president veto

Ducbutter's Avatar
Lusty Tard, handed his ass again. It's becoming a common occurrence. Originally Posted by WombRaider
How do you figure that? WTF is wrong. Lusty said the idea originated with the white house and he's correct.
From those noted right wingers at NPR: "It is true that sequestration was the Obama administration's idea. White House officials proposed it as part of the agreement that resolved the 2011 debt ceiling fight. ".

And being passed by a Rep. controlled House and Dem. controlled Senate and signed by a Dem president, it appears to be pretty bipartisan.
How do you figure that? WTF is wrong. Lusty said the idea originated with the white house and he's correct.
From those noted right wingers at NPR: "It is true that sequestration was the Obama administration's idea. White House officials proposed it as part of the agreement that resolved the 2011 debt ceiling fight. ".

And being passed by a Rep. controlled House and Dem. controlled Senate and signed by a Dem president, it appears to be pretty bipartisan. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Apparently not. Idea or not, it was passed by the republitards. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, they balk. Fuck 'em.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Apparently not. Idea or not, it was passed by the republitards. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, they balk. Fuck 'em. Originally Posted by WombRaider
And signed into law by your boy. He had the option to veto it.
Apparently not. Idea or not, it was passed by the republitards. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, they balk. Fuck 'em. Originally Posted by WombRaider
lustylad's Avatar
How do you figure that? WTF is wrong. Lusty said the idea originated with the white house and he's correct.
From those noted right wingers at NPR: "It is true that sequestration was the Obama administration's idea. White House officials proposed it as part of the agreement that resolved the 2011 debt ceiling fight."
Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Thanks Db. When someone tells me "you're wrong" but is too lazy to provide a link I hesitate to do their homework for them. You just schooled WTF for me. We're talking about something that happened just 4 years ago. Don't these bozos pay attention?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Not as much as you know about sucking cock, captain queerbait. Originally Posted by WombRaider
but in your own words

Originally Posted by WombRaider
Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Just like I know every time you open your mouth, the cum from your customers at the truck stop gloryhole dribbles out.
Nope. I swallow.

Originally Posted by WombRaider
... my boyfriend does complain, about my dick being too wide, not my ass.
Thanks Db. When someone tells me "you're wrong" but is too lazy to provide a link I hesitate to do their homework for them. You just schooled WTF for me. We're talking about something that happened just 4 years ago. Don't these bozos pay attention?
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Typical progtard attempt to revise history. During the 2016 election, don't be surprised if Hillary insists Benghazi was an attempt to finish "Reagan's work."
And signed into law by your boy. He had the option to veto it. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
" Down goes woomby......down goes woomby....." , errr, maybe woomby "going DOWN " ( like Cosell said about Frazier in his fight with Ali ) isn't the best way to describe a yellow backed fag getting his obese ass handed to him ! But it's da TROOF !
And signed into law by your boy. He had the option to veto it. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Not only did he have the option to veto it, he could have Harry Reid not bring it up for vote. Two tactics Obama's employed quite frequently since 2010.
LexusLover's Avatar
We're talking about something that happened just 4 years ago. Don't these bozos pay attention?. Originally Posted by lustylad
Benghazi happened only 3 years ago .... and already the "fix" is under way.

Actually, it's not that the bozos aren't paying attention .... they are ... but they (including WTF) actually believe their bullshit about conservative minded people being "idiots" and "dumbasses" .... They actually believe (and hope) YOU DON'T REMEMBER!!!!

Why do you think Hellarious destroyed .....emails? Getting rid of the EVIDENCE that proves she is now lying ..... but just like Bill ... didn't know about DNA ... Hellarious didn't realize that she really didn't destroy the emails ... she just thought she had.

Of course, now that her good friend "Chris" is dead, she can say what she wants to say about what he said to her personally and THOUGHT .... JUST LIKE A NORMAL LIBERAL. Convenient. Who had the goods on "travelgate"?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-24-2015, 01:50 PM
How do you figure that? WTF is wrong. Lusty said the idea originated with the white house and he's correct.
From those noted right wingers at NPR: "It is true that sequestration was the Obama administration's idea. White House officials proposed it as part of the agreement that resolved the 2011 debt ceiling fight. ".

And being passed by a Rep. controlled House and Dem. controlled Senate and signed by a Dem president, it appears to be pretty bipartisan. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
lustyturd was trying to pass off this as all Obama's point, which you now have agreed with is that it was bipartisan.

Thank you two numbnuts for playing two are playing "gotcha " Instead of "Got it"
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-24-2015, 01:52 PM
Benghazi happened only 3 years ago .... and already the "fix" is under way.

Actually, it's not that the bozos aren't paying attention .... they are ... but they (including WTF) actually believe their bullshit about conservative minded people being "idiots" and "dumbasses" .... They actually believe (and hope) YOU DON'T REMEMBER!!!!

Why do you think Hellarious destroyed .....emails? Getting rid of the EVIDENCE that proves she is now lying ..... but just like Bill ... didn't know about DNA ... Hellarious didn't realize that she really didn't destroy the emails ... she just thought she had.

Of course, now that her good friend "Chris" is dead, she can say what she wants to say about what he said to her personally and THOUGHT .... JUST LIKE A NORMAL LIBERAL. Convenient. Who had the goods on "travelgate"? Originally Posted by LexusLover

Jesus you post like an emotional 12 year old girl
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Bob Woodward, liberal writer and former reporter, wrote that the idea of sequestration came right from Obama himself. Someone ask NBK how his own ass tastes. Enough hot sauce?

Of course many of the conservative members of the GOP opposed the gimic of sequestration as proposed by Obama. They were worried that it would used to hurt the military....guess they were right again.
Ducbutter's Avatar
lustyturd was trying to pass off this as all Obama's point, which you now have agreed with is that it was bipartisan.

Thank you two numbnuts for playing two are playing "gotcha " Instead of "Got it" Originally Posted by WTF
Yes, we agree that it was bipartisan. I've not read this entire thread so I don't know if that was your original position, nor am I particularly interested. I'm happy to give you the benefit of the doubt.
What I was addressing was this demonstrably false comment from you:

"That is not true but hardly worth debating. "

And your story now is that you, being the sly devil you are, have tricked me into stating the position I already held.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Thanks Db. When someone tells me "you're wrong" but is too lazy to provide a link I hesitate to do their homework for them. You just schooled WTF for me. We're talking about something that happened just 4 years ago. Don't these bozos pay attention?
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Lusty, don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not here on the odd occassion to WK for anyone. If you write something egregious enough and I'm in the mood to post, I'll take a swipe at it.
That said, I do like the way you sometimes give some of these clowns the business.