There is a reason why we are seeing more 1/2 hour session offers

London Rayne's Avatar
Oh Charles...after seeing your popping in 7 min. comment I would totally give you a discount lmao!

Comparing this to a restaurant in that context makes perfect sense, as I am only talking product and atmosphere not legal issues and taxes lol. There are a hundred places I would love to eat at but can't afford to unless I actually set money aside for it...same thing here. I also know that when I am hungry a Happy Meal from a drive thru will do the trick, but trying to say it's as good as that steak is insane lol.
Comparing this to a restaurant in that context makes perfect sense, as I am only talking product and atmosphere not legal issues and taxes lol. There are a hundred places I would love to eat at but can't afford to unless I actually set money aside for it...same thing here. I also know that when I am hungry a Happy Meal from a drive thru will do the trick, but trying to say it's as good as that steak is insane lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Just because you pay a high price doesn't mean you get quality. I just spend 3 months in a Chicago burb upscale hotel. The food in the hotel's dining room was on the high side, and I stopped ordering it b/c it was invariably horrible.

I agree that people should purchase only those things (or services) they can afford. As has been said many times on this board, the price does NOT reflect the quality of service.
London Rayne's Avatar
Right, but I was not talking about the taste of the Lobster...I was talking about the atmosphere of the Italian place lol. That Lobster will probably taste pretty much the same at the Red Lobster up the street, but I won't have some bald guy singing "Old Blue Eyes" songs to me, and a waiter who sits me down and lays the napkin in my lap as if I were 3 lol.
Crash Davis's Avatar
Wow....I finally see my economics class paying off. It really comes down to Supply and Demand. If the economy is having an effect on a providers demand, her price will drop if there are several providers offering at the same or lower price. If there are only a hand full of high-end providers (supply) she can demand the higher price. And I thought I was sleeping in my head hurts lol.
So no need to argue, this question will answer itself in time........always has!
rachet3375's Avatar
UHHH do we really need another "The economy is so bad" thread?

This is not a need, it's a luxury item...period. Find someone you can afford and see her...pass on those you can't, but don't expect anyone to cut their rates for some lame azz excuse. If you can't afford to pay your bills and hobby, cut out the hobbying. No one ever died from lack of gimme a break!

NEWS FLASH: We have the same bills as you guys if not MORE! We are mostly SINGLE moms and college students doing this part time, and will charge what works for us. When you have a legitimate need such as your child needing school supplies, I will gladly DONATE that item, but don't pshyco babble your way into trying to get a discount for azz...seriously.
Originally Posted by London Rayne
and I like that! Geez, you get what you pay for and I don't personally like 1/2 hour sessions and I sure won't do 15 min quickies. I can take care of that by myself and avoid the travel hassle. I have a certain price point and I can manage to find plenty of ladies in it that are excellent at what they do and what I look for. Had a session recently that I got all excited and popped early, 20 mins into it and she offered the 1/2 hour rate. I said no thanks and asked if we could just visit & play for the other 30 and see what happens. She agreed and although I was through the rest of our time was fun and I got to know her better. Next visit was more productive, but her willingness to continue is what brought me back. Rather have one nice hour than 2 so-so 1/2 hr sessions. 1/2 hrs just don't let me have that interaction that I seek so no point to em. If nothin else I can DATY for the other half hour
London Rayne's Avatar
Wow....I finally see my economics class paying off. It really comes down to Supply and Demand. If the economy is having an effect on a providers demand, her price will drop if there are several providers offering at the same or lower price. If there are only a hand full of high-end providers (supply) she can demand the higher price. And I thought I was sleeping in my head hurts lol.
So no need to argue, this question will answer itself in time........always has! Originally Posted by Crash Davis
Oh darn now you just blew all my hard work to crap lol. You were supposed to keep letting guys think the demand was for lower rates!
Heck I am just gonna change my name to Mercedes. Hot rich guys will pay for my time and London will LOVE ME !!!!!

