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  • WTF
  • 07-20-2022, 12:05 PM
You might believe that, but it’s not true. The suicide rate of trans is 20x higher than the general population 10-15 years ~after~ medical transitioning. Maybe your definition of loving a kid is attempting to affirm something that can not possibly be affirmed, on this we’ll have to disagree.

I find it much more caring and compassionate to get them the help they need to be brought back into reality. A boy will NEVER be a girl and a girl will NEVER be a boy. In a million years some archaeologist will dig them up, nothing by dust and a few bones, and know within seconds which gender they were. That’s how ingrained male/female genders are, it can’t and will never change.

A question I like to ask is if your kid came to you purporting to be a dog, would you feed them alpo and make them shit in the yard? As silly as that sounds, it’s exactly what telling Dick he can be Jane, or Jane she can be Dick is. It’s simply not possible. While there is a legitimate mental disorder in which a person is tortured by their gender, it’s a tiny fraction of people who want to be known as ‘trans’. These people should be given the mental help they need, and I wish them gods speed in recovery. The rest of it, like 99%, is from an insane society pressuring impressionable kids, and lousy parents who treat their kids like a Coach bag. Just an accessory to show their friends, and a trans kid is the accessory du jour. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Why do you give a fuck?

That is the real question.

If they identify as a dog and shit in the yard....who gives a fuck if they aren't harming you?

You do understand that white men used to identify blacks and women as inferior and didn't even let them vote.

So occasionally old white fuckers do get it wrong....maybe in a 100 years people will look back on post like yours and think what a fucking Neanderthal!

Some may even do so presently.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Yeah-- my kiddo doesn't play sports.. never interested them in the slightest. I'd think the majority of male to female trans are the same. There is a tiny sliver-- so tiny that I can't even reasonably argue for it. I'd think it would be more common to find athletes in the female to male category than male to female. Most M to F that I've met with the therapy and group things are much like my own. Not into sports, not into anything that would be considered "masculine"..
Maybe we should check the testosterone level of all females in sport.

Establish a base level and those "females " that test above it can compete in a different category. Originally Posted by WTF
That wouldn't be a good idea.
Grace Preston's Avatar
That wouldn't be a good idea. Originally Posted by Levianon17

They already do this to a certain extent-- have been a couple of born females who have been banned from competition because of their testosterone levels. Some people just have higher levels.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-20-2022, 12:29 PM
That wouldn't be a good idea. Originally Posted by Levianon17
It is called sarcasm.

Meant to make fun of all this so called outrage over some kid who identifies as the opposite sex.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Why do you give a fuck? Originally Posted by WTF
I give af about truth, living in a sane society is beneficial to everyone. I care about kids. lying to them and telling them they can be something they can’t, icreasing their chances of self harm 20 fold, denying them mental care they deserve and feeding a fantasy that can never be a reality. I care about young girls that practice thousands of hours to shave tenths of a second off their time, only to be overwhelmed by a biological male they could never compete with. I care about the safety of my own kid, stuck in a foxhole with a diversity hire. Yada yada yada yada, I could go on forever.
They already do this to a certain extent-- have been a couple of born females who have been banned from competition because of their testosterone levels. Some people just have higher levels. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
They test for Steroids not natural hormone levels. Bev Francis was a Female Bodybuilder back in the 70's there was always some controversy whether or not she was a tranny because she was more heavily muscled than other female competitors. Her "Test" Levels were probably higher than most women in the sport but she was all women just gifted in the sport. I don't believe she was ever disqualified.
It is called sarcasm.

Meant to make fun of all this so called outrage over some kid who identifies as the opposite sex. Originally Posted by WTF
Well it's hard to tell sometimes with you.
They test for Steroids not natural hormone levels. Bev Francis was a Female Bodybuilder back in the 70's there was always some controversy whether or not she was a tranny because she was more heavily muscled than other female competitors. Her "Test" Levels were probably higher than most women in the sport but she was all women just gifted in the sport. I don't believe she was ever disqualified. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You’re incorrect (not surprisingly). They also test for testosterone levels. Grace is correct. In fact I believe in the last Olympics they disqualified a female athlete for having high testosterone. There were no steroids involved.
You’re incorrect (not surprisingly). They also test for testosterone levels. Grace is correct. In fact I believe in the last Olympics they disqualified a female athlete for having high testosterone. There were no steroids involved. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
No Steroids detectable. Test Levels can remain high in women even after a cycle of Steroids has been suspended.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-21-2022, 12:26 PM
I give af about truth, living in a sane society is beneficial to everyone. I care about kids. lying to them and telling them they can be something they can’t, icreasing their chances of self harm 20 fold, denying them mental care they deserve and feeding a fantasy that can never be a reality. I care about young girls that practice thousands of hours to shave tenths of a second off their time, only to be overwhelmed by a biological male they could never compete with. I care about the safety of my own kid, stuck in a foxhole with a diversity hire. Yada yada yada yada, I could go on forever. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
If you cared about the truth you'd understand that there is a small % of the population that identify as the opposite sex. That is the fucking truth you seem to be having trouble dealing with.
No Steroids detectable. Test Levels can remain high in women even after a cycle of Steroids has been suspended. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Think about what you wrote in this and your prior post. And then think.
Think about what you wrote in this and your prior post. And then think. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Yeah, I know what I wrote, "No Steroids Detected". Testosterone tests show "Total Testosterone" that's the overall concentration of Testosterone, which doesn't enhance athletic performance. It's "Free Testosterone" the level of testosterone the body actually uses which enhances performance. So if these female athletes are displaying above average performance for women in their class due to their higher Testosterone level something has to be freeing it up. Having High Test Levels in and of itself doesn't make an athlete superior. So if they are using Steroids during their training and then discontinued use prior to competition their Total Test levels could still remain high even without the detection of a foreign substances. That's probably why they were disqualified, it's suspicion of PED's. This practice is common in amateur Women's Competition. In professional levels such as Power lifting, Bodybuilding ect. they can be disqualified if an actual Steroid or a precursor is detected.