Trini30 andadian Goddess - Fell through (TWICE)

elcalifa's Avatar
Thanks for the info OP. Saved me some time.
TinMan's Avatar
I guess the OP is within his rights to hobby how he wants, but I think haggling to this extent is just asking for trouble.
Hell, i'm not sure if you can see a SW for 50....haggling is like spitting in Ladys face.
This hobby may not be for some.
KittyLamour's Avatar
I'd also like to add that it is both sad and pathetic that new girls have to go through this 'hazing' of sorts from the broke asses who prey on their naïveté. Fucking pathetic. There should be some sort of introductory PM that goes out to these girls, warning them about the games these dipshits try to play. I'm just sayin. Originally Posted by Dannie
I completely agree with Dannie. I can relate since it was not so long ago that I was new to the hobby...I felt very pressured to lower my rates for "reviews". It was not a nice feeling. In fact when I did not I was informed what a mistake I was making that I'd be out of the business for not conforming. As you can see...that threat really came to fruition.
Trinidadian are a very pretty young lady, you will be a success regardless...just thank him for the free press...I discovered that "All press is good press..." You can pm me anytime you like...
TheDuck's Avatar
Again, I asked her if she was running review specials (this was her first chance to tell me to go away), and she said she would knock $25 off. I told her that was out of my price range. We hung up. She could have left it alone, but SHE CALLED ME BACK and asked ME how much I had. I told her I didn't want to insult her and SHE said she was willing to work with me and that was why SHE CALLED ME BACK. I told her I had $50 (this was her second chance to laugh at me and tell me to pound sand). She said she could do 15 minutes for $50. Originally Posted by centex_mex
I'm a little confused by all this talk about the OP "haggling" and offending the girl...if the above is accurate SHE called HIM back and asked how much he had, he told her, and she told him how much time he would get for that amount...I've seen many providers offer BNGs for 80 and this isn't that far off that figure if you take into account the "review discount". I have no dog in this fight but it just seems to me the OP is getting an undeservedly bad rap.
TinMan's Avatar
I'm a little confused by all this talk about the OP "haggling" and offending the girl...if the above is accurate SHE called HIM back and asked how much he had, he told her, and she told him how much time he would get for that amount...I've seen many providers offer BNGs for 80 and this isn't that far off that figure if you take into account the "review discount". I have no dog in this fight but it just seems to me the OP is getting an undeservedly bad rap. Originally Posted by TheDuck
Do you call girls up offering reviews in exchange for cheap fucks? The guy is getting hammered on this thread because most people think that is a sorry way to go about hobbying. He has every right to do it, but he shouldn't be surprised if the women on the other end of the line are offended.
There wasn't really any "haggling". She didn't post prices on the welcome wagon. So I called her and asked her what her rates were (with a review). She told me and I told her that was out of my price range and thanked her. She called me back and asked how much I had. I said I didn't want to insult her with what I was willing to pay. She pressed me for an amount, I told her $50. She said she could do 15 minutes for $50 and a review. That's how it all started. To me "haggling" is she gives me a rate, I counter it, she counters that, I counter that and we meet somewhere in the middle. Anyway, I don't want to get into symantics.

I appreciate all of the comments left here. It is nice to see the providers sticking up for each other. In my line of work, the competition is the enemy. But seeing you go to bat for each other is refreshing. I know I've taken a beating from many of you, but you don't know me, so I just have to let it roll off my back. Every other time I have had a session, I find a provider, read the reviews, look at the prices and see if it fits in with my budget and if it doesn't, I move on. I'm not calling providers who advertise for $200 and asking them if they will take $100. And when we agree on a time, I do everything I can to show up at that time. And when I show up, I'm clean, I smell good and I abide by their menu. And when time is up, I'm gone.

I have learned a lot from this and will take all of the comments to heart. Thank you all. Be safe.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Went outta your way to think you could use this board to make her (in the future of course) very gross OF YOU.. xxoo Annie P.s- YEAH WE DO CHARGE.. ITS A F@$#&$ SERVICE AFTERALL not a diamond market!! lol
I did advise that $50 for a review was okay because I really needed reviews but after thinking about it I felt like a cheap whore donating my time for $50... I am new to eccie but not new to the hobby and felt harassed when he kept asking me. I have a child and have bills and I am a very good provider and I don't feel like $50 for 30 mins is worth my time. Originally Posted by Trinidadian Goddess
Good for you! I wouldn't have given that piece of shit the time of day either.

