Dingdang19 is a thief.

daddyo67's Avatar
i am curious ...if this guy has been found to not be the tall black man and he is a 5'8 hispanic guy why is he still banned ? Originally Posted by anhellica

well,I don't know but I were to guess the OP probably showed her proof to a mod!

That kind of makes that post of the year look kind of silly don't it?
There is nothing more Vexing than trying to do the right thing then being accused of lying! Ding dang was lying. He's used 4 different handles all with the same ip address. He was not Mexican he was black tall and had tattoes of birds and a sunset on his chest. I contacted him through pm and he refused to provide any proof I had him confused with someone else. You guys are seriously dicks!! You would rather chat in eccie about this post then go and do something worth wile. Seriously get a LIFE!
& to trynagetlaid FUCK OFF I owe no one an apology. This is none of your business anyways. Your not a provider so this post was not an alert that concerned u.
Texasquest's Avatar
i am curious ...if this guy has been found to not be the tall black man and he is a 5'8 hispanic guy why is he still banned ? Originally Posted by anhellica

I dunno but i would say that him being banned speaks volumes!!!!
He has been proven to have 6 different handles here which have been banned. All you have to do is go look at pretty much any of the alerts at the top and you will see that there is between 1 and 2 handles banned on each thread thats becuase its all the same guy.

I hope you ladies are staying safe. I sent you a pm pretty lady but never heard anything back from you.
Tx Noob's Avatar
im 5 8 and im hispanic does that sound like a tall black man Originally Posted by dingdang19

And I look like Antonio Banderas with a 10 inch dick!! Just because you say something on here doesn't make it so..
aggietigger's Avatar
He should have been banned on his grammar and punctuation skills alone...
brickmonster's Avatar
Looks like he got caught !
At first I got caught up in the confusion and just decided to leave this thread alone once dingdang claimed he wasn't black.. But now that it's come out that he got banned and was probably lying the whole time and most likely did rip this girl off, I'm really sorry that you had to go through that LondonStaxxx, but at least this guy is banned now... But there's no telling if he'll create another handle. At least you're okay, and this issue got (somewhat) figured out. Stay safe sweetie!