Foooking awesome threesome ovanight! Mine would be sexylatinaalyssa and curvykatie!

Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Good tell them to look into your multiple handles.
Make sure and hit the RTM button like the little rat you are.

All you have is threats? lies? white knighting? And multiple handles?

Yeah I’m real scared.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Stop crying sweetie..when using multiple handles its never a good idea to bring attention to yourself by conversing with SC. You should have just laid low now your handle bout to get exposed. By the're dismissed. I have no use for've RTM'd yourself lol

Lester Krinklesac's Avatar

One of these pussies!
Make sure you suck them dry after ok?

I'm so sorry your life is miserable sweetie

If you work on being a better person that bad Karma hitting your ass would likely change. Now back to topic.

And yes my RW friends are amazing ;-) and if you keep talking shit I'm gonna have the mods investigate who you are based on data I'm receiving;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
See you already exposed yourself as a fucking squealer.

Squeal piggy squeal!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar

One of these pussies!
Make sure you suck them dry after ok?

See you already exposed yourself as a fucking squealer.

Squeal piggy squeal! Originally Posted by Lester Krinklesac
Oh snap...why did they ban your Neville Haze handle?

Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Nice try shinepro, or is it squealpro?

Now run along and bash that RTM squealy.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Nice try shinepro. Originally Posted by Lester Krinklesac
People like you are the real threats to the community...ok WW. Lol
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Nice try shinepro. Originally Posted by Lester Krinklesac
People like you are the real threats to the community...ok Lol
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Here we go with the WW shit.
Make up your mind WW or neville haze?
What’s the threat shinesqueal?
Am I a stalker like yourself?
Or a race baiting hypocrite like your other self?
Or maybe the white knight racing in to try and defend his other handle like your yet other self?
  • pxmcc
  • 02-28-2019, 03:28 PM
Yeah well the rest of us believe a lady who says someone is obsessed with her.
He only solidified it with this thread.
I’ll bet there are warnings in the ladies room backing it!

I’m beginning to think shinepro, Sistine Chapel, and pmxcc are all one and the same.

Sorry pmxcc/Sistine/shine you don’t get to divert the attention you get when you say ignorant stuff, you get to deal with it, or run home to your mommy!

Didn’t I read somewhere that pmxcc is known for multi handles and even arguing with his own handles? Originally Posted by Lester Krinklesac
arguing, no. consulting, yes. it was for a good cause. a provider had just been assaulted. why don't you go read my 52 reviews before you run your mouth? oh wait, you'd need premium access for that. my bad..
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Why would I want to read your reviews?
They are probably as fake as your Vegas tale.
Or as fake as the two handles arguing to be a white knight?
Or maybe it’d be as true as the creepy stalker accusation levied against you in this very thread?
Guess I’ll never find out... boo hoo hoo
You guys need to get back on topic before the mods get pissed and close the thread
  • pxmcc
  • 02-28-2019, 03:42 PM
^^agreed sir.
winn dixie's Avatar
close another one of shines/sc/pmxcc threads.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-28-2019, 03:52 PM
close another one of shines/sc/pmxcc threads.:rfr_lol: Originally Posted by winn dixie
Winn you should know better than this. enjoy your points..
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
What points would those be? For what?
Stating the completely obvious?
Guess that means shine/pms/sissy pounded the rtm. lol