How to Be an Escort's Favorite Client

  • Tiny
  • 01-29-2018, 07:36 PM

Don't feel like you need to blow her mind sexually. While noble, and very sweet, she is there for you. Do not hold back at the beginning because you want to last for her, this often ends in not being able to finish at all. Which nobody wants. You can take care of her after if you enjoy that, but no pressure here either.

Try to read her cues. She is a real women with real likes and dislikes. Not everyone wants to be talked dirty to, or smash-cuddled post coitus. Some might love it though!

She will not be offended if you need to leave right after. Whether you need to get back to work, or just aren't into idle chit-chat and cuddling, do your thing. She will enjoy the extra down-time. If you have a genuine rapport or chemistry, or if you are just enjoying the company and a break from real life, then stay the whole time! She will be happy either way. Originally Posted by Lia88
I nominate this for the most euphemistic post of 2018. If the shoe were on the other foot and I were a man whore, I wouldn't particularly enjoy having sex with a lot of women I wasn't attracted to. If one of them decided she wanted to impress me by banging nonstop for 40 minutes or indulged in fantasies that gross me out or thought I should stick around past the allotted time because she's so adorable, I wouldn't be a happy camper. I do however think I'd be doing socially worthwhile work, being God's Gift to Ugly Women.

That said, if I did some of this stuff for my accountant or doctor or lawyer, he/she would probably be over the moon -- pay tips, pay up front, bring along a bottle of wine -- who wouldn't like that.

Thanks Lia, that's a thought provoking list. Your work is tougher than people appreciate and you deserve a lot of respect from your clients. And in my man-whore analogy, I do honestly believe the part about your work being socially worthwhile. Without you and like minded women, there would be more men suffering from depression and low self esteem. With fewer sexual outlets for the testosterone charged man, you'd also see more abuse of women and more rapes.
pyramider's Avatar
That's all you care about. Taint photos this , taint photos that kmsl Originally Posted by Lia88
I concentrate on the important thing ... taint. Taint is the key to universal understanding.
This is a good list from years ago that you've copied for the guys.

Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 01-29-2018, 09:45 PM
This is a good list from years ago that you've copied for the guys.

.... Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
Yes isnt it. I included the source of the post at the bottom so people can see the pictures that came along with it. I use wikihow for everything . they have a wikihow for almost anything lol

I love talking to guys more than women most of the time. Their answers seem to stay on topic
Lia darling, let's be honest - which of those instructions/suggestions do I really, really have to be attentive to so I can become YOUR favorite client?!? C'mon, boil it down... surely no client gets all those things "correct".
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 01-30-2018, 06:24 AM
Lia darling, let's be honest - which of those instructions/suggestions do I really, really have to be attentive to so I can become YOUR favorite client?!? C'mon, boil it down... surely no client gets all those things "correct". Originally Posted by Ed Highlight

I have to disagree their are unicorn Hobbyists. But I wouldnt look at these suggestions as pressure to change but just suggestions to hobbyist that seem to rub some providers the wrong way and dont know why.

It's just simple suggestions source from WikiHow that gives newbies A Idea of what to expect.

From the list what I appreciate from Men the most are steps: 2,3,4,6 && 12

#10 I mean who wouldnt lol but some men have a fixed income so i dont worry to much about that
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-30-2018, 08:47 AM
Good article for new guys to read. It isn't perfect because not all the ladies are the same in terms of what they prefer, but if a guy pays attention to most the things on here he should be welcomed back by the ladies.

Having said that, this is like any recipe--a good place to start. And some parts are more important. I am a firm believer in:

#1: (which actually includes #3, and should make #4 moot): Do your homework so you have a REALISTIC expectation for the date. It must be irritating to a lady to get a "NO" review and read that it's because "she was a blonde and I wanted a redhead" when her photos clearly show she is a blonde. Many other disappointments can be prevented this way. #8 is a corollary to this--it is the hands-on (pun intended) part of the research. Not every lady is in the same mood every day, and not every joke, touch, or idea will get the same reaction.

#6 The single most important item in my mind. In this business or any other, this will make up for a lot of other things. It also implies #s 2, 11, and 12 along with parts of others.

There are also a couple I will say are very much YMMV. Especially #5. Some ladies consider handing over money up front--even "putting it on the table" the same as talking about it up front. One (fortunately only one) walked out as soon as she saw money on the nightstand. Hopefully you will find out what the particular lady likes in the research stage. I have been told rather directly by a surprising number of ladies that they much prefer to be paid afterwards.

And then there are #s 10 and 14. I consider them interchangeable, and almost never tip. I believe using your research to bring a personalized gift is the better option, and based upon the reactions those gifts have gotten, it seems most the ladies I see think so as well.
I can say I hobby using most not of these points and have been successful with most providers especially those I find intellectually, socially and physically attracted too(Lia88). Usually when the provider/client encounter are genuine with both parties it can create a bond for future visits that are mutual to both. Each encounter after the initial meeting can/will be more stimulating or at least should be.

However, another point should be added; DON'T be a FOOL!!! Some providers get to comfortable then tails off of their initial service level but expect more compensation. Just like some hobbyist get to comfortable and expect more time or extra services for a discount. Being to comfortable can make you a FOOL it takes your mind out of game mode. This is a hobby and should be fun for both parties.
I'm in love with number 7!!
pyramider's Avatar
Does 7 involve tainted activities?
Does being a favorite client mean that she texts you in the middle of the night for money?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I rather have a hook-a-do list than this
Does being a favorite client mean that she texts you in the middle of the night for money? Originally Posted by yitzchak
If a chick texts you first, you should block her. Exception being if you told her its ok.