Unactivated gift cards

TinMan's Avatar
I learned it was the scam folks here said it would be.

How much do tanks go for on the dark net? I've always wanted a gently used Sherman.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I learned it was the scam folks here said it would be.

How much do tanks go for on the dark net? I've always wanted a gently used Sherman. Originally Posted by TinMan
Maybe I missed it, but where's the scam part of it, exactly?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Last summer there was a restored Sherman for sale on EBay for $550K.
No longer listed but here's an article about it.

Lol. The notion that it is laughable is quite funny. It seems to me that it's a great way to beat the system and its anti-prostitution bullshit.

'Value' is a relative term. 200 bucks is very little 'value' to someone with 10 million dollars. These laws are hilarious. Advice can be 'valuable'. If someone gives you the right info that lands you a big payday, and you want to have sex with them for it, is it 'prostitution'?? Using sex to get hired, by definition, is prostitution. Using your authoritative position to get laid might as well be the same soliciting. But, somehow using cash, or in this case, a gift card, is criminal??? Bull. But I digress.

Gift cards have no value until activated (says so on the packaging), but the law will circumvent this as well to make an arrest, because they don't give a shit about the people, ESPECIALLY when the people outsmart them. Originally Posted by Randall Creed

When you paid for the card, that indicates the card HAS value.. even though you paid 5-10 dollars to buy a card with no money in its account, the card HAS value. They do not give them away for free