Is the United States of America an exceptional country?

  • DSK
  • 09-01-2015, 10:06 PM
Never been to Switzerland. People I know who have been there say it is VERY expensive. Follow-up question with absolutely no mal intent -- why don't you leave the U.S. for Switzerland? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Bastards are very picky about who gets into their country, and you have to pay a fortune to live there.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

I suppose one will suffice.... Originally Posted by andymarksman
try harder.

Salvador Allende was a socialist. and you know it.

As president, Allende adopted a policy of nationalisation of industries and collectivisation; due to these and other factors, increasingly strained relations between him and the legislative and judicial branches of the Chilean government – who did not share his enthusiasm for socialisation – culminated in a declaration of a "constitutional breakdown" by the congress. A centre-right majority including the Christian Democrats, whose support had enabled Allende's election, denounced his rule as unconstitutional and called for his overthrow by force.

What exactly was your point here? nazi.

you actually were a dumbass to pick Chile as an example. i know this story personally. My dad was a senior executive for Anaconda Aluminum Co. He was in fact the second highest ranking executive in the company. Anaconda owned a Copper mine in Chile that they lost due to Allende's nationalism. it was estimated at that time to have 25 BILLION in Copper. it's STILL TO THIS DAY the largest known copper reserve in the world.
Eventually, the Government gave Anaconda 250 Million in compensation for the mine. My Dad's reply to that?

"Meh. it was worth 25 Billion. we got 10 percent."


In 1971, Chile's newly elected Socialist president Salvador Allende confiscated the Chuquicamata mine from Anaconda. Anaconda lost two-thirds of its copper production. Two years later, the new Chilean government paid Anaconda compensation of $250 million after the military overthrow of Allende in September 1973.
Anaconda... no wonder you don't mind wrecking the environment. They never had a problem with it either.
southtown4488's Avatar
How dare Chileans want to control Chile? Didn't they know God granted all the world and its resources to America? Sure the sand in the Middle East belongs to Arabs but the oil underneath that sand, well God gave it to America. And the Africans, well that's just free labor for America. . .and the lions, well those are clearly put there for Americans to hunt and kill till theyre extinct. The Japanese civilians, any fool can see they were put there for America to drop A bombs on to make sure those bombs work and to scare the Russians.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Anaconda... no wonder you don't mind wrecking the environment. They never had a problem with it either. Originally Posted by WombRaider
that turned out to be ARCO's problem. that is, if you know the story correctly.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
How dare Chileans want to control Chile? Didn't they know God granted all the world and its resources to America? Sure the sand in the Middle East belongs to Arabs but the oil underneath that sand, well God gave it to America. And the Africans, well that's just free labor for America. . .and the lions, well those are clearly put there for Americans to hunt and kill till theyre extinct. The Japanese civilians, any fool can see they were put there for America to drop A bombs on to make sure those bombs work and to scare the Russians. Originally Posted by southtown4488
how does a dumbass like you go from A to .. this?

you are truly a desperate fool trying to prove your worthless point.

did you NOT read this? or do you just want to ignore it?

Written by Gayne C. Young on September 1, 2015

So far 1,111,480 people have signed a petition to “Demand Justice for Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe” by asking that country’s president to stop issuing hunting permits to kill endangered animals. This despite the fact that Zimbabwe is a member of CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) and that the United States Fish and Wildlife allows most animals hunted in Zimbabwe (including lions and elephants) to be imported into the U.S. and, more importantly, that Robert Mugabe is the President of Zimbabwe.

Here is a short portrait of the man that animal activists are asking to change laws by appealing to his soft side.

Mugabe has ruled Zimbabwe since independence in 1980. In 2000, he ordered the takeover of white-owned farms. This led to economic collapse and hyper-inflation of 250 million percent by 2008. During this time unemployment hit 90 percent and 80 percent of the population lived on and continues to live on less than $2 per day.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) stated that life expectancy in Zimbabwe in 1990 was 64 years. Today it stands at 37 years for men and 34 years for women.

When the United Kingdom compared Mugabe to Adolf Hitler due to his racist attitudes (the whole taking White farms, calling for Whites to be killed, etc.), Mugabe countered in 2003 by stating, “I am still the Hitler of the time, […] This Hitler has only one objective, justice for his own people, sovereignty for his people, recognition of the independence of his people, and their right to their resources. If that is Hitler, then let me be a Hitler tenfold. Ten times, that is what we stand for.”

Although Zimbabwe once claimed to have a literacy rate of 90%, Catholic Archbishop of Zimbabwe Pius Ncube recently said otherwise. He told journalists, “We had the best education in Africa and now our schools are closing.”

Mugabe got his current wife, who is 41 years his junior, pregnant while she was still married. Although “loved” in Zimbabwe, First Lady Grace Marufu is known as “Gucci Grace” for her lavish spending habits in Europe (remember, most people in Zim live on less than $2 a day).

At his 91st birthday in March (an event that cost more than a million U.S. dollars), Mugabe served guests baby elephant, two buffalo, two sables and five impalas. A lion and crocodile were shot and mounted specifically for the event but not eaten.

