A Labor of LOVE

boardman, DH, stop going back and forth with him please. I'm trying to let my thread live long enough to sprout at least tadpole legs... this is what got CarmelaLeal's thread closed. Just let go for a minute. You guys will have your turn. Meet me on the island or something.
Raphael's Avatar
Looks like Laughable Daphne may be getting the point: it is in her and the lynchmob's best interest to back off...
dearhunter's Avatar
I'm not big on banning any fucktards........who would I have to fuck with?
notanewbie's Avatar
you could always cram a hand in him to make him talk...or just keep posting
notanewbie's Avatar
an what's up with the cheap whores and broads nonsense. That is weak even for a SHMB. Many toss those phrases around in jest but HP you are really taking this all too serious.
I know you wanted it Raph...but it wasn't meant to be...I have mod friends too...not banned again...
proper's Avatar
Man this is too much. Wakeup - bannned then not banned again. Hand Puppets, cheap whores and broads. dh feces. fucktards, hooktards ............

Man the idea is to have fun here and not take this very seriously. I am not saying much in black and white .........
I know...this is SHMB awesomeness...

I'm just saying...
proper's Avatar
Wakeup - Lets carry this on. I want to have some fun man

So what are you saying wakeup ........
someone needs to come fuck me and my day would be complete.. awesomeness and all

I love you guys!

Oh, and boardman I found you another avatar. You're welcome.
Can't come fuck you LD, as mietk put it "you're not a white as bleached flour"...sorry. Raph kills me...he actually thinks I was banned and thanks the mods for it...classic...

Not quite sure what I'm saying actually...
not a problem, I have a no douchebag policy anyhow.. though if I didn't you'd be my ATF douche

So CarmelaLeal's thread gets closed, just like mine, because of hijackers. So now someone who I never saw post, is deterred from posting because of the drama. Guess the 4 girls that post in public forum now are enough.... interesting...

Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Just an observation, many of us have not been able to enjoy this board near as much since it became your last refuge.
I'm sure the mods, admins and owners will tire of your complaining just as we all have.
History is not on your side. Originally Posted by boardman

Wait now!!! Lets not start bringing trival things such as "History" and "Facts" into all this!! Thats when shit goes really sideways!

I love this thread already! So much goodness here! Lets recap shall we?

1. DH's Feces
2. "Low Class Hooker" Blasts
3. Throat Fucking
4. beastiality-pedophilia
5. Wakeup calling in favors to be un-banned
6. HP returns

By all means! Let the Labor of LOVE continue!

Now we are only missing a MAJOR participant here..... DH's Sweetness!! You KNOW she'll be along soon!

proper's Avatar
Can't come fuck you LD, as mietk put it "you're not a white as bleached flour"...sorry. Raph kills me...he actually thinks I was banned and thanks the mods for it...classic...

Not quite sure what I'm saying actually... Originally Posted by Wakeup
I get what you are saying man ....
yeah what's up with this fucktard? what is his beef?please limit white spaces so no one suspects anything and lets continue to have fun