The other side of the Timmie story: the Palins

LexusLover's Avatar
... were the Palin's in a brawl or not? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Who really gives a flying fuck, except those of YOU that prefer to talk about anything except the piss poor job YOUR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE is doing domestically and internationally with his overrated "community organizing" skills .....

... there is a BRAWL happening in the Middle East with Westerners' heads being sawed off on television for which he wants to send 400 more "troops," but send 3,000 troops to North Africa for DISEASE CONTROL.

$500 MILLION is ok for disease control in North Africa, but not for terrorists?
LowRider69's Avatar
Who really gives a flying fuck, except those of YOU that prefer to talk about anything except the piss poor job YOUR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE is doing domestically and internationally with his overrated "community organizing" skills .....
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Even Obama admitted he was a failure as a community organizer. Failure is a habit.
Who really gives a flying fuck, except those of YOU that prefer to talk about anything except the piss poor job YOUR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE is doing domestically and internationally with his overrated "community organizing" skills .....

... there is a BRAWL happening in the Middle East with Westerners' heads being sawed off on television for which he wants to send 400 more "troops," but send 3,000 troops to North Africa for DISEASE CONTROL.

$500 MILLION is ok for disease control in North Africa, but not for terrorists? Originally Posted by LexusLover
[SIZE He is your man ass wipe, as long as he is there. When we elect another one he/she will be ours also. You whining piss ants are like the ones jumping on the bandwagon when a team is winning. Apparently Judy was the one worrying if the Palin's were in a brawl, so go fuck yourself lexie lacking. Till you find something else to piss and moan about.[/SIZE]
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Didn't Timmie post the brawl story first? Yes, he was first. Of course he posted shit but he was the first EVA.

Something else to add, we have an epidemic striking out kids in this country which could be because it is being brought through our open border. Obama sends troops to Africa but doesn't even consider closing our border. Let hear it for the optics.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-16-2014, 02:02 PM
How the fuck do you close the border and have free trade is wtf I want to know JD.

And for the record Sara is old news in the GOP. Her 15 minutes are up....finally!

Didn't Timmie post the brawl story first? Yes, he was first. Of course he posted shit but he was the first EVA.

Something else to add, we have an epidemic striking out kids in this country which could be because it is being brought through our open border. Obama sends troops to Africa but doesn't even consider closing our border. Let hear it for the optics. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Was there a brawl or not Judy? Why don't you take your superman ass to the boarder and close it Judy?
LexusLover's Avatar
[QUOTE=i'va biggen;1055808493[He is your man ass wipe, as long as he is there. [/QUOTE]

Wrong, again. He is simply a burden. An intolerable one at best.

I imagine Michelle feels the same, but hesitates to say it.
Wrong, again. He is simply a burden. An intolerable one at best.

I imagine Michelle feels the same, but hesitates to say it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Then why don't you take your sorry ass back to your homeland then you will not have to worry about the president of the USA. We don't need your ass here. Run home loser.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You could always relocate to Clarksville, LLIdiot.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Oh, poor EVA. The founders thought that the behavior and performance of the president was the right and responsibility of all citizens. What are you? Some kind of bloody communist?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Then why don't you take your sorry ass back to your homeland then you will not have to worry about the president of the USA. We don't need your ass here. Run home loser. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Like a true "independent" LittleEva thinks you should leave the country if you disagree with the President. That's the American spirit, Eva! Conform or get out!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
And you probably haven't heard that the story of the Palin family's drunken brawl began with a local gossip columnist, Amanda Coyne, a Palin hater, who admitted when she first "broke" the story on September 9 that "the details were a little sketchy" and on September 11 that "I have little time to track down the details of the brawl. And even if I did, I’d probably pass.

