Reviews: what they mean to others

NearHauteRed's Avatar
Who is arguing? That post was for YOUR edification and the internet community at large. I can't read papaoscar or a handful of the other people in this thread's posts, on purpose. Because I don't give a fuck, no meme this time. So if anyone is venting or being unruly, that's STILL mod business, not mine. No arguments here. One should be allowed to dissent without hate, right, and if not, then ignore the offenders! If you guys were doing your job the smartass nonsense would stop and we wouldn't have need to ignore half a thread. It's like following the horses in the parade in here half the time. Just sayin'. I'm having a lot more fun in other threads and I'm only here to let people, and mods, know there are alternative means of discourse, and how use of the ignore function can improve your general outlook on life and the quality of what you read in coed. Don't you have something better to do than listen to the sound of one hand clapping? I do! Originally Posted by phildo
the smartass nonsense that you are talking about is in the majority of your posts on threads and more times than not, have nothing to do with the thread subject itself, other than maybe how boring you think it is. All you do is trivialize many posts on threads just to try to stir up shit and then when someone responds, you tell them that they need to not be so thin skinned and use the ignore button. If we all did that, then you would eventually fade away in frustration because no one would respond to your jagged posts.

This thread has gotten out of hand and deteriorated to insults. We do not need another inflammatory post.
So Dorito, since you obviously can't seem to grasp my point, would you please go find a literate mod who is a content specialist? I'm ignoring a good many posters already. Shall I add you to that list? If you think I'm involved in any sort of continuous banter with anyone but you, you are sadly mistaken. All I have done is mention how freeing it is to use the ignore button and point out that it is YOU sir who can't let whatever it is that you're on about go. I am not and have not been in any verbal sparring or name calling with anyone in this thread, and if you persist in your one man crusade to persecute me for calling out your inability to do your job without prejudice I'll be happy to RTM your comments as well.
Torito's Avatar
So Dorito, since you obviously can't seem to grasp my point, would you please go find a literate mod who is a content specialist? I'm ignoring a good many posters already. Shall I add you to that list? If you think I'm involved in any sort of continuous banter with anyone but you, you are sadly mistaken. All I have done is mention how freeing it is to use the ignore button and point out that it is YOU sir who can't let whatever it is that you're on about go. I am not and have not been in any verbal sparring or name calling with anyone in this thread, and if you persist in your one man crusade to persecute me for calling out your inability to do your job without prejudice I'll be happy to RTM your comments as well. Originally Posted by phildo
You post is again full of BS.
There were 2 members involved in BS.
You reported.
The other person stopped. He is acting in a civil, logical manner.
You continue.
No name calling? Check your last post. I assume that was an accident? I have noticed that when anyone is pissed at me for doing my job, my handle is misspelled that way. You are not demonstrating any creative ability. Only a provocative, argumentative attitude. Whether directed at me or others, it needs to stop.
Feel free to report my posts.

We obviously have a failure to communicate. I have argued with no one. I have wondered aloud why you falsely accused me of being involved in an argument when all I did was remind a noob to be civil. From that you have pointed me for being rude and accused me of name calling. Copy the post, highlight the rudeness, the provactive nature and the argumentative style, along with how a point valuation works, exactly. You are entrusted to keep the peace while, to me, you seem to want to incite others by attempting to correct behavior that is not in evidence. So please, for everyone's benefit, show us all the expectation, the inspection, and the quantification of your decision so that in future we may avoid crossing your well thought out and obvious line of rudeness demarcation.

And that Dorito thing, you need to get over that. Auto-correct doesn't know who you are, they only know about a Lays product made with corn. Try it on any smart device, you'll see.
Yeah, I'm having a hard time finding anything improper about phildo's posts in this thread. Help us ALL out, torito (had to override auto-correct 3 times to get that "t" in there), and quote the specific posts by phildo that were problematic (PRIOR to the ones where YOU escalated matters, which led to phildo -- but not ME -- questioning your literacy and/or reading comprehension) from a forum guidelines/rules standpoint so that we might all avoid similar posts in the future.

Thanks in advance.

Oh, and let me know if you need some help doing that multi-quote thing if you find it necessary to quote more than one post. I always stand ready to help our mods in any way possible. On the other hand, you won't be needing multi-quote or even a single quote if you can't find a problematic post by phildo in this thread prior to the exchange between you and him in which YOU were the aggressor (albeit in a passive manner), imho.

Wake me up when this is over.... Originally Posted by phildo
Violation of:

#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.

You'll learn that it keeps smart asses like me from getting pointed for saying things like "fuckwad noob" or "your mama's pussy smelled so bad after you were born they threw your placenta in with the grilled onions at the roach coach parked by the port-o-let you were shit out in". You see, we play nice in here, or not at all. Originally Posted by phildo
Violation of:
#1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others. No place for it here. Yes, with the dynamic nature of the threads and topics, tempers will flare and things will become heated from time to time. You may often encounter individuals who become passionate or emotional when expressing one's opinion or point of view. That's all understood and perfectly acceptable within reason…….but, start slamming or bashing another member and be met with consequences.
#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.

If someone flames and it isn't seen, did it really exist? You know, like the tree that nobody heard fall? It's a philosohical question, really, because an SBD can smell as bad and be as distasteful as an out loud window rattling fart. So if it can't be seen, does it still smell? Now THERE is an internet curiosity for us all to ponder. Is internet forum gas tangible? Originally Posted by phildo
Violation of: #6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.

