What were those "read cards"

boardman's Avatar

And so now they are going to smear even Dickemdown?
(and why don't they enquire into what the ladies think of these hobby boards, before they think themselves qualified to determine who is and is not reputable...) Originally Posted by Raphael
(insert insulting moniker here), heal thyself....
boardman's Avatar
Uhh....... Not sure Someone is "reading between the lines"...... but.........

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
Yeah, self absorption apparently causes myopia.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Yeah, self absorption apparently causes myopia. Originally Posted by boardman
Apparently so my good man........

Yeah, I guess I was just trying to apply a standard business practice to the field and it does not always work.

Your are right though Brooke does have much more reviews. I'm sure Brooke has more business than me. I like low volume. My clients rarely do reviews. Not many are from any board just referrals really. But I'm not in the position to require too many a week so I'm doing ok. I was just throwing an idea out there.

Please cats and dudes that have avatars like Jesus should not fight. It was just an idea people......

You can never make everyone happy, if one person is not pissed at you the other is so I just stopped trying and I am much happier this way.
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 09-27-2010, 05:35 PM
Hey angelinadream, your tag line said 138.3 lbs EXACTLY. So, if I bring a scale to the session and if you are 183.3 lbs, is that a bait and switch?
allofamber's Avatar
[quote=Killersalt;622494]Funny how she needs all these "gimmicks" and threADs if she is so busy.

THAT EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING!!!...why would someone who preaches that they are so busy need a gimmick..or discount cards?

Please tell me guys..that you see right through this????
Because I'm a thinker and take low volume clients. I look at every aspect. If there's something to differentiate me from others I will do it. That's what business is. Not trying to be like your competitors but standing out in a different way. It is standard business practice in almost all businesses.

I don't preach I'm busy I clearly state I take one client a day on certain days. It's on my tag line...........
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Uh..... AD... Please google search "The Big Lebowski" to understand my Avatar.. Not Jebus... And nobody is fighting here... I simply stated my opinion on the topic by using selected quotes of others..

Lovely Ninja AllofAmber..... Please see my classification above said Avatar...... PS. I love your Boobies!

Play nice kids......

Hey angelinadream, your tag line said 138.3 lbs EXACTLY. So, if I bring a scale to the session and if you are 183.3 lbs, is that a bait and switch? Originally Posted by Dad
Yes it would be.....and it would be so funny. Ok I better add a clause for PMS water retention +/- 5 LBS.

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Night time Sofia is in the building
Ok to remind you I'm not.....Would you like me to PM you the story of how you started in the bizz.....This is not needed nor is it on topic....
Killersalt's Avatar
Ok to remind you I'm not.....Would you like me to PM you the story of how you started in the bizz.....This is not needed nor is it on topic.... Originally Posted by angelinadream
I recall seeing another thread, where Brooke mentioned that she knew you (AD) and I belive your (AD's) response was something to the effect of "Brooke, you know me??....." Your response and other reponses to her seemed to indicate that you were not sure how Brooke knew you. Perhaps I misread all of this?

Now you're talking all kinds of smack about how you left Brooke, didn't want to work with her and you know all about her, etc. This latest series, seems kind of odd to me, given your other post?

Also, my earlier comment was not an any way questioning DED, or his reputation, although some seemed to try and spin my comments that way. I simply said get good reviews from reputable members and the rest will take care of itself, etc., no gimmicks necessary. As to the topic of this thread. No further comment by RAP is necessary, as he doesn't seem to understand my comments and I don't need him misquoating them again.
Raphael's Avatar
If Killersalt would write creditable reviews, he might become a reputable member...
There should be a rule that you should either be a provider, a Paid Premuim Member, or at least write honest reviews if your sole intention is to start problems. At least this way you could justify your actions. Yet Salty you have none of those except the problem causing skills.

I asked about the red cards not for you to give me a recap of my history with Brooke.
Killersalt's Avatar
If Killersalt would write creditable reviews, he might become a reputable member... Originally Posted by Raphael
I really don't care what YOU think RAP, please keep your comments about me to yourself.