And then nunes was impeached"

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Schiff isn't involved in this yet. And a trumpy talking about liars?
Nice, you managed to avoid talking about the article at all.

Sure they can. Schiff is an expert at making shit up, his whole career has depended on it, lol. They are all pissing in the wind, lol. You're just another liberal mutant. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Off topic.

This addresses your "nunes questions".

"In part, that’s because Nunes wants the public to focus not on what witnesses have been asked about, but, instead, on a series of questions that he puts forward as the important ones. With whom did the whistleblower who first raised the alarm about the Ukraine interactions discuss their concerns? What’s the extent of “Ukraine’s election meddling” against the Trump campaign? Why did a Ukrainian energy company hire Biden’s son Hunter to sit on its board?

Those questions are easily answered. The whistleblower’s complaint has been rendered moot by subsequent firsthand testimony reinforcing the elements of the complaint. There is no significant evidence that the Ukrainian government “meddled” in the 2016 election, and any potential “meddling” is ancillary to Trump’s efforts to solicit new investigations by Ukraine. The same holds for the energy company, although Nunes’s question seems to have a direct answer: It likely hired Hunter Biden in the hopes that it might help guide the U.S. government’s treatment of the company. (Bloomberg reported last month that a Ukrainian oligarch, Dmitry Firtash, hired two attorneys to represent him in part because their son works for the Department of Justice. Those attorneys also represent Solomon.)

Nunes concluded his remarks by again suggesting that the Ukraine probe is a function of left-wing media bias and not of valid concerns by witnesses who have publicly offered their views of Trump’s actions."

Trump has been working through his administration to reduce the consumer cost of medications for suppressing derangement syndrome.

There is hope for this country. MAGA!

With minimal effort Nunes has orchestrated the neutering of the lameass impeachment effort by encouraging his Republican colleagues to ask some simple questions of these "bombshell" witnesses SchitFace has parading before the House Lynching Spectacle like:

"Did you hear President Trump talking to anyone in Ukraine on the phone"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
By posting new news?
I say impeach nunes once and that's a mantra?

I'm desperate? I'm not the person who can't address info about the thread other than claiming desperation and foolishness (without pointing out what is desperate etc. Claiming it's obvious is just an extension of a worthless answer).

Who gives a shit about CNN viewership and why does it matter here? It's another "none" answer.

MMM is showing the desperation of the dpst's - their Shiff show clown production is not working at all - CNN viewership is in the toilet.

So - "Impeach Nunes " is the new mantra.

Desperation and foolishness.

MMM - you are welcome to send a letter with Articles of Impeachment on Nunes and Trump to Schiff and pelosi!!.

do somethinig to help your cause and keep you occupied Originally Posted by oeb11
CNN reported someone made a claim about someone else. CNN didn't say claim was true.

Good luck trying to win that lawsuit. A completely frivolous lawsuit. Of course someone who thinks it's a valid lawsuit is the one bringing up Hitler and Goebbles.

You claiming the story is fake shows your trumpy bias.

Me posting the story has you sputtering and screaming fake news without checking any aspect of the story. Another no-link guy.
Nunes is suing CNN and other outlets for releasing a fake and scandalous story as above.

will be interesting to shine the light on it in court, and watch the DPST roaches scurry for cover.

Typical DPST propaganda

DPST's learned many lessons from Goebbels and their national socialist hero hitler.

They do love them their Socialism.

warren and hitler would have made a much better couple than eva!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
Munchmasterman's Avatar
He is suing CNN too. Like I said douche-bag.

And who gives a fuck about the rest of your suing bullshit.
It has nothing to do with me.

Again, CNN reported someone made a statement. They didn't say the comment was true.

And what if you sue me? Other than losing?

You add further confirmation you are just like sc and luke.

I'm not worried about being sued. Seems to me you would be banned (again) long before you could hit the legal level of harassment.
what an idiot you are. he's suing the people behind the accounts. what if i sue the fake "Munchmasterman" ?

as a matter of fact, threats to sue people on this site aren't new .. the late great Luke Wyatt threatened to have people killed. me for one. but i'm still here and he dropped his account.

and then there is this gem from our drive by ghetto troll himself, Sistine Chapel

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
If you continue with your harrassment I'm gonna officially report you to St.C you've been warned cease and desist. Next time either the mods will deal with you or I will be forced to make you waste your money on an attorney. I've given you a fair amount of time lament and get it out of your system. Enough is enough. I will serve you legally through this site if you continue with the harrassment and slander.


Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
HoeHummer's Avatar
Nunes is a fake Mexican.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I saw this response coming a mile away. absurd. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

If you saw it coming then you knew it was true because even you can see it plain as day but that's OK, we each have our reasons for being here. Mine is to have an intelligent civil debate, yours is to well, I'll leave that to others to decide.
LexusLover's Avatar
..... we each have our reasons for being here. Mine is to have an intelligent civil debate, .... Originally Posted by HedonistForever
How's that been working out for you?
LexusLover's Avatar
Off topic.

This addresses your "nunes questions".

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Did you just answer your own question from an Op-Ed article?

Stupid is as Stupid does!

You've joined the Hellen Keller School of Mountain Climbing of 2020!
Hotrod511's Avatar
Devin Nunes, R-Calif., who promised to sue CNN and the Daily Beast, said this week on "Sunday Morning Futures" that the only way to hold the "corrupt" media accountable is to challenge them in federal court.

