Trump could win a bigger Electoral margin in 2020 while losing a bigger popular vote!

the fact that the left is out to get him is exactly why he'll win again. they haven't learned schiff .. er shit since 2016. the press either. for fun i am watching the madcow bloviate about Mueller's clear and compelling testimony. makes me wonder what testimony she's fucking talking about??

the same people who hated Trump in 2016 are the same people who hate Trump now. in the meantime, the left is in full meltdown mode by fighting the law that Trump is upholding. they will ensure the Democratic nominee will be a firebrand socialist woman. that is a losing gambit. the economy is strong. Jobs are strong. Trade is more fair. so what do they have to run against Trump?? nothing except Socialism.

yeah .. that's not gonna be a winner this cycle. maybe in 20-30 years? i won't be alive to see it. or too old to care. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Hit the TV with your cane!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So, you’re saying AA’s and Latino’s will vote against their economic gains? That makes a lot of sense. The 2018 election was a year and a half ago. The economy was just starting to gain the strength it’s on now. I went out on a limb with the House in 18. But they gained in the Senate, which was historic. 40 retiring house members was just to big a hill to climb. It’s a long way out. If the Dems bring an impeachment trial, they can kiss the House goodbye. Originally Posted by bambino
I'm saying that in November 2018 the economic gains that people enjoyed under Trump did not seem to impact the elections. There is obviously more at play than just the economy. The 2018 election was just 8 months ago, not 18 months ago. Nothing major has improved in the economy from November 2018 to July 2019.

Yes, it's a long way out. In a few minutes the 2nd quarter GDP will be announced. Most economic indicators point to a slowing of the economy for the rest of this year and next. Certainly not a recession type of slowing, but a slowing none the less.

But I agree that bringing impeachment proceedings will not be in the best interest of the Democrats.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I think it is obvious.

The left is out to get him. I hope they fail but it would be fatal hubris to think the election is even strongly probable for another Trump victory with all the people who hate him.

I was shocked but pleased he won the first time and very fervently hope he wins again. America needs him badly. Originally Posted by friendly fred
I asked because most of the pundits who predict the 2020 election are predicting Trump to win. Yes, polls have him behind Biden. Even Ted Cruz puts the election at 50-50, as do I. Too many uncertainties at this point in time.
if the Democrats continue to do the show & tell the way they have!!! Trump might very well be shoo in for a 2nd term!!
bambino's Avatar
I'm saying that in November 2018 the economic gains that people enjoyed under Trump did not seem to impact the elections. There is obviously more at play than just the economy. The 2018 election was just 8 months ago, not 18 months ago. Nothing major has improved in the economy from November 2018 to July 2019.

Yes, it's a long way out. In a few minutes the 2nd quarter GDP will be announced. Most economic indicators point to a slowing of the economy for the rest of this year and next. Certainly not a recession type of slowing, but a slowing none the less.

But I agree that bringing impeachment proceedings will not be in the best interest of the Democrats. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I’ll bet you Trump will gain percentage points with AAs and Latinos this time around. He won’t have need much more than 16 where he outpaced Romney’s totals.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I’ll bet you Trump will gain percentage points with AAs and Latinos this time around. He won’t have need much more than 16 where he outpaced Romney’s totals. Originally Posted by bambino
It's almost impossible to do worse with AAs than Trump did in 2016. I would not be at all surprised if he increased his anemic percentage vote totals in 2020 over 2016 among both groups. Trump has stated his approval rating is at 50% with Hispanics. Obviously not true.

What I am saying is that his recent statements, which have been deemed racist by most, have had a negative impact on both AA and Hispanic voters. See the article below. The impact at the voting booths is unknown at this point in time. I will say the comments will not help.
I B Hankering's Avatar
It's almost impossible to do worse with AAs than Trump did in 2016. I would not be at all surprised if he increased his anemic percentage vote totals in 2020 over 2016 among both groups. Trump has stated his approval rating is at 50% with Hispanics. Obviously not true.

What I am saying is that his recent statements, which have been deemed racist by most, have had a negative impact on both AA and Hispanic voters. See the article below. The impact at the voting booths is unknown at this point in time. I will say the comments will not help. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Only people brainwashed by the lame-stream media believe Trump's statements are "racist". Lefties are throwing around the same comments all of the time, but no one on the left imagines for a minute that they are "racists". Do you imagine they are being dishonest when they call Trump a racist but do not so label someone on the left a racist for expressing those exact same words?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Only people brainwashed by the lame-stream media believe Trump's statements are "racist". Lefties are throwing around the same comments all of the time, but no one on the left imagines for a minute that they are "racists". Do you imagine they are being dishonest when they call Trump a racist but do not so label someone on the left a racist for expressing those exact same words? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I did not call Trump a racist. He made comments that were deemed to be racist by people on both sides of the aisle. Although most Republicans in Congress have not condemned Trump's comments, very few have come out in support of him either. That speaks volumes.