So Dorito, since you obviously can't seem to grasp my point, would you please go find a literate mod who is a content specialist? I'm ignoring a good many posters already. Shall I add you to that list? If you think I'm involved in any sort of continuous banter with anyone but you, you are sadly mistaken. All I have done is mention how freeing it is to use the ignore button and point out that it is YOU sir who can't let whatever it is that you're on about go. I am not and have not been in any verbal sparring or name calling with anyone in this thread, and if you persist in your one man crusade to persecute me for calling out your inability to do your job without prejudice I'll be happy to RTM your comments as well. Originally Posted by phildo
Violation of: #14 - Our moderating staff monitors the forums with the goal of keeping threads on track and on topic. Occasionally we may issue specific instructions or direction to a poster and we ask that you respect those instructions and follow them. Disregarding a moderator's written instruction or repeating a violation for which you have been warned will most certainly result in penalty.
So, does papaoscar speak for you, torito?

As an aside, this thread is now about as far gone from the original topic as it possibly could be, and your moderation led it to this point, imho. The thread is now more about YOU than anything else, which is a direct product of "over-moderation" (again, imho). Stellar work.
All along I have stated that my original intent was to make sure everyone stayed civil even if they had a difference of opinion, because we can't say naughty things, and gave a couple of examples of naughty things NOT to say. I have yet to call anyone names, I have merely questioned the seemingly unfathomable and off the wall interpretations of my posts. I argue with no one save to make my position clear without profanity, threats or verbal abuse. This is a call out for "where's the beef" in this thread. If Torito's motivation is to throw a late flag on me for a lifetime achievement award, so be it, but own it. Because in this thread it's just not "here".

BTW, I haven't seen any posts but Eccienewbie's, SD and Torito's since I got flamed for the let sleeping dogs lie post because we have beaten this topic almost as bad as the NBA topic and I was trying to avoid confrontation. Enough is enough, eh?

So what do review counts really mean, anyway? Don't ask me, I got pointed for NOT having an opinion.
Namssa's Avatar
I would say papaoscar has it about right.
Phildo you can't hide your intent in those post.
Eccienewbie WK for Phildo? Not a good idea on this thread.
You two need to drop it so papaoscar can continue with his discussion.
No further warning.
pyramider's Avatar
All of this over reviews? I have written several hundred and all were works of a literary giant.

This thread is missing something ... what could it be ...

Oh, I know ... this thread desperately needs some taint. Twisted taints can make people get pissy. Proper taint tickling will help relax the taint and allow the taint to untwist.

Hey Reese, how many posts do I have that have taint mentioned six times?
Here's a little something that could help us all find something to agree on and just get along!

...this is a lovely thread hijack?


So.....I actually took the time to read this dribble, and wow that's time I'd like to have back. I have always preached how limited email (posts, etc. - it originated in the workplace) is for communication. You lose tone, delivery, emphasis, etc. Reading someone's words, and getting what they're trying to communicate certainly can be dicey.

But that really doesn't apply here. Dude, you were being a dick. Just call it. Own it already. There was no misunderstanding. Your auto-correct changed torito to Dorito? Are you fucking for real?? I laughed my ass off.

If you want to bust on the noobs who type a lot, on pretty much everything, then that's your prerogative, but why get ridiculous with a mod. I make a point to read your posts because they have been valuable. What is all this shit? And I've seen eccnewb circle around with you on another thread. (No I won't go look for it, so don't ask.)

Seriously dude, did your account get compromised? Are you going thru a hard time? Did your nuts rise up into your body, and need to drop into your sack? Are you eccnewb??

You're a straight up respected member man! Wtf?

I actually took the time to read this dribble Originally Posted by LoveNHorny
Hey, he's a low posting noob, he can post all the inflammatory shit he wants, while ignoring the mod's suggestions and hijacking a derailed thread (again) without consequence. I'm with SD and the taint suggestion.

On topic, what reviews mean to me: if they are honest, accurate and at least semi literate, they are useful. If they are written by someone who will fuck a pizza faced whale with bad teeth and dog fart breath and brag about it and say yes, that's no use. As far as review count and frequency is concerned wimmin are all over the map on that. Maybe it means you're a rich walking hard on or you're a tightwad or a man of few words and many backstage connections. What the wimmin know is beyond p411 OK's or review counts. It's down to who you know, not the quantity, or even quality, of your hooker book reports.
It's cool phildo. I think you were outta bounds with Torito, and I think you are aware.

I would prefer you own it, but I'm not a hypocrite, so let me own my shit to you. There's some coed forum that's getting a little formulaic: over posting noobs, who sometimes type a lot to state the obvious, respected members who take it on themselves to flame them (often times stalking their posts), mods who have to intervene on occasion, SD playing Switzerland with distractions.

There are some other cycles I see, even beyond just the reoccurrence of repetitive topics. Honestly, I have liked your past posting, and was annoyed at your current tone. But you know what? That's my problem not yours, and I'm no Mod.

The mere fact that that any coed discussion annoys me, in any way, is my litmus that I'm too involved. The hobby holds a very small part of my life and time. Cycles here not only shouldn't impact me, except positively, but I shouldn't even be aware of them.

So I apologize for that post, and I will tell you that it has prompted me to take a break, especially from coed. I'm happy with my SO, and not currently active anyway. Why do I care so much for the safety and welfare of a group of strangers(?) is an inquiry I'm currently pressed with.

Also, as passionately as I've spoken about the contribution of non-reviewers, I'm actually planning to review when I partake again. So, sorry for harping on you, and I'm gonna take a sabbatical, maybe spend some UTR time.

Peace dude,