You get what you pay for dude. You know who gets the royal treatment every time I see him? The guy who always tips a hundred bucks! Not the guy who haggles, and certainly not the guy who asks for something so ridiculously offensive.
It is nice to see the providers sticking up for each other. seeing you go to bat for each other is refreshing. Originally Posted by centex_mex
IMHO, We need to see more of this from ALL Providers.
Very Refreshing indeed. Way to go ladies.

IMHO, The ONLY intention of creating this thread and putting it in the Co-ed section was to smear a newbie provider and teach her a lesson for NCNS of a 50 BNG haha. In my time in the hobby, i have read many kinds of offers similar to this, even free session's for great review's, and other things i can't mention here. Opportunists are Everywhere.

Thuck Fat's Avatar
You get what you pay for dude...... Originally Posted by Lily Blair
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
centex mex...get off your high horse and get a freakn' clue! You want us to feel bad for you because you didn't get your cheap POA...ok, poor you! I'll give you one thing...she handled the situation poorly...and as she learns from BAD CHOICES...hopefully, she'll learn to stay CLEAR of all the jerks of the community!

centex mex...YOU'RE the one who made a VERY BAD be DISRESPECTFUL and thinking you could TAKE ADVANTAGE of a newbie provider...SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!

When a RESPECTABLE hobbyist...who doesn't SELL REVIEWS for a cheap POA...gets the run-around...that's when we understand FRUSTRATION for getting NCNS'd...and is ALERT WORTHY!

It's one thing to compromise on a REASONABLE offer...that's beneficial to BOTH parties; however, offering a review (which is done for FREE by MOST of the hobbyists) for a low donations is...just low class DUMB!

Premium access does not give you the right to demean ANYONE! And, until you put your butt on the line...and walk in our shoes for a few have absolutely no right to say "who else makes this much money...BS," as it is very apparent...that you are CLUELESS! Originally Posted by Likinikki
After reading the entire thread this seems to pretty much sum up the whole story. It's one thing to pay a low rate and brag about it on here. But, to offer a review for a deep discount, try to blackamail someone and then complain when things don't go our way? DING, DING! We've hit an all-time low on eccie. Sure makes ya' proud to be an eccie member.
BTW, where's our resident dumpster diving, bargain hunting, hobbyists to defend centex? Maybe they will come out and make the thread even more interesting. Gotta love this site.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Kinda the reverse of the all too regular "Don't Pay for Sessions In Advance" threads.....

Centex, for you to be offended is beyond my comprehension. Yeah, she might have cut you this deal and didn't make good on it, but you really, REALLY have balls of brass and brains of mush to trot this little adventure out in public. It seems to me that you either have an over developed sense of entitlement or an under developed estimation of everything else.

A classic display of when throwing mud gets everyone dirty.

OTOH, this could be a very devious method of drumming up biz for the girl. After the nitwitboy escapade, I'm not putting anything past anybody. Wonder how long the OP's handle will last?
Good for you! I wouldn't have given that piece of shit the time of day either.

You get what you pay for dude. You know who gets the royal treatment every time I see him? The guy who always tips a hundred bucks! Not the guy who haggles, and certainly not the guy who asks for something so ridiculously offensive. Originally Posted by Lily Blair
Lily Blair what does tipping and haggling have to do with this thread

Centex you should have stuck with your first instincts and not make the offer when deep down you knew it was insulting. Plus your threw us Premium Members under the bus by claiming to be speaking for us. To the provider your not clean on this one either. If 50 bucks was a slap in the face to you then why even entertain the offer in the first place.

I am not sure if it's Centex praying on her ( lets be real she is an adult ) versus seeing an opportunity. Centex i understand for you it is the principle of the matter but come on 50 dollars not worth the drive nor the thread.

Lastly providers, let's be honest there are some amongst you who treat reviews like it's life and death. Centex will not the be last hobbiest to find providers willing to take that kind of deal
Mister Tudball's Avatar
...very ironic.

By trying to get a cheap fuck, he instead shows himself to be one.