Reviewing the Reviewer....

Not every client is clean, cute, great breath, nice teeth, slim, muscles, middle aged, knows how to eat a chick out properly, has a good size cock and not all know how to fuck properly. Originally Posted by MsElena
Damn, Elena... I only went 4-for-10 on that check-off list.... WTF?!?!??
Not every client is clean, cute, great breath, nice teeth, slim, muscles, middle aged, knows how to eat a chick out properly, has a good size cock and not all know how to fuck properly.
. Originally Posted by MsElena
Damn, Elena... I only went 4-for-10 on that check-off list.... WTF?!?!?? Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
4 out of got me beat! LOL

Where is nice guy, big truck (have to have that to compensate), latest technology, middle class, blue collar.......I'm going to be out of business.....wait, no one is going to want my $$$ NOOOOO

Im going to be told im not big enough, I haven't whitened my teeth enough, didn't properly fuck the last 2 out of 3 times....lmao

I think a public forum like this would just cause issues with the men and horrible repercussions from the men for the ladies.

How about a rating system only providers seen, a number next to our names or stars.
Factors Like, Timely, Hygiene, Attitude, Etc....
4 out of got me beat! LOL

Where is nice guy, big truck (have to have that to compensate), latest technology, middle class, blue collar.......I'm going to be out of business.....wait, no one is going to want my $$$ NOOOOO

Im going to be told im not big enough, I haven't whitened my teeth enough, didn't properly fuck the last 2 out of 3 times....lmao

I think a public forum like this would just cause issues with the men and horrible repercussions from the men for the ladies.

How about a rating system only providers seen, a number next to our names or stars.
Factors Like, Timely, Hygiene, Attitude, Etc.... Originally Posted by kcjimmy
I think it should be less of a written review and more of a check yes or no for hygiene, on time, politeand would you see him again..
And possibly a "other" section in case you need to let them know about something that could be dangerous or something?
details of the appointment wouldn't be important, just basically use it for help screening.
CaptainKaos's Avatar
Its called an Escort Client Community Information Exchange. I feel it's for both client and provider. We all take the same risk by hobbying. But as Destiny suggested, maybe our reviews take place in the powder room..... Originally Posted by Gemma34

It's not both for the client and provider. At least that was never the intent of this site. I get it, though. Providers like to network, and it makes sense to do so. It makes sense for you all to look out for one another because, ultimately, if you don't, nobody else will. It makes sense for you all to keep tabs on us to ensure safety. And, frankly, if there some of us you'd rather not see that makes sense too because nobody wants to have a bad experience.

But it doesn't make sense to put that all out in the open, because the thing that draws us to you is fantasy. With the internet and sites like Ashly Madison, hooking up with women has never been easier. So providing a simple "hook up service" doesn't make sense because that's already taken care of. The need is the fantasy part. Guys want to hook up above their pay grade so to speak. And nothing kills a fantasy quicker than dousing it with a big heap of reality.

Frankly, I think the providers on here talk too openly about their business. They let clients too close to their lives. I've made friends on here, for sure. But I don't see many of them intimately anymore mainly because I don't coerce my friends do things. And, hooking up with friends can quickly end some friendships.

I get that it's unfair how we review you and you don't get to comment. And I get that you think a bad review is bad for business. But if you look at it strictly from a business standpoint with an eye towards a long, prosperous future it would behoove you to take a lesson from some of the women who really know how to work this site.
As I've previously stated, I agree that it SHOULD be in our powder room, and mainly FOR the ladies sake. Not really a review, per say, (and I think someone may have also suggested this) but a quick yes/no rating and maybe a quick summary as to why its no. We don't share info in our powder room unless its an alert maybe we should open our convo in the powder room a bit. It could definitely help us in screening and give us some fun discussions. These are merely just ideas, of course. And I think, so far, everyone has suggested a lot of good ideas.

