For All Hobbyists Who Almost, Wanted To, Or Interested In Seeing Ebony Providers

PODarkness's Avatar
I do my research where I can find it. If a provider interests me I look for more information, here, other boards, google, wherever the information turns up.

Most guys like spinners. It doesn't matter what color.
As far as I'm concerned the color of the skin is just another of the many factors that make up a sexy package. Ebony tail is no different than any other unless you've never had any then the difference is that it's your first, although I will confess that it's hot watching my white dick sliding in and out between a pair of cocoa-toned lips (pick a set both are hot!). Some like big boobs to fuck, other like 'em small(er) to fit in their hands. Some like a slim others a not-so-slim frame. It's the variety in packaging that makes this fun!
  • fubar
  • 04-19-2010, 04:03 PM
UPS-What Brown Can Do for You
I love brown skin women. Be it AA or Latina. I prefer over whites.
I like da junk in da trunk.
I like da pink pussy behind da dark skin.
Most of all I like that most like da greek. LOL
Apollo!'s Avatar
UPS-What Brown Can Do for You Originally Posted by fubar

Love dark women... it all boils down to the quality of service... IMHO
Interesting thread. Very enlightening! lol
Wolfe's Avatar
  • Wolfe
  • 04-24-2010, 08:58 PM
piquant2009 if you want to try a AA girl that is GFE you can't go wrong with Lisa0302 she is a real sweetie.
I would love to see a cramel colored girl,I want to know if it taste like carmel....I would love to a ebony girl
All my lady friends are ebony.

They are all different.

For me it is very simple. An ebony lady is what I am used to, a nice ebony girl makes my cock hard.

A white girl does absolutely nothing for me. My cock does not get hard.

You can't argue with a hard cock.

A firm but not too large booty is essential for me. Plus somebody who has self confidence. Breasts are nice but I can go for any breast with a nice erect nipple, so long as it is not saggy or whatever. Some AA girls I have been with have very small but very erotic breasts.

But the booty is essential.

I've been with jamaican, ghanain, african american, kenyan, cameroon, nigerian, etc etc etc

I also love eating chocolate.

I have no idea whether black girls are better/tighter pussy/whatever than white girls. I have never been with a white girl.

Also the voice - the shrill voice of many white girls goes through my spine.

What is really funny is all the guys who see an ebony girl as a taboo or something to be discovered or something exotic. We are in the tennies. What proportion of the world's women are black? Where did us white folks emerge from?
netman's Avatar
* Never had the opportunity Originally Posted by BrittnanyBigBooty
Actually, my first "real" sexual experience happened with an AA girl...

I was in high school and there was this one AA girl that did modeling for a magazine that was targeted towards AA teens (Black Teen?).

What ever the magazine name was, she was HOT and she and I became friends - an unlikely pair I assure you. I am sure she got flak from her AA friends for being my friend (i.e. "Why are you friends with that fat ugly white boy?" LOL) but I never got any flak from my friends for being her friend - probably because she was so HOT.

One weekend, we ended up at the same party and she and I went into one of the empty bedrooms (the party was at a friends house and the parents were away on vacation) and we started making out and the next thing you know, she gave me my first blowjob. Ahh, the memories.

* Chocolate/Ebony/Black women scare me sexually Originally Posted by BrittnanyBigBooty
Nope, see above.

* Chocolate/Ebony/Black women are too aggressive Originally Posted by BrittnanyBigBooty
In my opinion, not necessarily true. Most (notice that I said most) of the AA ladies that I have meet have been very sweet in their demeanor to the point where it was very sexy.

* I don't have anything in common with Chocolate/Ebony/Black women Originally Posted by BrittnanyBigBooty
I think that could be true in some cases…

There was a recent thread were someone asked the average age of the hobbiest. I think the general consensus was that the men were at least in their mid-30's or older. So if a guy is, for example, in his mid-40's, he will not have that much in common with an AA provider that is in her early-20's not only due to the racial differences (for lack of a better phrase) but also due to the differences in age.

Just my 2-cents worth.

For the record, as soon as I get some free time (which is a rarity these days), I plan to see a a few ladies and one of them is Playful Jade ... she is just SOOOOO SEXY and YUMMY!!!

GenesisNicole's Avatar
This is a very interesting thread!

(sitting back and waiting for more replies....)

~Genesis Nicole~
Mister Tudball's Avatar
For the record, as soon as I get some free time (which is a rarity these days), I plan to see a a few ladies and one of them is Playful Jade ... she is just SOOOOO SEXY and YUMMY! Originally Posted by netman
You can't go wrong with PJ. You'll have a very good time. She's terrific!
cgrman's Avatar
hooked up with a AA stripper about 20+ yrs good as it gets for me...gfe and all the extras....have used an agency in the past and requested a young aa girl...she was not gfe but the intrigue and experience was great....and have seen aa / mixed? provider in san antonio that was a great fetish experience....playful jade and amazing asia are on the list like a previous poster mentioned in houston....not near as many but there are some great ones out there....
thanks for all the feedback but how is it you do this research to know if she is the right AA provider? To reply to the big booty comment why is it that most the AA providers you guys go after are spinners? Originally Posted by BrittnanyBigBooty
I dated a black gal in college, and didn't go off screaming into the night...

I selected Jo from Reno as my first AA provider... she was sweet, great company and a tiger BCD. What's not to like about that?


