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NTFunGuy's Avatar
The great thing about this site is that once you've seen a few ladies your screening process is pretty simple and most do not ask for personal info if they know your handle and contact who you've seen.

I don't like getting asked for my work phone number, yes someone on this site wont see me unless I gave them that, I did not give it to them so I move on.

Everyone has to make their choices and I get the married guys big concern as they are playing a game they have more to lose then us single guys do when it comes to the personal info being given out.

Be safe, have fun and choose wisely.
On we go Originally Posted by bjwstw
I had a provider ask me for too much personal information. I asked for the same in return and she laughed at me and said "That's not how this works Honey. I need to verify you and not the other way around". As much as I would have liked to spend some quality time with this provider, I said F that and moved on. I understand there are risks to this 'Hobby', but there are risks on both sides. Maybe for the members who are single, retired, or just financially stable, this isn't that big of an issue. For us members that have a definite need for discretion, this can become a serious issue. Family, job, whatever, etc. And as much as I may want or feel the need to see a certain provider, nothing will trump those things.

With all of the questions surrounding sites like this, or P411 and Date Check, and LE using 'Meet and Greets' to set up stings, what's a hobbyist to do? What do you providers out there recommend we do? As with most guys here, I'm open to fair, well thought out options within reason. I just don't think I should be required to give you everything up to and including a recent credit check.
NTFunGuy's Avatar
Sorry. Posted twice.
TheRedMonroe's Avatar
For us members that have a definite need for discretion, this can become a serious issue. Family, job, whatever, etc. And as much as I may want or feel the need to see a certain provider, nothing will trump those things.

With all of the questions surrounding sites like this, or P411 and Date Check, and LE using 'Meet and Greets' to set up stings, what's a hobbyist to do? What do you providers out there recommend we do? As with most guys here, I'm open to fair, well thought out options within reason. I just don't think I should be required to give you everything up to and including a recent credit check. Originally Posted by NTFunGuy
I think that no matter what their job is or how important a man thinks he may be, we all have the same to lose. Do we all not have personal lives, jobs, and families? We all have something to lose if we ever were implicated. One person is never more important than another in my opinion.

This is what I look for when I screen:
Does the man have an Eccie handle with reviews and posts? If not, then I ask for P411 or references with a verified provider from NYS. If he is a newbie, then I ask for employment verification.

I know that men are reluctant to give personal information and I understand that (but I won't see them without any screening). I now understand the reasons for the reluctance since I started this thread. I do care about my clients and their safety as well, but I really don't care about what you do for a living. I use the info to screen to keep myself and my ladies safe and I'm not saving the information for future reference.
I am a provider, but I do agree that asking for credit info, mother's maiden name, and personal address is going too far.

To assume one man or lady has more to lose than another is rather arrogant.
I'd like to apologize again for being blunt, but I've been contacted by three men recently who claim they have more to lose than the "normal client" and wouldn't give me any info. One even asked if I would meet out at a hotel since he was "more discreet" than other clients and said that he had "more to lose than normal men." Another man recently claimed that "believe me when I tell you that I am not your normal client" and said that "I am above anything you can imagine."

These are the contacts that encouraged me to ask why men think that they don't need screening.

Sorry, this is a long rant. I need to lay off the champagne today...
Plastic Man's Avatar
Bullshit info isn't saved complete bullshit. You wont take clients word for who they are but everyone is supposed to take the word of the other side. That info is certainly saved anyone thinking its not lives in lollipop land.
Hooks should be screened also and be truthful about any pt activity if they have been arrested have a criminal record or have handler in the next room with a baseball bat.
You want to know that from a man so how about your real name because how does where a man work prove anything other than you can keep that info for when you get busted to give out in hope of a deal?
Lots of hooks think they are larger than life and might be celebs when they get caught by turning in the clients and have fun doing as much. Read the papers and net to find those stories.
Simple answer is to try legal business's then no worries. When a man loses his job because he got busted he cant simply fall back on selling his body and working on his back in bed.
boyscoutnomore's Avatar
the great benefit of this site is the ease of screening once you are active and write some reviews and gain some references. I have seen Liz and had no hassle. had a great time but did not write a review. If a provider wants more info (driver's license !!!) I will move on.
It means that some of the women here are using other providers to do their screening. life is difficult for newbies on both sides of the bed.