Providers asking for donations/sessions

To me, a "come do me" text or phone call is in a completely different league than what I was referring to in my original post. (As long as the girl has been told by the client it is okay to do so. That is a good way to get in deep shit at home for us married guys.) I don't mind those nearly as much but would prefer it to be a rare occasion.

What I'm sick of is the blatant begging for sessions or asking for money via PMs on this web site from those who have not spent a single second with me in the sack. It might be different if I had some history with a girl and she asks when down on her luck, but this is not the case. It's rude, gets really old and I can assure you there is no quicker way to be scratched from my list permanently.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one tired of this. It's also great to hear some of the fine ladies chime in on this subject. Makes me want to snuggle up next to them and thank them properly for being so classy. Originally Posted by TexAss
I'm guilty of telling a gent .... come do me. I do reserve that tho for REALLY hard times (hehehe ok so I want you to be hard and thinking of me).

It takes A LOT of down on my luck to text anyone asking for help, those who know me know that. I do not expect a gentle to just hand over $$ I personally will apply that help to any future session we may have. I am good at remembering most details for a very long time. I remember most who helped me when in dire need when my son passed away.

Right before I was planning a trip north, a gentleman pre-paid on a special deal I offered. I was unable to pay him back or meet up .... but I have NOT forgotten and will pay up with extra time as well.

My rep is much more important than begging and pleading with a guy that I have even seen before... maybe to much pride? I figure a gentleman will contact and see me when he's ready! I'm open for contact at any time when I've screened.... I enjoy phone conversations deeping a connection. Allowing gentlemen to know the more "real me".

Most of the time I am more guilty of speaking my mind than not .... lol
Vnurse: I suppose it is your professional bedside manner which motivates you to want to take care of my ailment... I have always had a thing for nurses for that very reason.

Heck, we all need extra cash and we all fall on hard times. I have learned tho I don't make loans, I make gifts. You only loan someone money who you dont want to be friends with anymore. My best friends have taken advantage of me when I have helped them out : Bail them out of JAIL !!!!, or pay for attorney's fee's to keep their assess out of jail. And they stiffed me ! Then, they wonder why I don't want to have anything to do with them anymore.

Besides, it makes me feel better about myself when I help someone out with a gift. It is a ray of sunshine... But, not to worry, I am still an asshole....I look at it as pennance.

elgato111's Avatar
I have only had one provider contact me about seeing her after she read a post of mine. We did PM a couple of times but I have yet to see her due to seeing ATF who I have been seeing regularly for 2 years and just don't have time or money to see someone new even though I liked what I saw and read in her showcase. But when I do have time/money I will contact her and check her out.

As far as helping someone I have seen before, it is somewhat of a turnoff for me. My ATF has never asked me for anything extra, ever. But when I do give her a little something she really shows her appreciation, in more ways than one.
crashkopf, any time darlin'...any time!

Now that I think about it, I asked geezerdude2 to make my car payment once and he agreed. Of course, I sorta took advantage of his state of mind at the moment. I think he would have said 'yes' to anything! AND I never collected the money...LOL!
Mariah Moore's Avatar
Truly hilarious do providers really do that?
geezerdude2's Avatar
crashkopf, any time darlin'...any time!

Now that I think about it, I asked geezerdude2 to make my car payment once and he agreed. Of course, I sorta took advantage of his state of mind at the moment. I think he would have said 'yes' to anything! AND I never collected the money...LOL! Originally Posted by vnurse
I don't think you even have that car anymore do you?
I think at various times I've promised to pay the car, the house pmt, electric bill, etc etc. Damn it's hard to think straight when something else is straight!
Name her and shame her! No kiddin', maybe she needs it. If they send you requests for money and they have never met you, I assure you they are sending out similar yet equally pathetic PM's to other guys. You'd probably be doing her a favor.

Here is a tip, ladies: if you act like you are broke and hurting for money, or you are constantly complaining it is slow, you are hurting your business. Guys wonder why and then pass you up. Not to mention, begging for money just isn't cute.

Okay so put her name out there please!
CoHorn's Avatar
I must really suck! I have only had one provider ever send me a unsolicited PM and that was Cathy. Never received a text or phone call asking for anything. I didn't know it was even going on.
pmdelites's Avatar
Name her and shame her! No kiddin', maybe she needs it. If they send you requests for money and they have never met you, I assure you they are sending out similar yet equally pathetic PM's to other guys. You'd probably be doing her a favor.

Here is a tip, ladies: if you act like you are broke and hurting for money, or you are constantly complaining it is slow, you are hurting your business. Guys wonder why and then pass you up. Not to mention, begging for money just isn't cute.

Okay so put her name out there please! Originally Posted by Dannie
agreed, dannie.

at one level, a financial transaction occurs.

but i really dont want to know what the woman needs the money for. just like i really dont want to know what Apple Computer or Chuck E. Cheese's needs the money for when i purchase their product.

offer your service and leave it at that!!!

for me, and it sounds like for others, any woman [provider or not] asking me for money or asking me to come visit her so she can pay some of her bills or rent or whatever is one of the biggest turnoffs in my book.

like that is supposed to turn me on or make me want to get it on with her????? i know it wont for me.

on the other hands,

any woman asking me to come over to have some delites like the last time i was there [special or no special] ..... well, it can get lil delites' attention pretty quick.

or my offering to financially assist a woman with no strings attached [like she needs to go to the doctor].
LOL @ are right! That was the Connsmobile and it IS long gone! You are also right about "straightness"! I would NEVER take THAT kind of advantage of you!
tsrv4me's Avatar
Yep a call asking you to stop by since she misses you and knows you dont have the cash to pay today but would still like to see you ..wouldnt that BE NICE ...dont hold your breath it aint gonna happen .....but if you could stop by and bring cash since she is broke a whole different story ....It really does work both ways ...
A lot of folks cannot separate fantasy from reality. That applies to both sides of the street.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I personally like someone who is responsible. I don't want to contribute to someones bad habit. I honestly don't understand why some people cannot save for rainy days. Sure bills need to be paid, but you don't need the Nth pair of shoes and the 500 per month car payment, nor do you need every sticking channel on your cable/satelite line-up. I was unemployeed for 6 months and I never asked for a freebie and I still had money to hobby.

I made enough at my previous job hobby and save making 20K less per anum than I make now. I make a rather modest income. Not in the 6 figures, yet, but I still don't bring home as much as some of you ladies can working a 45 to 60 hour week. If you need more money, take on a few more clients. If you aren't getting a lot of repeat business, maybe your business model isn't working. So, I'm sorry if it sounds callous, but save some fargin money and stop living outside your means.
Name her and shame her! No kiddin', maybe she needs it. If they send you requests for money and they have never met you, I assure you they are sending out similar yet equally pathetic PM's to other guys. You'd probably be doing her a favor.

Here is a tip, ladies: if you act like you are broke and hurting for money, or you are constantly complaining it is slow, you are hurting your business. Guys wonder why and then pass you up. Not to mention, begging for money just isn't cute.

Okay so put her name out there please! Originally Posted by Dannie