!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Anyone that has never seen a black provider is missing out. Beautiful women come in all colors. Its your hobby, make the most of it!
knotaprayr's Avatar
As an older white guy who is a hopeless bondage addict, i probably have a skewed outlook on this topic. Ok, i'll admit i have a skewed outlook on most topics, but especially this one. Like most males who are not young, rich, or handsome, the primary attraction in deciding which female to see is her ability to articulate that magic phrase, "Sure, come on over." Beyond that, several factors come into play. For all of us with limited hobby resources, price points are a big one. Some guys have alleged that women of color tend to have generally lower prices, but in my experience that ain't necessarily so, though there is some evidence for it, as PODarkness put it: Market forces, buyer preferences, supply & demand being what they are, I find that the independent AA providers generally charge less, are more open to variations, and try harder than a white provider of equal hotness (hotness? you know what I mean.). I like all colors, but this personal perception results in my looking into the AA selection often. I do my research, and I'm rarely disappointed.
But they all seem to charge more than i can afford on a frequent basis. Another factor is comfort level versus exotic adventure. Depending on one's own background, whether he's seeking someone who is more culturally similar, or more definitively "other" will help determine which direction to look in. For most guys, the next step is visual affinity. How she looks is crucial, though for some that means a face shot, and for many at least a picture of her body. This is where the spinners tend to prevail, especially if there isn't a face to explore. Of course, this is slanted by what a guy considers a "spinner" to be, or if he is looking for more of an "amazon" type. Then there are skin color variations. While white tends to be more monochromatic, women of color span the spectrum from asian to pacific islander to hispanic to mixed to yellow to Caribbean to caramel to cafe au lait to ebony to chocolate to black to Darker than Blue. And then there are different lengths and textures of hair. Still in the visual mode we have the wonder of faces. Since all women have basically the same parts of anatomy, though in differing shades, shapes, and sizes, and we all have differing preferences on which combinations are most attractive, many decisions on who to approach come down to which faces are most appealing. And since for privacy reasons many providers decline to showcase their faces (see for instance the avatars for the lady who started this thread, veronica moore, and the masked genesis nicole) those of us who have a major fixation on faces must look elsewhere in evaluating whom to approach. Some of us eventually get around to actually reading what a woman has to say in her ad, and if we're compulsive, picky, or broke, doing research on her postings and reviews. This is where those of us who get off on female brains really start getting aroused. As happyndallas45 put it, "For me it is not about the color of the skin, but the personality and the demeanor of the person. I prefer upscale, classy, intelligent, articulate women who take care of themselves, regardless of race." It is often the perceived content of one's character upon which we judge who is attractive, and spelling and grammar can play a part.
Now, what was the question? Oh yeah, right. Let's start with CEB women scare me sexually. In my experience, CEB women are generally more open about their sexual desires, when they have them, and more blunt in their assessment of perceived deficiencies in male performance than their less colorful counterparts. This means that white males who are less secure in their size, or abilities to use what they have, may shy away from CEB females. (Although all the CEB providers i have met on this board have been more than kind and incredibly sweet and soft spoken.) Related to this reason you mentioned is the third, CEB women are too aggressive. In the past, i have run into this type of CEB woman, and it can be intimidating. On the other hand, if a guy can get with the program, it can mean a few days of fun so intense you have to keep calling in sick at work. As for CEB women being unapproachable, sometimes that perception is created by a lack of attention to detail in such things as timely returning calls or keeping an organized schedule, though it can be an earned stereotype like Aretha's reputation as a diva. Let's face it, some of these women ARE God's gift to men. But all the CEB women i have reached out to on this board have been unfailingly pleasant and open and eager to respond to initial inquiries. As for having nothing in common, that argument seems to ignore the vast differences in the backgrounds and upbringing of CEB women. First of all, hobbyists and providers all have at least one thing in common or we wouldn't be here. Secondly, the only way to find out what 2 people have in common is to communicate with each other. You're going to discover something in common if you meet and talk. Or maybe you both don't like to talk. We're all people. Maybe weird perverted people, depending on who you ask, but people none the less.
Now as to your second question, if a guy is going after a CEB provider, how does he decide who is the RIGHT one? This is tough. The quicky answer is that there is no way to know other than stepping into that room and taking off those clothes. To back up a little to how one makes the choice where to do that, it just depends on all the factors mentioned above. How much money do i have to play with? Who have i put on my list as possibilities? Does their face excite me? Do they sound intelligent? Do they have a body type i like? Can i get past the tats or the piercings or the makeup or is it too much? Do they sound like fun? Do they seem to have skills? Do i want to go right back to someone i've seen before or do i want to explore someone new? It can be something as simple as a smile, the look in the eyes, or a phrase in the ad, or what the breasts or ass look like. We're guys. We aren't that complex. The major factor is "Do i get excited at the prospect of being with her?" Some of us have a pronounced preference for women of color, and always look there first. Others wouldn't even think of going there. There are different reasons for both and every position in between. In my case, i've been with different kinds of women over time. Initially, it just didn't occur to me to look outside white women for romantic purposes. I was acculturated by our society. Then in college a good friend dated a black classmate, and i had to take stock. A couple of years later, i ended up working for one of those aggressive pushy intelligent black women that some of your informants say they're afraid to meet. After i talked her into dating me, it was only a couple of months before i convinced her that marriage wasn't totally insane. Several years later i discovered that what they say is true, "Once you go Black, you can't go back." Now i've been acculturated to appreciate Black beauty, the eyes (soft brown or otherwise), the noses, the hair, the lips, the skin colors, the shapes, the hands, the attitude, and of course, the ass. Which leads us to what Mister Tudball suggested was the real question, why do white guys seem to prefer spinners to big booty? One answer is that even CEB spinners often have a nice booty. Another answer is that most white guys have grown up in a booty starved culture and have grown to prefer small behinds. The most likely answer is that they just haven't had the pleasure and don't know what they're missing. They may not know to look with lust for trigger words like phat, thick, brickhouse, or bootylicious because they associate big behinds with being overweight, out of shape, or soft. More's the pity, but it sure leaves lots of room for the rest of us to belly up to the bar, so to speak.