Anyone have the over/under on another Hostage situation in A-stan?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
texassapper's Avatar
Why not bring our Troops to the ''checkpoints'', to ensure the Taliban doesn't block legitimate folks trying to leave? Engage them with fire, if the Taliban resists? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
That violates whatever agreements have been reached on the ground with the local Taliban. (Rules of Engagement). I've read where the British Paras are telling the local US commander to go fcuk himself and are leaving the base to gather up civilians...

Maybe if the Commander in Chief gave his local commander the OK to do that it would help... but that is ALL on Puddins. The local ground command is being controlled by the White House. They have ZERO flexibility in this... that's how this shit works (or doesn't depending on the CinC)
USA gave blood and treasure to both Vietnam and Afghanistan. If you want a country with freedom you have to put forth just a little effort. Both country's leaders put forth more effort stealing our treasure than fighting for their freedom. So fuck'em they deserve what they get.
rexdutchman's Avatar
This is what people voted for ,,,,,,,,,,,the world wide embarrassment
texassapper's Avatar
USA gave blood and treasure to both Vietnam and Afghanistan. If you want a country with freedom you have to put forth just a little effort. Both country's leaders put forth more effort stealing our treasure than fighting for their freedom. So fuck'em they deserve what they get. Originally Posted by eddieg5212
I don't disagree on the whole. They are voting in a manner of speaking that they want Sharia as their governing policies. But there are individuals that assisted the US Army and provided loyal service. We shouldn't condemn them to certain death just because the government we worked with was corrupt. Hell our government is corrupt... do we deserve death because of that?
HedonistForever's Avatar
I'm at least skeptical. There will naturally be wild inflated tales during crisis situations like this one. Trump made some good points on Hannity last night, but he ultimately collapsed into extreme narcissism and hyperbole, as is his usual.

Why not bring our Troops to the ''checkpoints'', to ensure the Taliban doesn't block legitimate folks trying to leave? Engage them with fire, if the Taliban resists? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Allowing our troops "outside the wire" ( as they say ) completely surrounded by the Taliban army, would be shear madness. One soldier accidentally ( or not ) shot and we are looking at a casualty list that would be unacceptable and that's when the Dunkirk analogy would kick in. If we have to fight our way out of Kabul, we are looking at astronomical losses with all the firepower now in the hands of the Taliban.

Nope, all those Americans will have to find their own way into that airport. That right there is enough to call this operation a failure.
  • oeb11
  • 08-19-2021, 11:14 AM
I don't disagree on the whole. They are voting in a manner of speaking that they want Sharia as their governing policies. But there are individuals that assisted the US Army and provided loyal service. We shouldn't condemn them to certain death just because the government we worked with was corrupt. Hell our government is corrupt... do we deserve death because of that? Originally Posted by texassapper

I suggest You ask 'r', CT, 9500,and other DPST minions - don't be surprised at the answer You Get!
A competent 10 year old would know that troops should be last to leave not first then go back for citizens and left equipment that got stolen. .. govt is woke glad the bias news calls them out oh wait they bash trump more for spilling water on his tie or fake trump Russian hoax with fake dossier paid by Hilary Clinton..... You sure heard trump Russia for years nothing about the fake dossier hoax how it was a joke lol , didn't they have to cite correction in newspaper if reported wrong? Rachel maddow talked every night bout impeachment trump Russia but never said oh my bad was all a big hoax sorry for wasting your time every night over the years lol
Here comes best of Jimmy Carter replays .... When will Alzheimer's of Biden actually be reported easily to see he can't remember as he stutters pulls out note cards every 10 seconds
It is being reported this morning that the Taliban are going "house-to-house" searching for U.S. citizens and those Afghans who assisted the U.S. Bitten/Kumola are going to let them die and do nothing about it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
What extreme right wing nut job site was that posted on?
  • oeb11
  • 08-31-2021, 07:12 AM
Xinn - who gave the taliban their stamp of Approval -'r'!!