Holy Mother of God - There's Flat Out Mutiny Within The Trump Administration

What in the name of hades is going on here.

A secret “resistance” effort even considered invoking the 25th Amendment to get him out of office, an unnamed administration official wrote in The New York Times.

High-level officials under President Donald Trump are actively working to combat his controversial policies and erratic behavior, according to a scathing New York Times op-ed published Wednesday and written by an author identified only as “a senior official in the Trump administration.”

“The dilemma — which [Trump] does not fully grasp — is that many of the senior officials in his own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations,” the author wrote. “I would know. I am one of them.”

At one point, the author writes, officials considered invoking the 25th Amendment ― which allows a president to be removed from office in the event of death, removal, resignation or incapacitation.

It may be cold comfort in this chaotic era, but Americans should know that there are adults in the room. We fully recognize what is happening. And we are trying to do what’s right even when Donald Trump won’t.

Dam Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

It's pretty exciting isn't it?

If progressives get their way, pretty soon The Donald could be forced or hounded out of office, and then Pence would be sworn in as president. What a huge victory that would be for the Dems! Right?
It's more like a disgruntled employee doing a power struggle and exaggerating shit.

It's pretty exciting isn't it?

If progressives get their way, pretty soon The Donald could be forced or hounded out of office, and then Pence would be sworn in as president. What a huge victory that would be for the Dems! Right? Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I wouldn't be surprised if Pence, as many have speculated, is part or leader of this so-called "steady state," in which case Twitler will have his head long before we have Twitler's.

So maybe it'll be the next Speaker of the House who assumes control when this nightmare mercifully ends.


Talk about heads 'splodin!!!!

Your turn...

What's strange is the FBI and CIA can find (and insert) spies inside the Trump administration but they can't seem to find spies and leakers inside the Trump administration. If you get my meaning.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Well, they don't want to , road lead back to Billary and dnc ,,,,,But But its the Russians (LOL)
I wouldn't be surprised if Pence, as many have speculated, is part or leader of this so-called "steady state," in which case Twitler will have his head long before we have Twitler's.

So maybe it'll be the next Speaker of the House who assumes control when this nightmare mercifully ends.


Talk about heads 'splodin!!!!

Your turn...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

If Pence somehow does ascend to the presidency, the progressives' job #1 will of course be to get rid of him, too.

If Pelosi were Speaker at the time, a lot more than heads would be 'splodin!

The deficit is already 'splodin' enough as it is, set to blow right past the trillion-dollar mark. Imagine a President Pelosi and a heavily Dem congress. Talk about futher 'splodin' the deficit!

Free college for all! Medicare for all! Middle class tax cuts!

Get those wimps outta there and put Stephanie Kelton in as Fed chair. Crank those printing presses! Great fun for everyone!
lustylad's Avatar
Get those wimps outta there and put Stephanie Kelton in as Fed chair. Crank those printing presses! Great fun for everyone! Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
Stephanie Kelton?


Yeah, baby! Wave the flag for Stony Brook! We'll finally get a Fed chair who subscribes to MMT!
Stephanie Kelton?


Yeah, baby! Wave the flag for Stony Brook! We'll finally get a Fed chair who subscribes to MMT! Originally Posted by lustylad

Yeah, baby! We ain't seen nothin' yet. Let the party roll!!
sjohnlewis's Avatar
And nobody kows this better than President Trump.

He has perfected the art of manipulating the media. He knows exactly what button to push.

Back in the campaign, while other candidates spent millions in an attempt to garner some media attention, all Candidate Trump had to do was throw a couple of zingers out and the media would emmediatly make his every utterance their lead story.

President Trump has been playing the Media like a cheap fiddle for decades. They are too stupid to realize he kows exactly what he is doing.

The Media did not make the Kraken. But they helped release it.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38AYeNGjqg0 Originally Posted by Jackie S

Oh Jackie! Just wow, such insight.
sjohnlewis's Avatar
We all look forward to seeing how much more Trump will accomplish during his second term in office.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah, "Thing's are getting desperate on the farm" The never trumper's cult is on the ropes .
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sure seems like it!

Nope. Unlike Twitler’s King for a Day mentality, Pence has a truly evil agenda when it comes to the people of this nation.

But I believe we’ll benefit by rousting the entire Trump family and their minions from our government. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Go for it!!

Just remember the penalty for treason, my intelligent and polite friend.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Here's your inside source. Her book failed miserably, so this is her plan B.