clarification)

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.
Yep! I do! All part of the illusion. This is a fantasy land. I don't want to know their true thoughts likeit
"Whew...only 45 more minutes till he leaves!"

You seem to be an angry person based on you 2012 review of Emma and thrashing those that responded with helpful insight. You went off on BigDog then and you did it again here.

Lighten up and have fun. That is what this is all about. Originally Posted by sparrow1122
There was only one asshole that I responded to on the review of Emma, and it wasn't BigDog. It was TXGENT. Btw, I was hospitalized with sepsis a few days after Emma took advantage of me. One thing that I didn't mention is that Emma had a bit of BO downstairs. I have to wonder...
Hey Bombshell Betty,

Stop draggin' his heart around.

hey, hey , hey.

(see chart for clarification)

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program. Originally Posted by Bad_Mojo
Smartass! lol
pyramider's Avatar
So, you enjoy being lied to?

Dumbass. Originally Posted by billiam
You clearly know everything, don't you? Originally Posted by billiam
I'm only an asshole when I need to be. Originally Posted by billiam

Fours years on icky and you still have not learned that a NCNS is not a review? Congratulations!!! I am sure you just made several ladies' DNS list.
Mojojo's Avatar
billiam lets try taking it back a notch and refraining from the name calling and attempts at thread hijacking...
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
OP... Poor you....

Do you feel rejected and that hurt your feelings? So you cry fowl to the teacher?

I have an objective advice. Grow up. Or grow a pair. Whatever comes first.
OP... Poor you....

Do you feel rejected and that hurt your feelings? So you cry fowl to the teacher?

I have an objective advice. Grow up. Or grow a pair. Whatever comes first. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
How about you refrain from not knowing what you're talking about.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Not even a NCNS . Other than the time spent texting, don't even see that she wasted your time . Dude, move on. You wasted more time and energy typing this than it was worth. Not to mention the time of the guys reading this to see if there was an actual problem. And learn how to read instructions. Not a review, not an NCNS, and you put it in the wrong forum.

I can see why a provider might not want to give Bigdog an OK. Maybe she did not want other providers relying on her OK as a referral to see him. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing

OBSG he doesn't have access to something you wrote. Just FYI.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
How about you refrain from not knowing what you're talking about. Originally Posted by billiam
So clarify it for me I just went from the bull shit you wrote. What is there that you didn't write?
billiam lets try taking it back a notch and refraining from the name calling. Originally Posted by Mojojo
So clarify it for me I just went from the bull shit you wrote. What is there that you didn't write? Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
You just made my iggy list.