Trump insults John McCain - Says Heros Don't Get Captured

I can see why you get a lot of flak around here. First of all it's quite wimpy to attack me personally just because you don't like my post. First of all I am proud of our Military and I support those that serve in any capacity. I think to call someone a "War Hero" depends on your definition. If your definition of War Hero depicts John McCain I'll respect that. But don't fuck with me just because my view differs from yours, ok.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Get ready for WE1911 to blowup and claim that you have an agenda against poor little ole him and sick his attorney on you. After he runs crying to the mods....AGAIN !!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't agree with most of McCain's politics- but one thing I agree with is that McCain was a hero- Trump basically just shitted on every soldier who has ever put on a uniform.
The bigger embarrassment is that Trump is the leading GOP candidate????

Also, didn't Whirly make a post that he agrees with Trump? Well whirly do you still agree with this scumbag? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

YOU! You don't have the moral authority make such a claim. Only a soldier can make that claim and you're too chicken shit to have done that. I put on the uniform and wore it proudly for a good portion of my adult life (as did my sister, uncles, and many cousins). We have the earned right to that opinion, NOT YOU!
Donald Trump just insulted John McClain and all POWs for being captured in action. Says they are not heros. I guess only those who get killed in action are heros to The Donald.

Yes you guys have some candidate there. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Been waiting years for someone to say that. McCain "the war hero" is vastly over stated. Luckiest day of his life when he got shot down. Had he been better as a Naval Aviator you wouldn't know who the hell John McCain is today. And I'm certain that would be a bad thing.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
YOU! You don't have the moral authority make such a claim. Only a soldier can make that claim and you're too chicken shit to have done that. I put on the uniform and wore it proudly for a good portion of my adult life (as did my sister, uncles, and many cousins). We have the earned right to that opinion, NOT YOU! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Youre a besotted asshole, JDrunk. You deserve NOTHING more than anybody else does. Now you're shitting on the fucking constitutional rights you swore to defend as a "soldier."

I think you could use some counseling. Pity that Dubya gutted the VA and left you high and dry.

Go fuck your sanctimonious self, JDrunk.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
"The man is unstable. On impulse, he picked an unqualified vice-presidential candidate, and now he's surprised to find her mired in personal scandal. His out-of-control temper is legendary in the Senate. He wanted to invade Iraq before 9/11. He wants to bomb Iran and fight Russia. We honor his sacrifice as a tortured prisoner of war, but a dangerous powder keg like John McCain has no place in the White House. Democrat Strategist, 2008

Surrogates should refer to McCain as "John Bomb-first-and-ask-questions-later McCain." And the candidates should, at every opportunity, conflate McCain's experience with his aggressive posture with language like, "We all admire John's service but experience in war doesn't give you the judgement to make peace." Democratic Strategist, 2008

GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: Well, I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be President. Meet the Press, 2008

liberal blogger John Aravosis, writing that "[g]etting shot down, tortured, and then doing propaganda for the enemy is not command experience." Slate, 2008

Gore Vidal questioned McCain's war record in a New York Times Magazine interview: "Who started this rumor that he was a war hero? Where does that come from, aside from himself? About his suffering in the prison war camp?"

Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., essentially denounced McCain for being a fighter pilot: "What happened when they [the missiles] get to the ground? He doesn't know. You have to care about the lives of people. McCain never gets into those issues."

After statements by a half-dozen high-profile Democrats and Obama surrogates, you cannot persuade me that there is not a concerted effort on the part of Obama Democrats to criticize McCain on his war record. George McGovern, Jay Rockefeller, Tom Harkin, Democratic congressional candidate Bill Gillespie, Ed Schultz, Tony McPeak, and now Clark. Way too many to be coincidence. We’re seeing a lot more derisive comments about McCain’s wartime service than we are about Obama’s race. Jim Geraghty, 2008

"John McCain is a warmonger, pure and simple. He must not be allowed in the White House to continue the Bush wars." Ed Schultz introducing Obama at a rally

“He’s a supporter of a war that Senator Obama believes should have never been authorized and never been waged.” Jen Psaki, current White House commications director

"Suppose John McCain had been Joan McCain and Joan McCain had got captured, shot down and been a POW for eight years?" Steinem asked, suggesting the media would ask "'What did you do wrong to get captured? What terrible things did you do while you were there as a captive for eight years?" ...
Referring to his time in captivity, Steinem said, with bewilderment, "I mean, hello? This is supposed to be a qualification to be president? I don’t think so." Gloria Steinem, 2008

"If John McCain wants to know where the bad guys live, come back with me to Afghanistan. We know where they reside, and it's not in Iraq." Joe Biden, 2008

What war did McCain win? And he spent Vietnam, his biggest war, of course, in a POW camp as Wesley Clark struggled to say accurately, but impoliticly, Eisenhower ran a war, McCain did not. Mark Green, CEO of Air America, 2008 (it won't copy and paste so here are some of the relevant statements if you want to look them up)
Noam Chomsky and Medea Benjamin (Code Pink founder) accuse McCain of being a "war criminal" for bombing civilians.
Tom Hayden compares McCain's time in captivity to that of a convicted criminal in prison.
Jeffrey Klein of Mother Jones, accuses the McCain family of protecting the screw up John McCain throughout his career.
Doug Valentine of Counter Punch magazine accuses John McCain of being the biggest collaborator in the Vietnam War.

