Encounter: Return of Lolita

Turns out they prepaying for a multi hour - despite a wave of last min cancels in Alb (posted there) was not a risk at all. We had a wonderful time, and this makes 3 successful encounters in a row for me with her. As much as I read the negative reviews, my experience has been the opposite - albeit that they have occurred since spring of 2021 to present day. I live by border of NJ/NY and travel upstate for work some days, I can say that the deposit and background check are not optional down here unless you want to risk getting robbed etc. so her format was not a bridge too far for my experience. I can say with honesty that unless you want to roll the dice on STG (which is a circus in NJ) a deposit and background check is a requirement for near all great dates.

Him and haw all you want, that’s the game down here and it’ll be that way up there soon too. We want the women, they set the hurdles. We will jump them to get the women. We can argue that it’s wrong and blah blah but sooner or later you’ll find yourself leaping over any number of hurdles for the right encounter.

The right encounter for me seems to be Arianna. Also, now offering multiple types of safety devices, which was a first for me.

Again, I don’t think anyone is a liar, I also am no white knight. I’m just reporting that my 3 experiences are objectively different than the negative ones I’ve read. That is all. Originally Posted by 4twentee
Same here I have never had any problems with her. I’ve seen her multiple times over the years and never had to give a deposit
I don’t understand some of u guys. She’s probably 140 or 150 tops and she ain’t fat. I guess u guys like those track team chicks Originally Posted by Revis24
I’m reading this thread like these folks are from another planet.

She’s too expensive? (for you maybe ? Have fun at some sleez hotel with a pimp across from that locked door)

She’s too fat? (So you only like cheap skinny chicks? Well I got news for you about most of those SWers)

Arianna weighs exactly Amazing Ass without A Gut LBS - priceless

Track team lol
Presj22's Avatar
Alla the replies here only prove one thing: her inconsistency. Which was my complaint, and why I gave up. Well....that and some other things I was told in confidence, but I cannot substantiate. They affected my decision though.

. Originally Posted by rooster
I'll give her this, she's great looking for CNY, but I've read too much about her inconsistencies. I guess you got to ask yourself this, would you rather get off to a so so looking older gal when you are really in the mood WHEN you want to or set up an appointment, get blown off, set up another appointment, etc...
Oh geez

I'm totally SOLD now
Mr Dingleberry's Avatar
Some of you can say how great it is but she is also very known to be a flake, scam, etc.

Her thirsty simps will defend her and disregard she has tons of drama, scamming, flaking and leaving men hanging because they think with their dick.
Did she cancel her Rochester visit for this week? No response.
wilson13's Avatar
Check her out on Twitter. She's extending her stay in the Roc
Mr Dingleberry's Avatar
Did she cancel her Rochester visit for this week? No response. Originally Posted by rnewbee
Thats her norm.
buffalomw10's Avatar
I’m batting 3 for 3 with her over the past few years and she’s top 5 in upset ny. For beauty,passion and sexual interaction, I’d see her over most.