To Everyone on the Upstate NY ECCIE Board

Penis_Leerie's Avatar
Surprisingly, if you were to check how Ms. Ryder spells/uses "are" for "our", and several other unique features that SOME might mistake for spelling mistakes, you might get the shock of your life!

They are indeed dialectical and well-used archaic spellings quite common in English that had NO standard spellings until very, very recently, and still does NOT for the most part. A little knowledge is a very, very dangerous and ugly thing, especially when it is used to mock and belittle someone else. First be sure that your own fundamentals are sound, that you are not yourself betrayed as an asinine and illiterate fool.

I am more than content to enter into a full-fledged debate with anyone who is indeed qualified to do so, who is well enough read on the matters I have just mentioned and who can point out to me the references from which I have taken my stance. But not with worthless scoundrels, whose only goal in life is to insult ladies whom they consider vulnerable to public insults. As you can see, karma is an evil bitch. She comes back to bite with sharp and remorseless teeth.

I have met Ms.Ryder very briefly over 2 years ago. There is no real possibility of our meeting up again in my lifetime. So there is no question of my being a white knight. However, I have had many opportunities for testing her spirit and have determined to my intense satisfaction the quality of her heart.

I have also during that same time been able to determine those same qualities of two or three posters on this site, and not to their credit, I am afraid.

Since I have spent a lifetime at some major institutions and do know how many other well-known scholars regard me and choose to associate with me for over 38 years of their own free will, that gives me a certain standard of comparison, does it not?

Can a huge slice of the civilized world be so wrong and only a tiny coterie of within this site always infallibe, is the question YOU should be asking yourself, but sadly will never get around to doing, drowning out sanity in the shrill, obscene vomit of self-rationalizations.

Since you are gratuitously on the attack at all times, how does it feel to be on the receiving end? How does it feel to be seen as brainless, mindless, soulless scum? You know full well in your heart where exactly in your own society you stand, and that upsets you no end, so that you take out your aggression on women. The sam applies to your buddies who get off on cheap thrills calling various ladies, fat, or this and that. Stinking, rotten garbage that they themselves are, leprous sores on humankind. Originally Posted by greenpeace2014
Why bother with either of them, they're just whore and monger now? I mean with your resume why bother with a couple of overweight sexual deviants?