Viagra help

What the fuck are you going to do concrete hardon for a week.

Please don't give any stupid answers.
When you order from Alldaychemist online and it asks for a prescription leave it blank. Where is asks for a Doctor leave it blank.
eyecu2's Avatar
I have used ADC 2 times no need of a script or doc info. If it asks if you got one, just type yes. They dont want to see it. Just covering themselves.
berryberry's Avatar
They all work well. For the price, I think Manly is the best. I have no real issues getting it up, but I do find it helps with stamina and makes a second round possible every time. Bottom line, it helps me get my money's worth with a provider. Originally Posted by Big Stig
Agreed. Same for me. Several years ago when I was seeing this one SB, and had never used any supplements, I saw a thread on Vitalkor and tried it out. That was great stuff - not only gave you a rock hard erection but also increased your libido. then the FDA busted them since it turned out they were putting in Cialis and Levitra in their mix - lol.

So I figured ok, I will give ADC a try for their viagra and levitra. While I have no issue getting it up without these pills, I have found pretty much the same thing Stig did. It increases my stamina and makes me able to go for round 2 very easily . Definitely enhances a visit
Krieghoffk80 you don't walk around hard for a week. The pill works for that long. Sorry for your confusion. It's nice to have it as an option if you need sumthin in a pinch. It absolutely helps with stamina as well.
LOL Thanks
I've ordered for years off of the India sites, Malengra is Viagra. Other generic forms of major brands too. Usually load up on a eighty or so 100mg pills. That's alot of fucking.

Split em if you want too. 100 mg keeps me hard for an entire evening. Half a pill for a hour or so quicky. I take half to start then half a few hours into the night for an overnight. Morning sex is possible from what's left in the tank.
Cost around $120-150 an order. Never a problem, works fine. My 21 yo sugar baby taps out before I do and she loves to fuck.
Only side effect is flushing of the skin w generic Viagra.
Timing is important, takes about 20-30 minutes to take effect. I've checked into more than one hotel looking like I had a sunburn.
The generic yellow pill "Cialis" made me blow chunks a few times if you drink too good just upsets my gut.
It did seem to have a longer lingering effect where you could go the next afternoon without taking another pill.
I can get hard without them but like the fuller stronger erection. Your dosage may vary
But it seems more foolproof than the liquids some guys use.
If you need something immediately go to the adult store wherever you have one close and buy a pill called Rhino69 it costs $10 and it gives concrete hard ons for a week. Originally Posted by the patriot
I tried that once and it did exactly that.....and then I literally fainted leaving the house one day. Woke up on the ground 5 seconds later trying to figure out what happened!
Just be careful guys, you have no clue what they put in that stuff.
shit those rhino pills and otc shit like that is what they say Lamar Odom was taking when he stroked out at the brothel in Neveda. They said he was eating them like candy
To guys that get bad flushing from this type of meds(like me) is there any of them that you have noticed don't make their faces red. For me, it's uncomfortable plus a headache on even just a half a Viagra. Cialis did the same thing.
Lavitra seemed to cause the least flushing but doesn't work real well for me. Cialis just makes me feel like crap, backache, headache,upset stomaches, blurred vision. Viagra had the least bad effects for me other than the flushing of skin. Sometimes it's mild, sometimes it's pretty bad. I did read it should be taken on a full stomache and minimize liquid intake. I always drank alcohol or at least a bottle of water thinking it would help the process. The flushing last a few hours usually.
I keep the lights dim and if noticed blame it on the booze and my fair complexion. Irish blood.
Yea I think providers probably have a good laugh over the red faced "Viagra guys". But of course they don't care. For me it's just too much. Feel like my face is badly wind-burned. Plus I get a headache. Like a lot of guys I like the insurance of the pill plus the boner is harder.....but the side affects are to much for me.
yeah I agree.... I dont mind the flush feeling as much as I do the upset stomach. I wish there was something that could alleviate that. It lasts 12 hours sometimes.
Instant hot rods are the way to go. Good for 4-5 days and just as strong if not stronger than viagra
All of these sites are cool. I am glad to add Rasa to my list.
The one I use the most is Very fast and inexpensive.

Just a note on the liquids. 30mg/ml should mean 30 milligram per milliliter. With one dropper equal to a ml. So 1/2 ml of tadalafil (cialis) is good for me.