I'll stop here. This is only four pages into my search for democratic attacks on John McCain's war record. I also seem to recall attacking whether or not John McCain was even an American citizen since he was born in Panama, and whether or not he violated national security regs because he had a torrid affair with a South American beauty his 20s.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Democrats were dedicated to beating McCain. What part of that don't you get, JDrunk?

Why don't you Google "POLITICAL CAMPAIGN?" Oh, did you do that? I don't see any links I. Your meltdown above, JDrunk? Another lost weekend?

I sure as fuck never would have voted for McCain, but YOU sure did.

Why don't you ask your sister, uncle and many cousins who, according to you, have earned the right to be Americans more than citizens, you sick fuck?

Fucking pisspants drunk!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
My take on Trump's comments (as a veteran); Trump likes to shoot from the hip as they say. Unlike some presidents, Trump does not use a teleprompter. He speaks his mind and sometimes you say things that are not completely thought out. Ask any leftie who has posted here about Obama. What did Trump actually say? He said that McCain is considered a hero because he got shot down...okay. I'll agree with that. Getting shot down or getting shot does not make you a hero. Its being unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It is how you comport yourself after capture that CAN make you a hero. We had thousands of soldiers and airmen being held prisoner in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. Are they all really heroes? Before you say one stupid fucking word WE, my uncle was a POW in Vietnam, so just shut your stupid mouth. As a POW most prisoners are not in a position to be heros. Yes, they are beaten, questioned, and then warehoused until the war is over. (Are the terrorists being held in Gitmo heroes?) I notice that Trump didn't say one word about what McCain did in captivity but only mentioned that he was shot down. I have to go with Trump on this one for exactly what he said and not what the left wants us to believe he said. I mean, why would the left care about McCain's record after what they said about him unless it was to attack Trump. We know how much the left cares about getting the right Republican candidate (they want Jeb).
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Awesome, JDrunk. You're with Trump. We get it. He's your man.

We'll keep that in mind as he plows through the primaries.

You own that orangutan now! Hope you can bear the extra weight.

Why not start by explaining Trump lying about dodging military service, JDrunk?

Published on Jul 18, 2015
Presidential Candidate Donald Trump was the featured speaker at the Arkansas Republican Party's Reagan Rockefeller Dinner at the Hot Springs Convention Center on July 17, 2015. The event was an overflow sell-out with approximately 1000 in attendance.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-19-2015, 09:21 AM
The event was an overflow sell-out with approximately 1000 in attendance.

[] Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

You mean like a whole one thousand!
dirty dog's Avatar
Democrats were dedicated to beating McCain. What part of that don't you get, JDrunk?

Why don't you Google "POLITICAL CAMPAIGN?" Oh, did you do that? I don't see any links I. Your meltdown above, JDrunk? Another lost weekend?

I sure as fuck never would have voted for McCain, but YOU sure did.

Why don't you ask your sister, uncle and many cousins who, according to you, have earned the right to be Americans more than citizens, you sick fuck?

Fucking pisspants drunk!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I believe JD's posting was in response to Weeendowed's comment that he need to show a democrat denouncing McCain.

Regardless Trump is off base here. Anyone who survived a POW camp is a hero.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I believe JD's posting was in response to Weeendowed's comment that he need to show a democrat denouncing McCain. Originally Posted by dirty dog

No, DDouchenozzle, I was responding to JDrunk's meltdown about what HE had earned the right to do that others hadn't.

Read more. WK less.
My take on Trump's comments (as a veteran); Trump likes to shoot from the hip as they say. Unlike some presidents, Trump does not use a teleprompter. He speaks his mind and sometimes you say things that are not completely thought out. Ask any leftie who has posted here about Obama. What did Trump actually say? He said that McCain is considered a hero because he got shot down...okay. I'll agree with that. Getting shot down or getting shot does not make you a hero. Its being unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It is how you comport yourself after capture that CAN make you a hero. We had thousands of soldiers and airmen being held prisoner in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. Are they all really heroes? Before you say one stupid fucking word WE, my uncle was a POW in Vietnam, so just shut your stupid mouth. As a POW most prisoners are not in a position to be heros. Yes, they are beaten, questioned, and then warehoused until the war is over. (Are the terrorists being held in Gitmo heroes?) I notice that Trump didn't say one word about what McCain did in captivity but only mentioned that he was shot down. I have to go with Trump on this one for exactly what he said and not what the left wants us to believe he said. I mean, why would the left care about McCain's record after what they said about him unless it was to attack Trump. We know how much the left cares about getting the right Republican candidate (they want Jeb). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Use of a teleprompter, you mean like Ike? As a Trumpet supporter, you will defend any stupid thing he says. You are a prisoner of the right, as in far right.
lustylad's Avatar
YOU! You don't have the moral authority make such a claim. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Now you're shitting on the fucking constitutional rights you swore to defend as a "soldier". Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

No, he's not. He didn't challenge WE's right to speak on the subject, only his "moral authority". Of course, you can't see the difference because you're a libtarded dipshit with no morals.

I mean, why would the left care about McCain's record after what they said about him unless it was to attack Trump. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
They don't care. Their motives are totally despicable. They are shit-stirrers, pure and simple. They have no morals and no moral authority. Like assup.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why isn't JDrunk's sister speaking for him then, Junior? Or his uncle and many cousins?

You're a fucking idiot if you're WKing for JDrunk on this one.

You're a fucking idiot if you're not.

You're just a fucking idiot. Period.