wow my first no on a review!!!!!

Ole Shelton has been around long enough to remember that this hobby is about one thing and one thing only. Creating and fulfilling a fantasy. Period. Thus in order to fulfill a fantasy, one must create and manage the perception of others. Creating perceptions within others is a skilled art that not all can master. Those with this skill have motivated the masses throughout history...ministers, lawyers...and yes, even the painted lady of the night. The point Ole Shelton is making is that not even the most skilled master of perception manipulation will be successful 100% of the time. Thus, there should not be anything the lady derives from an "No" that is the exception to the norm, nor should anyone blame Gregster he desired a certain fantasy that, for whatever reason, was not fulfilled. Ole Shelton spends much time in the hopping through the Caribbean and in doing so I picked up a little spanish here and there. There is an old and ancient spanish proverb that seems appropriate to perhaps put closure to this matter. That is simply, "la mierda pasa". Now, Ole Shelton hopes the next time he peeks in on you kiddies he finds everyone playing nice with one another.
barrybarry39's Avatar
I think I like Old Shelton
If your not considering a run for president
Perhaps you should.
quote---Ladies, I guess if you're in this for long enough, your going to get a no eventually.

when ya get a "no" just makes ya work harder to get back in the saddle riding high!

keep ridibng high & smiling Pocahontas! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Thank you
That guy is a coward who only has "nerve" when he's sitting behind a computer screen operating an anonymous "personality".

Seriously - not a single male on these forums should post a negative review unless they tell the woman face to face first. To go through a session "faking" a good time and then slogging the girl in the review is pure cowardice.

It's like me at work - if I have to send an email to my boss complaining that a co-worker isn't pulling his load ... then I .cc the coworker. And - before I send the email - I talk to my coworker and if I can't fix the problem that way - then I launch something to the boss with a .cc to the lard ass.

Never say anything about an individual that you wouldn't say to their face. Some people weren't raised right though.

This is why the review system is completely fucked. Fuckin' Beta Males that won't sit down with a girl and try to resolve the issue. Wanna be the "big man" with a negative review ... "Hey look guys! Imma sexual gourmet - and this gal sucked!"

Please - that's not manly.

If a gal doesn't show for the date - then cool 'dis her. If she does something extremely negative ... tell her you had a lousy time and won't be coming back - and then 'dis her.

But to sit there and be all nice and give her no indication that you're having a horrible time and then coming in here and shitting on her? That's wrong man. Originally Posted by Arverni
I guess I'll reply to these one at a time, the ones worthy of comment, saving my comment for her last.

No, I"m not a coward. I accurately wrote down, in my opinion, what happened. That is what this board is for. Sitting at your computer calling people names - THAT is the act of a coward.
Well, not much else warranted a reply.

A few things:

1) If every negative or no review results in drama, well, we'll get even less honest reviews.

2) I thought my review was a fair version of what happened.

3) Most of her negative comments she made at the start were about people who posted in comments to my review, not so much about my review itself.

4) I have no problem with her not liking the review. It is her body and certainly, I would not want anyone to do anything they were not comfortable with. However, her menu changed, i was informed of it rather late and I had a problem with that.

5) I hope she continues on in the business and has all the success in the world. If that is what she really wants. I never said anyone should avoid her, or that she was terrible, or made any accusations against her really at all - at least none that she directly refuted. I just said I would not recommend her, based on my limited, one time, 40 minute experience. Clearly, several others will and have.

So, now I sit here, wondering about this whole process. Many of the providers seem to have a good attitude about it, but I wonder, if now I'll be screened out a bit more, or have some backlash. I guess I considered that a possibility when I wrote it.

There can be way too much drama around here.