Appealing to Mugabe to do anything is ridiculous. The man cares about little as 35-year record on human rights, disastrous economic policies, and an impoverished citizenry will attest to.

Asking a guy that had a lion shot and mounted so he could sit under it and eat baby elephant at his birthday to ban legal hunting is about a dumb a notion as I’ve ever heard. But then I’m not sure the 1,111,480 people that are asking Mugabe to ban hunting are actually thinking. More like going on misguided emotion.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
so basically, you agree with Southtown. or are you defending those who would wipe species from this planet for sport?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
so basically, you agree with Southtown. or are you defending those who would wipe species from this planet for sport? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
no i do not you turd. i agree with IFFY that the "real" problem is people like Robert Mugabe who both allows hunting permits legally .. and himself feasts royally on endangered animals. there's a word i'd use for Mugabe but you already know it.

direct your so-called righteous indignation to this asshole. not some successful dentist from Minnesota.

or are you too fucking stupid to see the "real" problem here?
southtown4488's Avatar
Mugabe is a shitbird, no one is arguing that. . . but how in the hell does that excuse the fact that most trophy hunting of endangered species is done by rich Americans??? That successful dentist as you call him is a poor excuse for a human, and I have no problem with hunting. . . legal hunting of species that are not in danger of being extinct. . . but I get it, the successful dentist is a white American so you have no problem with what he did, its the black African you put all the blame on. Maybe both are to blame.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Mugabe is a shitbird, no one is arguing that. . . but how in the hell does that excuse the fact that most trophy hunting of endangered species is done by rich Americans??? That successful dentist as you call him is a poor excuse for a human, and I have no problem with hunting. . . legal hunting of species that are not in danger of being extinct. . . but I get it, the successful dentist is a white American so you have no problem with what he did, its the black African you put all the blame on. Maybe both are to blame. Originally Posted by southtown4488
because you dumbfuck idiot, they sell those hunting permits. then they have the unmitigated gall to be hypocrites about it. can't have it both ways asshole.

well .. in your case you do take it both ways. but that's your problem

try harder.

Salvador Allende was a socialist. and you know it.

As president, Allende adopted a policy of nationalisation of industries and collectivisation; due to these and other factors, increasingly strained relations between him and the legislative and judicial branches of the Chilean government – who did not share his enthusiasm for socialisation – culminated in a declaration of a "constitutional breakdown" by the congress. A centre-right majority including the Christian Democrats, whose support had enabled Allende's election, denounced his rule as unconstitutional and called for his overthrow by force.

What exactly was your point here? nazi.

you actually were a dumbass to pick Chile as an example. i know this story personally. My dad was a senior executive for Anaconda Aluminum Co. He was in fact the second highest ranking executive in the company. Anaconda owned a Copper mine in Chile that they lost due to Allende's nationalism. it was estimated at that time to have 25 BILLION in Copper. it's STILL TO THIS DAY the largest known copper reserve in the world.
Eventually, the Government gave Anaconda 250 Million in compensation for the mine. My Dad's reply to that?

"Meh. it was worth 25 Billion. we got 10 percent."


In 1971, Chile's newly elected Socialist president Salvador Allende confiscated the Chuquicamata mine from Anaconda. Anaconda lost two-thirds of its copper production. Two years later, the new Chilean government paid Anaconda compensation of $250 million after the military overthrow of Allende in September 1973. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Nice deflection, Comrade Captain.

The facts remain that Allende's government was democratically elected by popular votes, and subsequently was overthrown by joint venture of CIA and the Chilean military, as exactly stated by another poster.
  • DSK
  • 09-02-2015, 07:10 AM
Mugabe is a shitbird, no one is arguing that. . . but how in the hell does that excuse the fact that most trophy hunting of endangered species is done by rich Americans??? That successful dentist as you call him is a poor excuse for a human, and I have no problem with hunting. . . legal hunting of species that are not in danger of being extinct. . . but I get it, the successful dentist is a white American so you have no problem with what he did, its the black African you put all the blame on. Maybe both are to blame. Originally Posted by southtown4488
The problem with hunting is that they use guns!! Guns kill people, too!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why should we believe anything you say, Jewish Lawyer?

The real problem here isn't guns, it's YOU.

You're the biggest liar, cheater and welsher in the history of ECCIE.

Stick to reviewing barely legal (ahem) Asian sex slaves. They get to eat after they do a session, so you're performing a mitzvah every time you walk into one of those dank little closets.

You can use your ignore button, but you'll never get any respect around here.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Nice deflection, Comrade Captain.

The facts remain that Allende's government was democratically elected by popular votes, and subsequently was overthrown by joint venture of CIA and the Chilean military, as exactly stated by another poster. Originally Posted by andymarksman
deflect the fact that Allende was a "closet socialist" who lied about his real intentions for the Country to get elected. hmm.. who else does that sound like?

that turned out to be ARCO's problem. that is, if you know the story correctly. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Bullshit. ARCO bought Anaconda in 77. Anaconda didn't stop producing until 83. The only reason ARCO is cleaning up the sites is because they bought Anaconda. Anaconda was the one who created the mess.