Sugar Babies, Trophy Wives & the Men that Love them

John Bull's Avatar
WTF, even though you are much older than me, let me give you a piece of advice.......the worst kind of SB is the one working on a professional degree.....those SB's working to be attorneys, doctors and MBA's use you and toss you away once they accomplish their find out suddenly you aint all that and all you have left is your broken are the stepping stone they step on to make their lives easier..... Originally Posted by Marshall
Well now that would just be a hell of a shock to find that out, wouldn't it?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-06-2011, 09:54 AM
Well now that would just be a hell of a shock to find that out, wouldn't it? Originally Posted by John Bull
No shit JB, lil sugarbaby done used up my weenie and tried to break my heart in the process.

Marshall don't know me very well!

That heart breaking chit don't go over to well in the paid arena. Not saying it don't happen but this injun got more than one sugarbaby to get him thru hard times!
Marshall, I'm not white knightessing WTF mind you, but I hate to keep going back to the fact that he's pretty good lookin'. I'm sure he does quite well with the ladies even without the SB/SD thing.
Idina's Avatar
  • Idina
  • 07-06-2011, 12:20 PM
What an intriguing post. All of you have made so many valid points in regards to being a SD, an SB or even a mistress. Centuries before feminism, affirmative action, women executives and Ivy League educations, some women had to resort to very direct ways to get ahead. These women, the now called Sugarbabies of our time, achieved wealth and social status through talent, hard work and skills. These ladies of history were so much less prostitutes and so much more the great women of their time.

Throughout history, these ladies populated the worlds of art, politics and power becoming celebrated and powerful in their own right. SB's or whatever you wish to call them, led brilliant lives so one assumes that they where extraordinarily beautiful. The fact is that most were not.

What they did have however was gaiety, brilliance, sass, grace, charm, a construction of beauty and a grasp of the mechanics of power.

From decorous to bombshell, they were the select elite. They were the ultimate manifestation of prestige and status. What were their secrets? What was to be learned from over 300 years of femininity, grace, poise and artistic self-expression? Plenty. Grace and elegance define a 'girlfriend' and so does sassy, sexy confidence. The art of being charming is a skill that can take a woman far in life. Some are naturally born to it; others need guidance. Luckily, it is something that can be learned and even perfected.The power of femininity and sensuality. One of the most valued flairs is the subtle use of the body. The beauty of speech. Correct pronunciation, diction, articulation and voice modulation is a captivating way to communicate effectively. To have a voice that mesmerizes and a laugh that, in its ring, thrills the SD.

A most endearing compliment was recently bestowed upon me: "You take being a woman to a whole other level" This statement resonated with me in the extreme. To panegyrize me in such a way was truly humbling.

"She could rely on four major assets: very great beauty; a subtle, exquisite and barbed sense of humour; an inborn taste for dress and a considerable fortune." ~ On Daisy Fellowes
Marshall don't know me very well!

That heart breaking chit don't go over to well in the paid arena. Not saying it don't happen but this injun got more than one sugarbaby to get him thru hard times! Originally Posted by WTF
more than one SB? That sounds like too much of a time and money investment.......getting laid is always important, I get that.....I don't understand your SB motivation, especially at your first thought is you care about being seen about with young and attractive women.....

If one is interested in getting laid, one hires a provider on a transactional basis, it's cheaper....if one wants more than getting laid, then SB. That's a relationship and feelings getting in the way.....of course, WTF is too cool for feelings, he's the exception to the rule, right?.......
Marshall, I'm not white knightessing WTF mind you, but I hate to keep going back to the fact that he's pretty good lookin'. I'm sure he does quite well with the ladies even without the SB/SD thing. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

whether a guy is handsome or not doesn't mean much when there's a whole house of crazy going on inside.....crazy has to pay every time because women don't hang around for a relationship with crazy for free,unless they are crazy also....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-06-2011, 03:28 PM
more than one SB? That sounds like too much of a time and money investment....... Originally Posted by Marshall
If you are a poor ass mofo it is fo sho.....

Maybe I have more time and money than you, who knows. That part of the equation varies from person to person.

I don't understand your SB motivation, especially at your age....
... Originally Posted by Marshall
You wouldn't or better stated, I would not expect you to, you are just a youngester. You can not see the world through my lens no more than I can see the world thur yours.
my first thought is you care about being seen about with young and attractive women..... Originally Posted by Marshall
Ok, I get that as your first thought. Haven't you understood by now, I don't really care about your first or last thought about me or any thoughts in between.

If one is interested in getting laid, one hires a provider on a transactional basis, it's cheaper.... Originally Posted by Marshall
Yes it is cheaper but I am a natural born teacher and as such , I am wanting to improve society as a whole.

....if one wants more than getting laid, then SB. That's a relationship and feelings getting in the way.....of course, WTF is too cool for feelings, he's the exception to the rule, right?....... Originally Posted by Marshall
No I'm not to cool for feelings, in fact I have feelings for ladies I hire on a hourly basis too. I just do not let those feeling cloud my judgement on just wtf kind of relationship either an hourly or longer term relationship really is.

Every decision has a cost/benefit tied to it, most people have a hard time understanding that fact. You might be one of those folks.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-06-2011, 03:31 PM
whether a guy is handsome or not doesn't mean much when there's a whole house of crazy going on inside.....crazy has to pay every time because women don't hang around for a relationship with crazy for free,unless they are crazy also.... Originally Posted by Marshall
Nobody hangs around nobody for free...

Once you learn that lesson, life will be much simplier.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-06-2011, 03:38 PM
"She could rely on four major assets: very great beauty; a subtle, exquisite and barbed sense of humour; an inborn taste for dress and a considerable fortune." ~ On Daisy Fellowes Originally Posted by Idina
I would place considerable fortune over very great beauty any day.

Were Daisy Fellows alive, my guess is she would concur.

Nobody hangs around nobody for free...

Once you learn that lesson, life will be much simplier. Originally Posted by WTF
I'd hang out with you for free WTF
I'd hang out with you for free WTF Originally Posted by MsElena
Be careful what you wish for.
I'm sure I could handle him. The question is, could he handle me?

I've missed you SR
I've missed you SR Originally Posted by MsElena
I've been here. I haven't gone any place. I check your home turf too.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-06-2011, 08:38 PM
I'd hang out with you for free WTF Originally Posted by MsElena
MsE, with tata's like yours, I'd hang on you like a pet monkey!

Be careful what you wish for. Originally Posted by SR Only
Hey SR this is the new and gentler D&T!
John Bull's Avatar
It is and you and Marshall have been disturbing the equilibrium today. Let's get the personal chit out of it and get back on subject, eh boys!

The fact is I'm better looking and older than both of you. LOL