Seriously as it has been said this is just like drinking or any other entertainment. If you can't afford it then just say no. Or get a part time job to afford your play time or..... be creative and solve the economy problem

But whatever you do have fun doing it
Let's say for example, London is suffering financially. (Baby, not picking on you, just using you as an example...maybe you can use me back real soon...) She has built a high-end successful franchise with her skills, website, reviews, name and pictures. Rather than deminish that brand by offering discounts and concessions to the general public, maybe she simply rebrands herself elsewhere. She changes her look somewhat, takes different pictures, changes the wording in her ads, etc. to create a somewhat less luxurious experience in order to penetrate a different market. Then she travels to locales where she is not known and proceeds accordingly. She then returns back to her usual haunt, having made up ground. Maybe "rebranding" is a more viable option than offering "discounts".
I get the point you are trying to make, but in a macro sense, rents, just like escort prices, are down.

Your building may not be lower but the one down the street probably is. Likewise, my ATF may not have lowered her prices but there is someone of her caliber that has lowered her prices. Originally Posted by atlcomedy

You are of course right... and your statement has already been clarified by another lady ....

We've already said over & over, time and again, "Go find a cheaper route, stop asking for a discount.."
I own a 198 acre tobacco farm, so as long as people keep using my product I'm okay. I don't use it myself and I cheer everytime a friend kicks the habbit. But if my damn health insurance keeps going up $4,000 per year like it has the last 6 years, I'll soon feel the pinch.

And if I lived in a large city with beautiful women all around me, I might notice things more. But alas, I live in the middle of nowhere and have to travel some distance to get laid.

But, I do not expect or ask the ladies to cut rates, no more than I expect the pizza guy to defer his door bell ringing fee, LOL. Originally Posted by Abe Normal
See here.... this is the attitude that we all like... and being kind and respectfull does have it's rewards.. we are not all vultures trying to pick everyone to the bones
Naomi4u's Avatar
TO EACH THEIR OWN!!!!!!!!!!! No half hour appointments here. I agree with London 100%!
I just love how SOME of these men try to tell us what they THINK we should do because they can't afford us.
Girl power!!!! hehe
London Rayne's Avatar
Let's say for example, London is suffering financially. (Baby, not picking on you, just using you as an example...maybe you can use me back real soon...) She has built a high-end successful franchise with her skills, website, reviews, name and pictures. Rather than deminish that brand by offering discounts and concessions to the general public, maybe she simply rebrands herself elsewhere. She changes her look somewhat, takes different pictures, changes the wording in her ads, etc. to create a somewhat less luxurious experience in order to penetrate a different market. Then she travels to locales where she is not known and proceeds accordingly. She then returns back to her usual haunt, having made up ground. Maybe "rebranding" is a more viable option than offering "discounts". Originally Posted by TEAParty
That just might work in the marketing aspect lol!! Only problem is I will never take less than 4 for gfe/msog dates, so that would not work in the financial sense. I have made MORE working under other names though so you called it babe, but London Rayne is the lower end of the price spectrum lol.

Now what I have done is offer my regulars a bj only rate after a few visits...they seem to like it, I could do that all day, it's less time consuming, and easy money. You are right about diminshing the brand though, which is why you will never see me publicly list a rate less than what I have now. I offer special things to those that have taken care of me in the past. Honestly, you only pay that premium maybe twice with me...after that I adjust according to a guy's needs...seems unfair to charge the guy who is done in 15 min. the same as the guy who overstays his welcome right? See I am not so hard to get along with lol.
Chevalier's Avatar
rather than investing that in a home that increases in value and adds to your net worth. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Ummmm . . . .
London Rayne's Avatar
Heck I am just gonna change my name to Mercedes. Hot rich guys will pay for my time and London will LOVE ME !!!!!

Seriously as it has been said this is just like drinking or any other entertainment. If you can't afford it then just say no. Or get a part time job to afford your play time or..... be creative and solve the economy problem

But whatever you do have fun doing it Originally Posted by naughtynatale
I would love you if your name was Yugo lol!
There comes a point when you really need to reach out, smack someone upside the head and go 'Duh!'

Look at the sites.
Look at the pricing structures.

Here is how 90% are: (hypothetical amounts)

30 min - 150
60 min - 200
90 min - 300
120 min - 400
BUT you get into multi hours and suddenly it's 12 hours for 1800- 2000. At 1800 that's 150 an hour as opposed to the 150 for 30 min. Even at the lower time amounts - you are being charged a premium for the 30.

Some may mentally or whatever just want the 'blow & go" but they are actually paying the highest per minute. Like the pay as you go phones and the check cashing places - those with the least pay the highest 'service fee'.

It's so obvious. Except to the oblivious.