Some of my most respectful gentlemen have been black. They treat me like their mom would come through the wall and slap them upside their head if they disrespected me. Also why i prefer older men too... they treat me like their dad would send them out to pick a switch off a tree and tan their hide with it if they disrespect.

But i dont hate upon those that dont see AA... to each their own. Just means the more for me!
Some of my most respectful gentlemen have been black. They treat me like their mom would come through the wall and slap them upside their head if they disrespected me. Also why i prefer older men too... they treat me like their dad would send them out to pick a switch off a tree and tan their hide with it if they disrespect.

But i dont hate upon those that dont see AA... to each their own. Just means the more for me! Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
BustyShelly's Avatar
When a woman says that she does not do Black Men, this really surprises me to an extent, some of my best friends that I have are African American, over 30, mature and are great individuals, I would go out of my way if they ever needed help with anything, know each of these individuals in and out of the workplace.....

If I told myself that I would not have any friends that were from a different race, then I would consider myself a very shallow individual.

TexasCowboy Originally Posted by TexasCowboy
TexasCowboy everyone makes choices for different reasons. I am in no way shallow for this choice, I have black family members and mixed children in my immediate family not to mention many friends of different races (and explay girlfriends. I choose not to see AA men for very different reasons then alot of others providers I know. I have chose this to save any gentleman from reliving my bad experiences during his paid playtime. Sometimes it's easy to judge (not saying your judging- just in general) looking from the outside, only if you've walked in someone's shoes can you really understand. Sorry, just had to weigh in on this since I get alot of grief for this choice! Hope everyone has a Happy Easter
TexasDave555's Avatar
I don't do black men either.....
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
When a woman says that she does not do Black Men, this really surprises me to an extent, some of my best friends that I have are African American, over 30, mature and are great individuals, I would go out of my way if they ever needed help with anything, know each of these individuals in and out of the workplace.....

Maturity has a lot to do with the mentality of the situation....There are many black women that I go to bed with in a FWB arrangment and we are best friends in and out of the bedroon....Women of color is not a factor for me, for I find that everyone in life is equal, that is how I judge things....I love to go down on women of color and get them in bed for they are not so timit...

If I told myself that I would not have any friends that were from a different race, then I would consider myself a very shallow individual.

TexasCowboy Originally Posted by TexasCowboy
I'm sure she will give you his number. If you feel so inclined, you go fuck the guy. I'm sure it would make you feel so much better about yourself.

she never said she would not have friends from a different race as you imply in your last sentence. She said she doesn't do black men. The fact that you can't seem seperate the two is what makes you a very shallow individual.

Just because you may not want some ole boy fuckin you in the ass does that mean you are a homophobe. You must hate gay people deep inside if you aren't willing to get down there and suck his dick. I can't believe fuckers like you.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Looks as if there were several classier responses suggested here hopefully the op takes that advise from now on. There are ways of declining a client without being rude or offensive.
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Why do people think she was rude or offensive in telling the prospective client why she wouldn't see him? Is it inherently rude or offensive to tell a black man that she doesn't see black men? (OK, maybe a little bit since it would be so much easier for everyone to just put that in your ad) Personally, I would be a little agitated and extremely perplexed if a woman advertising on BP told me that she "doesn't think we'd be a good match" or some other such BS because it's obviously a non-answer. I'm a big boy and I'd rather someone tell me the truth and that goes for most everything. This is not to suggest that you don't use tact. Be tactful but also honest is what I try to do and what I prefer others do when dealing with me.

To the OP, as others have suggested, you should indicate in your ad that you do not see black men. That should save everyone the hassle and possible embarrassment of a wasted contact. If anyone contacts you after reading that, then I wouldn't worry too much about being a little rude because he's ignored your choices and wasted your time.
Stereotypes exist for a reason.

*stirs the pot*
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Looks as if there were several classier responses suggested here hopefully the op takes that advise from now on. There are ways of declining a client without being rude or offensive. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Rude or offensive??? According to her She told him "sorry, I don't see black clients". What is rude or offensive about that???

So if a lady client were looking for a session with a straight provider it would be rude and offensive to say "sorry, I don't have same sex clients"???

If a youngster is looking for a session with a provider it would be rude and offensive to say "sorry, I dont see clients that are uner 30"???

If a newby were looking for a session with a provider it would be rude to say "sorry, I only see clients with 3 verafiable ref's"???

Sounds to me like at least about half of the providers around here are rude and offensive if that's the case.

Or is it just that anybody can choose any reason they want not to see somebody, as long as the reason is ok with you, otherwise they they are rude and offensive for doing so?
Or you can omit all these steps and just say openly in your ads that you won't see black men. If the guy is upset after that then he is a dumbass, especially if he seeks and hopes to prove he is a "safe black." Originally Posted by gimme_that
+1000 . Kanada it is your right to have your preferences and you dont deserve to be threatened nor bullied for it. Take the advice from Gimmethat and other providers
ibechill's Avatar
Better to tell a guy upfront instead of not answering the door or slamming the door in his face when he arrives.

Not sure why he is sending you threatening text. Maybe he doesnt like being turned down by short fat woman.
jrewing's Avatar
Hey, she owns the pussy, so it's her right to choose who she shares it with, plain and simple, I could care less, JR
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
IDK MAYBE THE TYPING IN ALL CAPS threw me off a little...

People have every right to see who they want to... more clients for me
cubsoxbull's Avatar
Thank goodness the ladies don't discriminate about fat guys.
Thank goodness the ladies don't discriminate about fat guys. Originally Posted by cubsoxbull

I use to think girls that didnt see AA were discriminating. I would see any make, model, or color. But recently I have noticed a commonality with a certain ethnicity. I dont discriminate against them.. fully respect them.. but my own personal experience is that they tend to get very rough, leaving me with bruises. Not violent.. just rough. And no matter how much i remind them to be a bit easier.. it goes back to rough again. I dont think i am discriminating or stereotyping them.. its just that almost every one that I have been with has just been way too rough for my liking.

I often wonder if girls that do not see AA , just have had personal experience that made them not want to see them.. or if they just go back to stereotypes thinking they are either hung like fence posts or pimps? I can assure.. I have met many white guys that are hung like fence posts and I know some girls who have white pimps.

I can respect them now if their reasoning is just personal experience. After all.. its hard to have a good time when you have that history of experience sitting in the back of ur mind...

Hobbyist and providers all have their personal tastes... while as a provider we should remain more open... like someone said... its our pussy and we have that right to choose who touches it.

I do think that maybe the OP came across wrong due to her all CAPS.. but she is new and has made mention that she will def approach the men she chooses to not see, more respectfully. That in my eyes is very classy of her. Maybe in the future she will experience an AA man who will change her mind (i can give ya names girl! Met many very respectful and fabulous ones!)...

And remember- mental issues, violence, pimp abilities, cock size and horrid hygiene... know no color.