Noo Black Women ???/

KenMonk's Avatar
bp like this site and the others, is a tool. its only as useful as you make it.
swarmyone's Avatar
I've been sitting here trying to figure out how to respond. After some thought and several edits....I've just decided to say this. There are some really fucking stupid people in this world and on this board. If you're reading this and the shoe fits...wear it.
KenMonk's Avatar
Yes the world is full of stupid people, being angry about it will not change that fact, so why not have a little fun?
link?? Originally Posted by ekim008
She meant kingsbeauty.

I am sorry about your exp. I do not believe it has anything to do with color I believe it is all how people run their business occasionally lack there of. I know everyone else here has said this but I will say it again.

Screening is not just something the ladies do in the bathroom, Men do it too!
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
<<<---------Still stuck on bacon pussy...
<<<---------Still stuck on bacon pussy... Originally Posted by KCSmutMonkey
For your input. Upon some degree of reflection, it is obvious to me now that the distasteful experiences I have had, and luckily they have been few have come from BackPage, although I have seen ladies from there that have been backed up by good information received from here. I actually found ECCIE by a backpage post where a lady had said in the advertisement she was ECCIE reviewed. From this point on this Cowboy only sees positively reviewed girls from this site. I guess I won't be a "trailblazer" but hopefully I won't be found dead on the side of the road either, LOL

On a side note however, I looked at the ECCIE showcases for KC and there are very few black girls on there, we might want to encourage the good ones to set up a showcase......
[QUOTE=KCQuestor;3233284]A black girl scams you and it means all black girls are scammers and bad news. A white girl scams you and clearly she was unusual and just a bad seed.

Racism at its finest.[