IRS Scandals and Immigration Reform - ONE SOLUTION!

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-16-2013, 01:24 PM
COF, in case you missed it that was your ass being handed back to you
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, the Cap'n tried, and missed. He does not understand the FairTax, and chooses to remain ignorant. That's his problem, CBJ7. Very similar to yours.
Actually, the Cap'n tried, and missed. He does not understand the FairTax, and chooses to remain ignorant. That's his problem, CBJ7. Very similar to yours. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Do you really want to double down on stupid?

Go back to school, ignoramus.

Or at the very least, don't pop off again without learning at least a little bit about this issue!

(I know that's an uncommon practice around here, but why don't you give it a try? It's never too late to learn.)
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ranting does not make you right, Cap'n. Repeat it all you want. Doesn't change the truth.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-16-2013, 03:49 PM
Ranting does not make you right, Cap'n. Repeat it all you want. Doesn't change the truth. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

right wrong or otherwise you could care less as long as the IRS gets abolished

true or false
Ranting does not make you right, Cap'n. Repeat it all you want. Doesn't change the truth. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And telling someone who obviously knows vastly more about this issue than you do to "go learn something" doesn't change the truth either, does it?

How about backing up your claim of progressivity, just for starters?

(Not with a link to a bunch of BS written by some clueless politician or ideologue with an axe to grind, but with some sort of reasoned argument. You won't, because you can't.)

And if you don't, then you will acknowledge by default that you have little or no understanding of this issue, and that you are just another clown with a penchant for ignorantly popping off.
I've asked and COG in an earlier post to answer one question and neither can answer, but i'll try again.

How will the government enforce and collect taxes of sales from other countries?

I think it is a great idea, much better than the current system, but it will fail if they cannot find a solution.

Once you put a 25% or whatever they are saying it would be now, businesses will spring up in Cananda and Mexico overnight that will undercut our businesses with no impunity. With all the lost commerce, the 25% tax rate will have to double, triple or more to compensate for the loss of sales in the US.

I buy almost everything that is not perishable online already, and many are already from Canada with no sales tax. If you add 25% to orders, almost everything would be bought from another country and the US couldn't compete.
It is time we do away with the IRS; the Fair Tax may not be a perfect replacement, but it is substantially better than what we currently have.............
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Do away with America, WhirlyHEAVE!

But only if we do away with you, you worthless heap of parrot droppings!
I've asked and COG in an earlier post to answer one question and neither can answer, but i'll try again.

How will the government enforce and collect taxes of sales from other countries? Originally Posted by nwarounder
There's no easy answer.

In the event that any type of national sales tax is ever implemented, whether a VAT or anything else, all this would obviously have to be specifically addressed when the "rules" were drawn. As you note, the potential for tax avoidance is obviously rather substantial. In fact, one of the many criticisms of the FairTax is that evasion rates would be unknown, but possibly very high.

One way to handle the issue of goods bought from foreign sellers might be a modified form of import duties with rates equal or comparable to the domestic consumption tax. Needless to say, that could cause complications and potentially disincentivize various forms of commerce. And in many instances, it would be difficult to enforce.
There's no easy answer.

In the event that any type of national sales tax is ever implemented, whether a VAT or anything else, all this would obviously have to be specifically addressed when the "rules" were drawn. As you note, the potential for tax avoidance is obviously rather substantial. In fact, one of the many criticisms of the FairTax is that evasion rates would be unknown, but possibly very high.

One way to handle the issue of goods bought from foreign sellers might be a modified form of import duties with rates equal or comparable to the domestic consumption tax. Needless to say, that could cause complications and potentially disincentivize various forms of commerce. And in many instances, it would be difficult to enforce. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
I'd like to have anything practical that abolishes the IRS, but has been at this for what, 10 or 15 years now (?). Very good points and again, nothing wrong with the idea, but I just don't think that particular organization has the brains to figure it out. I mean we can discuss it and come up with possible solutions, but they cant after so many years and their solution is "They don't think it will happen"? I think they are in it for the money only, seriously I wouldn't donate. And by no means should we ever fall for the "well, let's pass it first and find out what's in it later".
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
nwa, are you talking about sales of products to other countries by American manufacturers? If you are talking about exports, there would be no tax on that item if purchased in another country.

Now think about it. If Boeing, GM, Ford, what have you, could sell American made products overseas at a price 25% less than they now charge, what would happen to their sales? And what would happen to manufacturing in the US? And what would that mean to the economy?

Sorry, nwa, if I missed your question. I didn't avoid it. There's your answer.
nwa, are you talking about sales of products to other countries by American manufacturers? If you are talking about exports, there would be no tax on that item if purchased in another country.

Now think about it. If Boeing, GM, Ford, what have you, could sell American made products overseas at a price 25% less than they now charge, what would happen to their sales? And what would happen to manufacturing in the US? And what would that mean to the economy?

Sorry, nwa, if I missed your question. I didn't avoid it. There's your answer. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
All good, but no. I'm talking about the sales of goods to American consumers from other countries. For example, just got contacts in today from Canada, 500 bucks, zero sales tax. If you put a 25% tax on everything consumers purchase, you could buy almost everything from another country cheaper than here, and people would.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You know, that is a good question. One that I haven't had to field. I don't think there would be any tax on that. First of all, you've already paid Canadian tax. Yes, you have.

But I will check that out. Damn, nwa! How refreshing to get a serious question, with no flames attached. Thanks, dude!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
An announcement from the Americans For Fair Taxation:

Americans For Fair Taxation® (AFFT), outraged by the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) continued political abuse and intimidation of citizens and organizations, is calling on Congress to immediately enact HR 25 / S 122, the FairTax® Act of 2013 and phase out the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). "No person or group is safe from IRS targeting; everyone is a bull's eye," said AFFT spokesperson Cynthia T. Canevaro.

She added, "The agency, with over 90,000 employees and an annual budget in excess of $12 billion, has historically been the ultimate tool of extreme political manipulation by politicians of both major parties. That's exactly what our Founding Fathers feared."

"These types of abuses of are nothing new," said Dan Mastromarco, tax attorney and co-author of HR 25 / S 122. He added, "In 1819, Former Chief Justice John Marshall warned in McCulloch v. Maryland that, 'An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy.' The FairTax Act is the only way in which Congress can once and for all eliminate the harassment, political exploitation and selective enforcement against perceived dissidents. It levels the playing field and redistributes power to the citizens who pay the taxes."

The FairTax Plan is a comprehensive proposal that replaces all federal income and payroll based taxes with a national retail sales tax, a "prebate" to ensure no American pays federal taxes on spending up to the poverty level, dollar-for-dollar federal revenue neutrality and, through companion legislation, the repeal of the 16th Amendment, which authorized the creation of the income tax.

"Congress has enabled IRS activities with more than 5,000 code changes in just 11 years, and even expanded their scope to include enforcement of major provisions of Obamacare," said Canevaro. "Congress created this problem. They now have an opportunity to correct it by enacting the FairTax Plan and asking the President to join them in signing the measure into law."

About Americans For Fair Taxation®

AFFT was formed in 1995. It is a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan, grassroots organization solely dedicated to providing education on the FairTax Plan (HR 25 / S 122) to all members of the public, elected and appointed public officials and candidates for elected office – regardless of party affiliation. AFFT does not advocate the election or defeat of any candidate for public office and does not favor any candidate, political party, or incumbent over another. For more information, visit