COVID-19 is serious, not a subject for pranks

There's some irrational shit being said on these boards about the pandemic. One idiot thinks that liberals or Democrats or anti Trump people want lots of death, lots of economic problems. Unbelievable self-serving demonization. Crackpot weirdness. Yea, I used to post on this political section of the eccie board. It took me a couple weeks before I came to my senses that much of what appears here is nonsense, like Firestorm's earliest nonstop nonsense about the pandemic.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If we're going to have some kind of a Kumbaya moment, then you need to apologize for calling me a pea brained fucking commie. And I'll apologize for calling Wake Up's wife a whore. Originally Posted by Tiny
Sorry Wake Up! See, I went first. Originally Posted by Tiny

don't apologize for Wakeup's fictional whore-wife.

Here's the fucking commie part:

That was the thread where I figured out that LustyLad's Steve Mnuchin in real life. Pea brained must have been in a different post.

That must be a record, he got 14 "likes" for that post. Wakeup was hilarious. He'd probably still be around if he hadn't gotten burned out policing our posts in the Political Forum. Originally Posted by Tiny

ok. that was the Wild Wild West days. so what was out of bounds other than it hurt your feelings?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If we're going to have some kind of a Kumbaya moment, then you need to apologize for calling me a pea brained fucking commie. And I'll apologize for calling Wake Up's wife a whore. Originally Posted by Tiny
Sorry Wake Up! See, I went first. Originally Posted by Tiny

Again ..

Wakeup was a complex/controversial poster/mod. gone but not forgotten. Or forgiven.

Here's the fucking commie part:

That was the thread where I figured out that LustyLad's Steve Mnuchin in real life. Pea brained must have been in a different post.

That must be a record, he got 14 "likes" for that post. Wakeup was hilarious. He'd probably still be around if he hadn't gotten burned out policing our posts in the Political Forum. Originally Posted by Tiny

No. i helped set the record it's something like the 45+ likes a certain Htown Cougar write-in for DOTY ..
Lucas McCain's Avatar
That must be a record, he got 14 "likes" for that post. Wakeup was hilarious. He'd probably still be around if he hadn't gotten burned out policing our posts in the Political Forum. Originally Posted by Tiny
Wakeup just seemed like an angry and really strange guy to me. He could be funny very rarely, but for the most part, he was just weird as fuck to me.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I don't know what the record is for "likes" for a post, Tiny but check out my silly shit in the second post in this stupid ass thread:

I must have been drinking and really bored that early morning. It was so many years ago that I don't remember what state of mind I was then. All I know is that I was obviously in the mood to start some dumb shit in that thread for my own entertainment
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Apologize to Firestorm? Are you kidding. Since his foolhardy, lightweight post on the Dakotas board (and many other boards) I've seen some of the other posts he's made about this national/international tragedy. For whatever reason, he was very late in understanding the seriousness of this issue, and before taking on a more serious tone he made light of it, and while he was making light of it people were dying, including people who were in the health care professions. He pulled his "information" from some marginal health business website. If he'd been reading and respecting the real Johns Hopkins website and other quality science-based sources like Mayo or Harvard medical from the beginning he wouldn't have been joking about it or dismissing it like he was. Now he's taking on some self-appointed, self-important role to spread information to the public, and because he doesn't know what the hell he's doing his "advice" is flawed. Firestorm should apologize, especially for his early posts making light of the pandemic. Originally Posted by Muy Largo

what exactly is it you want from me to sauve your "hurt" feelings if we can call it that?

guess what I'll post on your forum first. hows that?

will you blow up again????
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Dilbert, he took offense to your post. You admitted your error and acknowledged it. Whether ML accepts it or not is up to him. He obviously does not. That's his call.

It's the internet. Never take anything seriously when you don't even know their real fucking name. People have different opinions. Big deal and who gives a shit? Again, it's just the internet. This board is not real life serious issues that can be discussed in a mature way.
Redhot1960's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
A guy going by the handle of ... Originally Posted by Muy Largo
  1. Sorry for your loss. We may all have some along the line
  2. I'm sure he did not intend to offend
  3. Should you also be mad at TXDot? I think not
At first I thought someone had hacked it again.
TXDoT road sign yesterday (close-ish recollection), alternated screens between the two lines:

Avoid close encounters of any kind.
Stop Covid-19. Don't tail gate. Avoid accidents
Budman's Avatar
Fuck him. He was just looking to be offended. I bet if a leftist had posted the exact same thing he would not have said jack shit.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Budman, I highly doubt this has anything to do with politics. If the man lost his sister because of this virus, he's going to be sensitive to anyone who makes light of it. That's just being human and grieving.

Dilbert doesn't come across as a bad guy to me but I don't know what he posted to piss the OP off. And quite frankly, I don't give a shit enough to find it.
Budman's Avatar
I don't buy that for one second. This is purely political. Otherwise he would have accepted the apology and thank him for trying to help. No one here knows if he actually lost his sister or if he even has a sister. So many people are looking to be offended so they can play the victim card. If he did lose his sister I would think he has more important things to do than read a hooker board and get his feelings hurt.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Budman, you may be absolutely correct about that. I don't know. The OP doesn't have a lot of posts on this board considering his join date so I was just giving him the benefit of the doubt about his sister.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Budman, I highly doubt this has anything to do with politics. If the man lost his sister because of this virus, he's going to be sensitive to anyone who makes light of it. That's just being human and grieving.

Dilbert doesn't come across as a bad guy to me but I don't know what he posted to piss the OP off. And quite frankly, I don't give a shit enough to find it. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
don't know if you if you seen it, its the tip on coronavirus thread. that is what offended him.

the original article had errors and subsequently put up an updated version.

you would think he'd be polite enough to say thank you or at least politely tell me that the info was bad like the way other people in other forums have conducted themselves.

obviously, he had an ax to grind, prolly out of boredom.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
obviously, he had an ax to grind, prolly out of boredom. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I don't have an axe to grind with anyone, but I sure the fuck am bored. I've watched Tiger King, Ozark and now I am binge watching other shit. It will be nice when things get back to normal and I can run around freely without thinking about this virus. I'm sure most feel the same.