
Carlos Danger's Avatar
I was with her for an overnight. Originally Posted by Halejordan
Overnights? Whew
PhoenixFux's Avatar
If I get a dick pick I'm posting it FYI.. i know a review is false because i am a regular with the provider in question. Little things like her attributes are not varying they are eye same. Stop trying to correct what is posted. This client just adds comments to reviews that dont need to be posted. It only seems to be comments against the same provider. I know he has posted fake ones because 2 dates he posted I was with her for an overnight. When I mailed him for confirmation of the dates he swore they were correct. I just saying, sometimes if you dont have anything nice to say... I didnt believe it at first but when it was pointed out to me it was obvious. The client is just being malicious because hes bored and his favorite toy has had enough. Originally Posted by Halejordan

All of these details are going to lead you down the road of obsession with this very same client probably struggles with. I am curious as to how magical her pussy must be to have two of you fellows on her like this.
All of these details are going to lead you down the road of obsession with this very same client probably struggles with. I am curious as to how magical her pussy must be to have two of you fellows on her like this. Originally Posted by PhoenixFux
You say that like it's a bad thing! He's not obsessed, just very, very, very fond of her and doesn't want anything to upset his snookie-ookums!!
PhoenixFux's Avatar
You say that like it's a bad thing! He's not obsessed, just very, very, very fond of her and doesn't want anything to upset his snookie-ookums!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
And if snookie ookums is so upset she can grow a thicker skin and get off the tracks.
I'm glad you all came out from under the bridge. Nice to see we haven't started the name calling yet. I won't apologize for standing up for something I feel is wrong and trying to help someone off the tracks instead of sitting idly by waiting for the wreck. Thought this was a community (twisted but a community). If not then I still dont see where stalking and deliberately taking actions that negatively effect others ways of life should be condoned.golden pussy or not. I'd do it for anyone of you if I noticed it.
PhoenixFux's Avatar
I'm glad you all came out from under the bridge. Nice to see we haven't started the name calling yet. I won't apologize for standing up for something I feel is wrong and trying to help someone off the tracks instead of sitting idly by waiting for the wreck. Thought this was a community (twisted but a community). If not then I still dont see where stalking and deliberately taking actions that negatively effect others ways of life should be condoned.golden pussy or not. I'd do it for anyone of you if I noticed it. Originally Posted by Halejordan

You do realize all he was trying to do was help her get off the tracks as well? Did you stop and ask him what he might have experience throughout this whole ordeal? Or you just going to listen to the oh poor me lies the provider's feed you? Let me know when you're paying rent, rehab, hospital bills, and picking up from Trap houses... maybe it won't take you so long to get to that point with them
How do you know I haven't? How do you know I didnt talk with him and said if it doesnt stop then I'm going to post things here? Use his real name? Call his place of employment? Why are you so quick to judge the provider and not the client? Why are you so quick to judge me? I thought providers stuck together to make sure you all are safe? Clearly I am wrong and an evil person. Maybe I should apologize for standing up for my beliefs... but I won't. This is all I have to say on the matter. You can have the last word. Because someone has to and it ain't me. P.S. those questions are rhetorical.
Hard2Kill's Avatar
Hale for WK of the year. I know its early but...threats of outing personal information and contacting their employer. What a pussy that must be. You figure out which.
#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.

#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not. Originally Posted by JONBALLS
JB for modtard!
Originally Posted by elghund
PhoenixFux's Avatar
How do you know I haven't? How do you know I didnt talk with him and said if it doesnt stop then I'm going to post things here? Use his real name? Call his place of employment? Why are you so quick to judge the provider and not the client? Why are you so quick to judge me? I thought providers stuck together to make sure you all are safe? Clearly I am wrong and an evil person. Maybe I should apologize for standing up for my beliefs... but I won't. This is all I have to say on the matter. You can have the last word. Because someone has to and it ain't me. P.S. those questions are rhetorical. Originally Posted by Halejordan
Lmao. Way to out your Mandle.
Good going girl. Try again
PhoenixFux's Avatar
Like why would a hobbyist post another hobbyist information? Call his work? How do you know these things? You want to sit here and talk about stalking, and being harassed.... get supposedly just being a fellow hobbyist, you doing the same damn thing. If you are the provider as I suspect, you are no better by continuing your side of the harassment..