someone told me "we" don't like to be called hookers...

Savannah Moon's Avatar
Most people reference me as
Miss Moon
I no longer ALLOW people to effect me
With labels.. grouping ..or anything else because I am confident with who I am today.
I don't depend on other people to determine my self worth.
There is a wonderful freedom that comes with that.
We all know..he is not going to quit being a dick.
Just hopefully not a dick on our KC board
stocklvr's Avatar
Yes, words are words... But there is still the use of words in a derogatory sense and how others perceive them.

Just be polite to people. I could call some people in here shitbags or cunts, but those are just words right? You can choose to be offended by them or not, but it doesn't mean I should go out calling people that just because I can.

Wakeup, stop being a dick. Originally Posted by Dkayz
That needed to be said. Just like that.

Dkayz, thanks for keeping the decorum in this forum. (See what I did there?)
Wakeup's Avatar
Yes, words are words... But there is still the use of words in a derogatory sense and how others perceive them. Originally Posted by Dkayz
There is how others perceive words, yes, but there is no such thing as using words in a derogatory sense on the interwebs...

Just be polite to people. Originally Posted by Dkayz
Why? What you call polite may not be what I call it. That has been illustrated by the aged, obese hooker here already. There is no nice here, there is no naughty here, there just is.

I could call some people in here shitbags or cunts, but those are just words right? Originally Posted by Dkayz
Yes, they're just words, nothing more. Only weak people allow the pathetic connotations they see in those words to affect them. Instead, they should see only the dictionary definitions of them...and then they'd just laugh...

You can choose to be offended by them or not, but it doesn't mean I should go out calling people that just because I can. Originally Posted by Dkayz
Why doesn't it mean that? I can use any language I want to. It's irrelevant to me now other people perceive those words.

Wakeup, stop being a dick. Originally Posted by Dkayz
It's honestly too bad that you see my words as being negative in some way. Maybe you should have paid more attention to the earlier posts in the thread...
Yes, words are words... But there is still the use of words in a derogatory sense and how others perceive them.

Just be polite to people. I could call some people in here shitbags or cunts, but those are just words right? You can choose to be offended by them or not, but it doesn't mean I should go out calling people that just because I can.

Wakeup, stop being a dick. Originally Posted by Dkayz
Uh...Wakeup is a dude?

If that's the case, why is he allowed to post in our Ladies' Lounge? Seriously?
Wakeup's Avatar
Uh...Wakeup is a dude?

If that's the case, why is he allowed to post in our Ladies' Lounge? Seriously? Originally Posted by seductrix4u
Heh, good question...
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Yes Candice,
Wakeup is a dude. His avatar is "Valerie" out of London.
It's my understanding that guy mods do monitor the gals room(s), as there's only a couple gal mods who can not cover all the gals stuff.
Apparently he's bored on the Houston boards today, so he's visiting up here.
He commonly presents argumentative rhetoric along with personal attack in attempts to "win" discussions and/or attempt to prove his point.
Thus, Dkayz has correctly defined Wakeup's issue.
And, it appears that Wakeup simply ignores guidelines 1, 3 & 4.
Wakeup's Avatar
And, it appears that Wakeup simply ignores guidelines 1, 3 & 4. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter understanding of, awareness of, and compliance with all of the guidelines is more complete than almost anyone else here. My enforcement of those guidelines simply differs greatly from what you would like. I do, however, also believe that they shouldn't exist, but that's a separate topic I think...
Then they lied to you...

That type of opinion is what leads to discrimination in the're all the exact same...from street walker to're all hookers, and we're all tricks. As a famous hooker once said, "that's just geography." Originally Posted by Wakeup
I kind of disagree with the comment that we're all the same, from street walker to HDH. Yes, we are all involved in the same line of work, but I do believe some of us deserve to be treated with respect, because some of us truly take pride in what we do. There's different calibers of women in this business. There's the classic dirty whores & then there's upscale escorts.

Do you know where the name "trick" came from? It's a commonly used term from pimps. They call their girl's clients "tricks" because pimps say you guys will do anything to trick us & you guys are always trying to find ways to get over on us ladies. It's not a name I would proudly claim. Basically calling yourself conniving.

But to each their own. We are all entitled to our own opinion.

Now off to being the happy "hooker" I've been today
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar understanding of, awareness of, and compliance with all of the guidelines is more complete than almost anyone else here. My enforcement of those guidelines simply differs greatly from what you would like. I do, however, also believe that they shouldn't exist, but that's a separate topic I think... Originally Posted by Wakeup
argumentative rhetoric
Can you ever not be predictable?
Wakeup's Avatar
Wakeup's Avatar
I kind of disagree with the comment that we're all the same, from street walker to HDH. Yes, we are all involved in the same line of work, but I do believe some of us deserve to be treated with respect, because some of us truly take pride in what we do. There's different calibers of women in this business. There's the classic dirty whores & then there's upscale escorts. Originally Posted by Kat VonDee
So many things wrong with this paragraph...