In the meantime, we now have 74,100 Google News hits based on a piece of gossip from a gossip columnist who has "little time to track down the details." And it should come as no surprise that many of those Google links are to some of the biggest mainstream media outlets in the country (the very same ones not telling you about Attkisson's Benghazi bombshell or the IRS shredding evidence): The Washington Post, ABC News, Good Morning America, CNN, Entertainment Tonight, and 74,095 others.
I guess you could argue that the media frenzy would be legitimate if the story had been confirmed. But all of this emanated from an anti-Palin gossip blogger who admitted she didn’t care about the truth and had no desire to discover the truth.
Scott Conroy of Real Clear Politics actually tried something the New York Times, George Stephanopolous, and CNN didn't -- reporting. He spoke with someone close to the Palin family and was told that there was indeed a fight, most of the Palin family was there -- including the Governor -- but that the fight was started by a former boyfriend of Willow's, Palin's 20 year-old daughter. From the sound of this report, Track was defending his sister from an old boyfriend who was getting aggressive:
The initial tussle occurred, the source said, after the young man in question “tried to get in” to the Hummer limousine after he’d engaged in some unspecified “questionable behavior.”
Track Palin soon found himself struggling to fend off four men who had “piled on him,” according to the source.
Todd Palin then inserted himself into the brawl, which left the former “First Dude” of Alaska bleeding. …
According to the source, as her husband and son were trading blows with their adversaries, Palin was yelling (in reference to her son), “Don’t you know who he is? He’s a vet!”
This rendition of her words differs slightly but significantly from a previous report, which had Palin shouting, “Don’t you know who I am?”
Over the years, Sarah Palin has spoken frequently about her son’s U.S. Army service in the Iraq War, and Track currently serves as a counselor, working with veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.
The local police are investigating the brawl. According to them, no one wants to press charges. But why would we expect the media to wait for facts before the frenzy? This is after all the very same media that blamed Palin for a murder spree in Tucson, was sure she was going to divorce Todd, and embraced aging conspiracy theorist Andrew Sullivan while he pretended to believe Trig Palin wasn't Sarah Palin's son.
The media even makes the stretch Hummer sound Hillbilly. It was Todd's 50th birthday. The extended Palin family rented the Hummer for the special occasion to move the family from a party at the family home to the party in question (hosted by a longtime Palin friend also celebrating a family birthday). Renting stretch Hummers is cool in Los Angeles. Kanye rents stretch Hummers. In Alaska it apparently makes you a rube.
You want to know what Sarah Palin did the day of the party? She flew all the way to Houston, Texas, to attend and speak at a fundraiser for an organization called The Mighty Oaks -- a non-profit group dedicated to helping veterans struggling with PTSD. Did you know that Track Palin serves as a PTSD counselor. You probably didn't. But this is happening…
A source I trust told me that since news of the brawl broke, one of the local companies that rents stretch limos in the Anchorage area has been harassed by the media. Over a dozen phone calls. Television crews showing up unannounced. Offers of payment in exchange for interviews.
Over a private family matter based on an un-sourced, un-confirmed item in a local gossip blog, the media is relentless. Story by a real reporter named Scott Conroy.

Timmie is looking pretty stupid (but I don't think he knows it) about right now.

You've never heard of RealClearPolitic? What rock have you been living under? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
'It was like the Jerry Springer show': Witnesses reveal how Palin family started birthday brawl in clash with daughter Willow's ex-boyfriend and Sarah 'crawled over people to get in the fight'

  • The family of Sarah Palin was not only involved in a fight over the weekend, but apparently started it while attending another man's birthday party
  • Track Palin traded punches with sister Willow's ex Connor Clearly, while Todd Palin choked Connor's father, Steve
  • Bristol Palin punched the host of the party in the face SEVEN times
A weekend fight involving nearly every member of the Palin family was actually started by the infamous politician and her brood, this according to numerous eyewitnesses.
The Palin pack apparently had a run-in with Connor Cleary, an ex-boyfriend of Willow, 20, at a birthday party on Saturday evening, and that was when all hell broke loose.
According to multiple witnesses at the party, oldest Palin son Track, 25, traded blows with his sister's ex on the front lawn of the party, and when Cleary's father Steve tried to break the boys up, Todd Palin began to choke him.
Todd ended up walking away with a bloody nose.