**And for the record, CK, I have absolutely NO problems with knowing how to 'work' this site, or any others for that matter. My marketing and networking skills along with my knowledge of the hobby is at its finest. This IS PURELY for convo and meant to be fun and insightful. I'm sorry that you feel this way.
Adeptus32's Avatar
Ladies, I believe you should be able to post a review on any hobbyist you pay for services.
How about a rating system only providers seen, a number next to our names or stars.
Factors Like, Timely, Hygiene, Attitude, Etc.... Originally Posted by kcjimmy
This is an awesome idea babe!
Ladies, I believe you should be able to post a review on any hobbyist you pay for services. Originally Posted by Adeptus32
Funny how none of the providers in this thread have commented on this basic fact, although several of us have mentioned it.
Wanna review me? Pay me and we'll talk. Originally Posted by Kshunter
Funny how none of the providers in this thread have commented on this basic fact, although several of us have mentioned it. Originally Posted by Kshunter
Yes, we heard you the first time. However, the thread in its entirety is not about reviewing the guys for a 'service.'
Even if there were an option and an area for reviewing clients, I wouldn't utilize it. It does sound fun, but discretion is very important to a lot of us.
Now that being said, bad reviews for clients are alerts and we already kind of do that anyway.
Not for nothing, but I have observed a lot of sensitive people on this board. And within that group, there seems to be some bi polar action going on as well. That being said, I see this idea going over like a turd in a punch bowl.
Angel has a thread asking what criteria men use to choose providers. Apparently I didn't list the most important:

The provider's ability to keep her mouth shut about who I am, what I look like, and what we do behind closed doors. Discretion is perhaps the #1 foundation of this weird little hobby/business, and any provider who violates that discretion - or even expresses a desire to do so in a thread like this one - becomes a provider that I don't see. Ever. To be honest, I'm a little disappointed that one of my favorites has said what a 'great idea' this would be. I don't know if I'll see her again.

I've seen a lot of wonderful ladies in this hobby. I've reviewed a number of them, because that's what we do. I've treated every one with kindness, courtesy, and respect. I've always shown up clean with my nails trimmed. If the ladies did review clients, I suspect I'd come off OK. But that's not what I'm paying for. And make no mistake, ladies, the power goes to the people paying, despite what a few white knights might tell you.

Look, here's a dose of reality. This may sound unkind and I don't mean it to be, but reality is often unkind. These 'girl power' threads are cute and all, but they really can and do hurt your business. I'm not the only client who uses them as a tool to eliminate or include women (for instance, Allie Kat becomes more desirable to me with every post because she 'gets it.'). And make no mistake - the power lies with CLIENTS, not with you. At any given moment, there are way more providers ready, willing, and happy to take my money than there are clients wanting to spend their money with you. How do I know this? Simple. I've never placed an ad on Eccie in my life. If, for instance, I were to decide that at 3 PM today, I wanted to see a provider, I could make some calls and at 3 PM, a provider would be opening her door to me. If you decide that you want to see a client at 3 PM today, maybe you would and maybe you wouldn't - it depends on many factors including your client base, their availability, funding, etc.

I should point out that ladies have a perfect right to inform each other about DANGEROUS clients. But there are already mechanisms for those alerts. There's also the P411 "OK" system.

So, girls and white knights, flame away.
love2fishfork's Avatar
I really wish providers could read the ROS, because it would keep hobbyists from embellishing about their physical attributes and performance.

As for reviewing the hobbyist - A good provider will try to make us believe that we're the greatest fuck, have the biggest cock, and that they can't wait to see us again. That's how they keep us cumming back! That being said, it would be hard to take any reviews seriously. An honest review could be bad for business, a dishonest review serves no purpose.
growler's Avatar
Even if there were an option and an area for reviewing clients, I wouldn't utilize it. It does sound fun, but discretion is very important to a lot of us.
Now that being said, bad reviews for clients are alerts and we already kind of do that anyway. Originally Posted by Allie_Kat
Personally all I need to know I could find out asking for references. Clean, polite, on time. Discretion is of the utmost importance this industry. I consider myself pretty intuitive and get along with most everyone that I meet. And I sure as hell don't want to share the amazing details. I want to keep their skills all to myself! That being said I am provider reference friendly. But the only information that I'm willing to provide is if they were clean, polite and on time.