You're saying that some women in this business don't deserve respect because of how you want to label them. You're saying that some women in this business don't take pride in what they do, and that is why you label them different than you. You're saying that there is such a thing as an "upscale escort" and that it is somehow better than a "dirty whore."

Again...another example of how one whore tries to imagine that she's better than other whores by calling herself one thing and calling others something else...

There is nothing inherently better about charging $400 or $40...about a five star hotel or the backseat of a car...about a courtesan or a whore...
So many things wrong with this paragraph...

You're saying that some women in this business don't deserve respect because of how you want to label them. You're saying that some women in this business don't take pride in what they do, and that is why you label them different than you. You're saying that there is such a thing as an "upscale escort" and that it is somehow better than a "dirty whore."

Again...another example of how one whore tries to imagine that she's better than other whores by calling herself one thing and calling others something else...

There is nothing inherently better about charging $400 or $40...about a five star hotel or the backseat of a car...about a courtesan or a whore... Originally Posted by Wakeup
LOL! I don't imagine that I'm better than any woman in this business, I focus on my business & being the best I can be. I will never compete with no other woman, after all, we're all here for the same reason!

I don't label anyone because that's not my place, but 1 thing I do know for sure, there are different calibers of women in this line of work. There's women who false advertise, rip clients off, treat their clients like crap & then there's the ones who are honest, treat their clients with respect & do exactly what they advertise. & I do believe the some of us who have built a solid reputation with those positive qualities deserve to be respected.

We can go back & forth on this subject all night, but like I said, I do believe there's a huge difference between dirty whores & upscale escorts. It's not looking down on anyone, it's the truth. But if you feel like that we are all nothing but whores & we are all the same, that's your opinion.
Wakeup's Avatar
I do believe there's a huge difference between dirty whores & upscale escorts. It's not looking down on anyone... Originally Posted by Kat VonDee
The contradiction inherent in your own words is staggering, to say the least...
Dkayz's Avatar
  • Dkayz
  • 12-21-2016, 12:21 AM
There is how others perceive words, yes, but there is no such thing as using words in a derogatory sense on the interwebs...

Why? What you call polite may not be what I call it. That has been illustrated by the aged, obese hooker here already. There is no nice here, there is no naughty here, there just is.

Yes, they're just words, nothing more. Only weak people allow the pathetic connotations they see in those words to affect them. Instead, they should see only the dictionary definitions of them...and then they'd just laugh...

Why doesn't it mean that? I can use any language I want to. It's irrelevant to me now other people perceive those words.

It's honestly too bad that you see my words as being negative in some way. Maybe you should have paid more attention to the earlier posts in the thread... Originally Posted by Wakeup
So without going word for word replying to your reply, I'll just summarize.

I am all for free speech. Trust me, I've pissed a few people off regarding that. However, when your free speech specifically offends a singular person, then you are violating the rules that are mentioned by The Man himself.

I could say that I want to be called a European American all day long, but 90% of the other people on here are fine being called crackers. So feel free to call all 90% of those people crackers. But after I tell you that I find it offensive and you decide to refer to me as that anyway, it's not just an attack, it's also just a dick move on yourself.

I can almost guarantee that you're older than me, so I know you were raised with a better sense of morals and etiquette than I was.

If someone takes offense to a certain word, then just don't call them by it. When you generalize, I'm fine with that because it's freedom of speech. Nothing in the rules says you can't have freedom of speech, regardless of how derogatory it is. However, when you start calling another member of the board by a term that they don't appreciate, then it becomes an attack on that specific member, which is a violation of the rules.

So, if you want to describe how you feel that hooker is an appropriate term and words shouldn't hurt (I also feel that we are in 2016 and people should not need a safe space from words), I am totally fine with that. But the moment you start directing those terms towards someone who does not appreciate them, that is when I have a problem with it.

Please re-read guidelines 1-4 posted by St. C and make sure you are outside of those guidelines when replying on my section of this forum. Thank you.

If you want to discuss the specifics of it in more detail, I am more than willing to have you PM me and we can go back and forth on this issue all day.
Dkayz's Avatar
  • Dkayz
  • 12-21-2016, 12:24 AM
Uh...Wakeup is a dude?

If that's the case, why is he allowed to post in our Ladies' Lounge? Seriously? Originally Posted by seductrix4u
While it is not common for a moderator to comment in the Ladie's Lounge, we are still given access to make sure rules are being abide by. So I do see what you guys talk about. I (and other mods) rarely comment unless it's an issue that needs to be addressed by a moderator/admin.