You are an old white man, as am I. Most old white men are clueless as to what statements might be considered racist by AA/black people. Trump's statements were racist. He may not have meant them to be racist but they were. You will find very few saying they were not racist.

The statement by Omar was perfect. She is an American. You and I are American. In all likelihood none of us are Native Americans. So if
it is appropriate to send Omar "home" it is just as appropriate to send everyone else who emigrated to this country home.

The article I cited shows the negative impact of Trump's statements on voters.
bambino's Avatar
I did not call Trump a racist. He made comments that were deemed to be racist by people on both sides of the aisle. Although most Republicans in Congress have not condemned Trump's comments, very few have come out in support of him either. That speaks volumes.

You are an old white man, as am I. Most old white men are clueless as to what statements might be considered racist by AA/black people. Trump's statements were racist. He may not have meant them to be racist but they were. You will find very few saying they were not racist.

The statement by Omar was perfect. She is an American. You and I are American. In all likelihood none of us are Native Americans. So if
it is appropriate to send Omar "home" it is just as appropriate to send everyone else who emigrated to this country home.

The article I cited shows the negative impact of Trump's statements on voters. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Trump told them to go home and make their country of origin better. Like say, Somalia. He then said to come back. He wasn’t being racist.
  • oeb11
  • 07-26-2019, 08:00 AM
All Conservatives are aware that anytime the DPST's have no cogent, constructive answer or pont in a debate -

They go to the Race -Card.
let them Scream all they want

Time to Stand up and refused to be intimidated by the use of a Fake Label!!
It is just DPST thought control and Speech Control Tactics.
Trump told them to go home and make their country of origin better. Like say, Somalia. He then said to come back. He wasn’t being racist. Originally Posted by bambino
And this is the problem with the "supposed quote" from Trump.

No one has yet actually shown me where he said anything about countries of origin.

When he said "go back to where you came from", he could just as easily been referring to their "shithole"(my addition not Trump's statement) districts and make them better.

It's been blow so far out of context that it now doesn't even have meaning.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I did not call Trump a racist. He made comments that were deemed to be racist by people on both sides of the aisle. Although most Republicans in Congress have not condemned Trump's comments, very few have come out in support of him either. That speaks volumes.

You are an old white man, as am I. Most old white men are clueless as to what statements might be considered racist by AA/black people. Trump's statements were racist. He may not have meant them to be racist but they were. You will find very few saying they were not racist.

The statement by Omar was perfect. She is an American. You and I are American. In all likelihood none of us are Native Americans. So if
it is appropriate to send Omar "home" it is just as appropriate to send everyone else who emigrated to this country home.

The article I cited shows the negative impact of Trump's statements on voters.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I know hypocrisy when I see it. I also know the lib-retard, lame-stream media is almost entirely manned by hypocrites. I know their audiences are unthinkingly swallowing the hypocrisy of the lib-retarded lame-stream media. Hence, I really don't give a fuck about what those people "think" because it's obvious they don't "think". They just regurgitate what they are told.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Trump told them to go home and make their country of origin better. Like say, Somalia. He then said to come back. He wasn’t being racist. Originally Posted by bambino
First, Red State is about as far to the right publication as it can get. I wouldn't trust anything they say, even with a huge grain of salt.

Whether you or I deem Trump's comments to be racist is somewhat irrelevant. It is whether or not voters deem his comments to be racist. When 2 polls taken about 12 days apart, one before and one after his comments, show a 16 point decrease in Trump's job performance among Hispanic voters and a 5 point decrease among AA voters, and a 3 point decrease among Asian voters, those results are statistically significant.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I know hypocrisy when I see it. I also know the lib-retard, lame-stream media is almost entirely manned by hypocrites. I know their audiences are unthinkingly swallowing the hypocrisy of the lib-retarded lame-stream media. Hence, I really don't give a fuck about what those people "think" because it's obvious they don't "think". They just regurgitate what they are told. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Much like Trump supporters.
lustylad's Avatar
In 2016 Trump received an estimated 28% of the Hispanic vote and 6% - 8% of the black vote. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The actual percentages were 29% and 8%, respectively. Both were better than Romney's showing in 2012.

Hildebeest won only 88% of the black vote. Their turnout dropped 11% versus 2012.