A source said the failed vice-presidential candidate was 'nearly crawling on top of people' to get involved in the fight.
The party, meanwhile, was not for Todd, who did turn 50 on Saturday, but rather for twins Matt and Marc McKenna, who are close friends of the Palin family.
Once the fight finally broke up, Willow and big sister Bristol, 23, who apparently spent the entire evening wearing sunglasses as they strolled around the party, tried to start things up all over again, by going after Conner's mother, Melissa.
'They were on a b-line, coming straight at Melissa,' said partygoer Eric Thompson.
They were stopped by the host of the party however, Korey Klingenmeyer, who politely asked them to leave.
So Bristol started punching him in the face. Repeatedly.

Thompson told political blogger Amanda Coyne Bristol 'stood straight up, brought her arm back and cold-cocked [Klingenmeyer] right in the face.'
She did this six more times before Klingenmeyer was able to push her off him.
'I was thoroughly amazed at the restraint Korey showed. He’s a total gentlemen,' Thompson said

Then, Sarah got involved all over again and began to scream profanities at everyone.
This morning, Thompson told Good Morning America, 'I heard Sarah Palin scream out, "You know who we are, don’t you?"'
Finally, to cap it all off, Track stood out in front of the house with his shirt off and his middle finger raised at those who were leaving
Shortly after this the fighting stopped, and the Palins got in their car for the evening, a stretch Hummer, and left.
No sooner had the Palins left then the police showed up to take statements from some of the remaining guests.
Thompson believes it was the Palins who called the police.

'It was a really nice, mellow party,' he said.
'Then it turned into the Jerry Springer show.'
Thompson, an employee at McKenna Bros. Paving, the company owned by birthday boys Marc and Matt, has apparently been fired from his job for speaking to the press.
He has hired legal counsel according to the Alaska Dispatch News.
Police spokesperson Jennifer Castro said of the events, ‘At the time of the incident, none of the involved parties wanted to press charges and no arrests were made.
She then added, ‘Alcohol was believed to have been a factor in the incident. Some of the Palin family members were in attendance at the party.’
Oddly enough, it seems Sarah may be trying to distance herself from this story, despite numerous eyewitness reports, as she implied on her Facebook she did not see her family Saturday.
'I was traveling yesterday, so I'm posting Todd's 50th birthday greeting a day late, which is fine because the handsome guy barely looks a day over 50,' she wrote on Sunday evening.
The police are still investigating, and the Palin family is not commenting.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Poor TrannyTim and his fellow progressives; they have backed a total loser, someone who hasn't been right on anything, a proven liar, a complete and utter failure.

It must suck being an Obamazombies these can hear their personal failure/pain in every post.......

Their only recourse is to deflect from the failure that is Obama. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Nice try at hijacking the thread.

These swallowers will swallow any jizz their liberal masters shoot in their mouths. Originally Posted by LowRider69
Whirly has a new minion.
Ah,....You missed some on the corner of your mouth, whirlyrider.
LexusLover's Avatar
Then ... you will not have to worry about the president of the USA. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I downsized it as much as the editing would allow to fit your pea brain.

After 5 1/2 years of nothing I don't "worry" about a do-nothing, as long as he keeps doing nothing....AND QUITS THREATENING WITH NO FOLLOW THROUGH.

Kinda like you LOUD MOUTH ... You are all blow and no go. A page right out of YouRong's book.
Oh, poor EVA. The founders thought that the behavior and performance of the president was the right and responsibility of all citizens. What are you? Some kind of bloody communist? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Like a true "independent" LittleEva thinks you should leave the country if you disagree with the President. That's the American spirit, Eva! Conform or get out! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The presidency is a office, many have held it. If someone is elected he/she is the president for the term. Sitting in the peanut gallery pissing and moaning about their man is stupid. They are our man till the term is over.If it is not yours, then take your sorry ass back to your homeland. If not do something to help not hinder.