To those who found the information useful, you are welcome. To those who will see her anyway - I'm glad for you both and I hope to read your review showing what a great time you both had. To the one or two who jumped out of reason and into insanity - come back to earth. Your mother and cats miss you. Well, the cats need to be fed at least.

rex111999's Avatar
I am a dog owner.
gimme_that's Avatar
Ok ladies. Go ahead and post rebuttles in every review that may entail something negative about you. Make sure to make a thread and provide a link to the review as well. I know if I saw a lady do this twice.....or semi regularly with a history of it I darn sure wouldn't chance seeing her. Id see no need to risk seeing a chick who may get mad because I was honest in my review.

Writing "no" reviews are hard to do. You should be objective when you write them. The reviewer did that, he didn't seem to post with any vendetta.

So what you ladies and gents are saying is.......during the session when you discover her performance isn't up to par as she advertises or alluded too.......that your gonna tell her "hey you can do better than this, I'm not satisfied, stop being lazy, do it like this", etc. She already has your money safely secured. She's not gonna just suddenly get better or neccessarily be more motivated to perform better when you just told her her service was lacking. Where's the incentive. Oh that tell her, "well I guess My review won't be so good thus far". The thinly veiled threat of a bad review while in session will not lend itself moreso always toward making that situation better. Maybe you were the exception to the rule, a provider who would use live negative feedback as motivation to perform to a better standard. Id bet more money that their are more so negative instances associated with the critique and live criticism of the providers services and attitude. Just want to know to avoid damage control later. Maybe even say you didn't see him and he's lying or suddenly he was difficult......
One man's trash is another man's treasure.
Prov. Something that one person considers worthless may be considered valuable by someone else

As I see it, this is one person's opinion and the rest of us can take it or leave it. Some like her, some don't. That's life! Unless you have ROS privileges, only a no recommendation is shown w/o any other derogatory indications provided. From what I read, it just seems someone was dissatisfied with what he considered a sub-par performance. His opinion, like any other review posted.
gimme_that's Avatar

Like you would know, are you speaking words of wisdom from experience? All I see are 3 hardly passable for informative reviews with low rate no name SW's.
the only one that seems jaded here is you, this is a hobby, you are supposed to be having fun.
you didnt pay for it either, why are you so hateful? Damn, we are humans with feelings, how would you feel if every lady you met picked apart every thing about you on the most personal level? oh wait, none would, because you contribute nothing to the hobby but BS posts like this one. Originally Posted by April Cox

What SWs are you talking about. You have your members confused obviously. I don't write reviews often on this site, but I pass a lot of info back channel. I wrote reviews on ASPD too before this site an my reviews are very descriptive, long, and detailed. I'm the wrong guy to see if your reviews are overhyped trust me lol. With the exception of my last review all the others are ladies who are currently on p411. So try again on the streetwalker angle........that doesn't apply hear and never would.

The most current was a BP chick in Huntsville, AL. Where overnight rates vary in price from 400 to 2000, on average moreso on the 500 to 800 range in that local. Price is based on a ladys individual need at the time. She got hers.....I got mine.
4) I have no problem with her not liking the review. It is her body and certainly, I would not want anyone to do anything they were not comfortable with. However, her menu changed, i was informed of it rather late and I had a problem with that.
Originally Posted by gregster

There is nothing in her profile that says all the activities you have listed are on her menu....
There is nothing in her profile that says all the activities you have listed are on her menu.... Originally Posted by mojito
True, but its in other reviews from her. And fairly standard stuff. And, yeah, I didn't ask up front, but that is VERY awkward having never met.

Worse, was the effect it had on the time. Maybe I'm too scripted, but I just had no good way to get from "here" to "there" w/o activities.

It could have all been more my fault.

Its not about that.

Its about what happened. And again - its not meant to be a recommendation to NOT see her - but IF these things are important to you - ask before you go.

She did confirm that it was a recent change, so perhaps she SHOULD have on her profile that certain things are off the menu that were on, or that now YMMV
What the fuck is a SW
skeeter's Avatar
Street walker
Thaaaank u!!!
Enroller's Avatar
Apparantly, some of you have decided not to take Ole Shelton's advice.