Nunes first threatened legal action on Friday, after both outlets published stories claiming the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee had met with Ukranian prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, in Vienna in 2018 to push for an investigation into Hunter and Joe Biden. Both stories cite former Rudy Guliani associate, Lev Parnas, who was indicted in October for conspiring to violate the ban on foreign donations, prompting Nunes to question the validity of the source.

"I've been used to this for the last three years," Nunes told Fox News. "The House Intelligence Committee Republicans, we continue to expose Democrat corruption over and over again. And what always happens is right when we expose them... they go out to kill the messenger."

"So this week -- another fake news story. The problem with this week's fake news story is -- we actually caught them," he continued. "And we caught them badly and it also involves criminal activity... We are going to take both CNN and the Daily Beast likely into federal court, right after Thanksgiving and we hope they cooperate."

The Daily Beast originally broke the story about Nunes' alleged meeting on Thursday, citing Parnas' lawyer Ed MacMahon as their source. The Beast also cites congressional travel records which it claims shows Nunes traveled to Europe from Nov. 30 to Dec. 3, 2018, along with three of his aides. CNN followed up with an article on Saturday, citing Parnas' other lawyer, Joseph A. Bondy, who said Nunes was put in touch with officials who could help him dig up dirt on the Bidens.


Nunes: President Trump had good reason to be worried of Ukrainian election meddling and corruptionVideo
Nunes told Fox News it was inappropriate for a news organization to take the word of someone who is attempting to smear a congressman, while still under federal indictment.

"It is not OK to work with someone who has been indicted on [a] serious federal crime, to build a media narrative and dirty up a member of Congress," he said. "You’ve seen it, the American people have seen it over the last three years. We out them, and then they come out with a media narrative to try to dirty up the people who are doing the work on behalf of the American people.

"So we hope that CNN and Daily Beast will cooperate with the court," Nunes continued. "They should comply with the subpoenas once we file this and go through different depositions. It should be fun."

LexusLover's Avatar
Schiff isn't involved in this yet. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Are you ingesting copious amounts of alcoholic beverages while posting?

90% of the bullshit on the internet about Trump comes from ShitFace!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He is suing CNN too. Like I said douche-bag.

And who gives a fuck about the rest of your suing bullshit.
It has nothing to do with me.

Again, CNN reported someone made a statement. They didn't say the comment was true.

And what if you sue me? Other than losing?

You add further confirmation you are just like sc and luke.

I'm not worried about being sued. Seems to me you would be banned (again) long before you could hit the legal level of harassment. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

don't worry about me suing you. you aren't worth the effort. that quote from Sistine Chapel comes from tbone2u's signature not mine. seems the Chapel was a bit upset about that ..

Nunes is a fake Mexican. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

are you a fake hoser?


Are you ingesting copious amounts of alcoholic beverages while posting?

90% of the bullshit on the internet about Trump comes from ShitFace! Originally Posted by LexusLover

one wonders if Schiff considered the fact that the Senate can call their own witnesses in case of a trial? Schiff is already out in front of that claiming he's not a fact witness.

Schiff on why Democrats didn’t call the Ukraine whistleblower to testify

When asked by Todd whether he would testify if called by the Senate in an impeachment trial in the event that the House impeaches Trump, Schiff said, “If the Senate wants to call me as a witness then they pretty much made the decision not to take this process seriously.”

“I’m not a fact witness,” he added.

actually ... he is. he's already admitted his staff and likely himself directly had contact with Eric Ciaramella the patsy .. er whistleblower. Ciaramella was simply a tool in this charade. they needed someone to file a complaint to kick-start this kangaroo court. or as the English say .. drumhead trial.

i doubt that Schiff considered the fact that the Senate can call their own slate of witnesses when he started this.

The Republicans will call ICIG Atkinson too. make he testify under oath what he's already admitted in the press, that he did in fact alter the rules for what is considered an urgent whistleblower concern. only an urgent concern goes to Congress. to the Intel committee specifically. chaired by Schiff. how convenient that!

let's see what the public sentiment is after that "bombshell" testimony, eh?

unless of course they fail to appear or take the 5th ...

bambino's Avatar
Nunes is a fake Mexican. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
You’re an authentic loser.
HedonistForever's Avatar
How's that been working out for you? Originally Posted by LexusLover

About what I expected. As I have posted, I spent 15 years doing this on another board that was recently taken down by the Feds. There were plenty of guys there whose sole purpose of being there was to see who could be the biggest asshole. I had 3 people at best willing to have a civil discussion of the issues. I'm a political junkie and when the other board went down, I thought my days of political debate or at least expressing my opinions was over and then I found this site. Still feeling out who is worth the time and who isn't.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
About what I expected. As I have posted, I spent 15 years doing this on another board that was recently taken down by the Feds. There were plenty of guys there whose sole purpose of being there was to see who could be the biggest asshole. I had 3 people at best willing to have a civil discussion of the issues. I'm a political junkie and when the other board went down, I thought my days of political debate or at least expressing my opinions was over and then I found this site. Still feeling out who is worth the time and who isn't. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

hear hear! are u queer?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
awwww those poor pussies at the NSC. they think they make foreign policy. well they don't. this is happening because the person who does make foreign policy .. the President is unconcerned with the NSC's "opinions". Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
If you say so.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If you say so. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

thank you valueless poster!