Obamacare By The Numbers

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  • 12-29-2013, 09:37 PM
They couldn't even get the 6 million to sign up before the ever moving deadline date. The latest figure I've seen in 1.2 million who have signed up but that doesn't mean 1.2 million who have paid.

Some people are positively delusional.

Its a crash and burn failure. Anybody here with a new Obamacare policy got a doctors appt in 2014? That's going to be a shoe to drop next year.
. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I signed up but didn't get counted!

Got a great plan too.
flghtr65's Avatar
Sure, easy.........

If you want to actually do something about healthcare reform of course. And not anything for any political motivations. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
1. Eliminate the tax disparity between employer-provided health insurance and individually-purchased health insurance. This would uncouple health insurance from employment and restore a level playing field to the individual insurance market. Individuals could then purchase policies that they kept even when they changed jobs (just as they already do with their car and homeowners insurance).

2. Eliminate all mandated benefits. Insurers should be free to offer to willing consumers inexpensive policies covering only catastrophic accidents and illnesses. Insurers would remain free to offer richer policies that covered varying levels of elective procedures (but cost correspondingly more). Customers could purchase whatever levels of coverage they wished from willing insurers based on their own individual needs and circumstances.

3. Allow insurers to sell policies across state lines. State mandates create 50 separate state markets rather than a single national market. A family insurance plan costing $3,000 in Wisconsin might cost $10,000 in New Jersey because of state regulatory barriers. Allowing interstate competition would quickly drive down prices and help many working families on a tight budget.


1. I agree with what author says about tax disparity. The committee that Senator Bacus chaired did not get the memo.

2. It's true that most of the Obamacare policies have the 10 different basic coverages. However, if you are under 30 years old you can get a catastrophic type policy on Fed.Gov. This was also expanded to the people(regardless of age) who policies were cancelled and they can't get their old policy back. The sate of New Jersey has agreed to restore the old policies, but not all states. It's true a checkup is not a rare event. What they have done is your premium will cover a lot of preventive type things. You won't have to pay out of pocket. You have already paid for it with your premium.

3. When someone purchases a policy on Fed.Gov a national market is being a established. What the health insurance underwriter is hopeing for in this market is that there will be a mixture of high risk and low risk policy holders. Two million people went to Fed.Gov on December 23rd.

4. The author does not discuss covering people with pre-existing conditions. This was a big problem in the individual market. If you have high blood sugar or high cholesterol, no health insurance company in the old system was going to sell you a policy. This is why millions are uninsured. Health Insurance companies did not want to take the risk of selling a policy to some one who is "already sick". With the ACA the health insurance companies can't deny insuring someone with a pre-existing condition.

5. There were democrats and republicans on the committee that Senator Baucus chaired. His committee voted to send the bill to the floor. They had an up / down vote that was televised. The ACA was passed. There is certain amount pork in every bill congress passes. That's how congress operates.
flghtr65's Avatar
I thought the libterds wanted 100% coverage. Isn't that what Obamacare promised? In 2010 and 2011, the number of uninsured was around 15.5%. The liberals cried saying it is unfair. Now you idiots are happy that only 9% will not have insurance? At the cost of screwing the middle class. Fucking idiots. Originally Posted by satexasguy
If you are family of 4 and make less than 20,000 you will be on Medicaid. If you make more than $20,000 and less than 92,000 you get help to pay your Obamacare premium. If someone decides not purchase health insurance and they pay the tax instead, you will be counted as being uninsured. Obamacare works like Romneycare in Mass. In Mass only 97% of all residents have health insurance and Mass is a small state. No health insurance system where the health insurance companies our collecting premiums and paying out claims will insure 100% of the people. You are as clueless as JD IDIOT!
ever get the feeling a dead horse is still being beaten.....
the aca is the law of the land....congress passed it....the supremes said it was okay....people will continue to sign up....they might not meet their early goals....although one million have signed up in the past few days...but they will eventually meet the goals....remember that medicare had a horrible start up....and it's still around insuring zillions of folks....
the g.o.p. conservatives have tried on the average of about 3 times per week to repeal it and have never gotten more than two steps from where they started....
times are changing....white males are no longer the majority....the demographics don't favor the conservatives as they keep dying off and the replacement pool is getting smaller....
i'd venture to say that within 25-30 years white republicans/teapublicans will be the new whig party...if they're lucky enough o survive at all....
so do all your name calling and insults now because time is running out on yinz faster than you'll ever realize........
flghtr65's Avatar
It is revisionist whimsy to say the ACA passed by normal congressional methods. It was "passed" in a budget reconciliation committee with a cornucopia of bribes, payoffs and pork to reluctant congressmen and senators. If the justice department had not feloniously prosecuted Ted Stevens the monstrosity that no one read would not have made it out of the Senate. Ted Stevens is rolling in his grave, even though exonerated. ACA will likely go down as the most corrupt piece of legislation ever passed. Both the president and HHS secretary have illegally waved their imperial scepters and granted waivers, delays and exemptions to large corporations, unions and political friends, including their own staff. If the Supreme Court correctly finds the federal subsidy for the 36 non-participating states invalid, the entire carcass finally collapses. Read the newspapers, flghtr65. You can retain the façade of your political position if you wish, but facts and history are against this colossal fiasco that will either collapse, as insurance experts predict, or further damage the federal balance sheet. You cannot "give" health care to 30 million people without cost. Originally Posted by trident60
I did not say the ACA was free. The CBO (Congressional Budget Office) predicts the cost to be $1.2 Trillion. The Bush prescription drug plan to help seniors with their medications cost $ 800 billion. So for an extra 400 billion you can bring affordable health insurance to extra 30 million people. Republicans only like entitlements if they are started by a republican.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If you are family of 4 and make less than 20,000 you will be on Medicaid. If you make more than $20,000 and less than 92,000 you get help to pay your Obamacare premium. If someone decides not purchase health insurance and they pay the tax instead, you will be counted as being uninsured. Obamacare works like Romneycare in Mass. In Mass only 97% of all residents have health insurance and Mass is a small state. No health insurance system where the health insurance companies our collecting premiums and paying out claims will insure 100% of the people. You are as clueless as JD IDIOT! Originally Posted by flghtr65

Obama claimed that 100% of the people would be covered...he also claimed you would be able to keep your doctor, your personal policy, and that pink unicorn your daughter wanted for her birthday. All are just as likely to come true but you bought into the scam. So who is clueless? Go find yourself a mirror and you will have your answer.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I did not say the ACA was free. The CBO (Congressional Budget Office) predicts the cost to be $1.2 Trillion. The Bush prescription drug plan to help seniors with their medications cost $ 800 billion. So for an extra 400 billion you can bring affordable health insurance to extra 30 million people. Republicans only like entitlements if they are started by a republican. Originally Posted by flghtr65

Once again, we know that it will not be universal (that means not 100%) like it was claimed. You got lied to...or more accurately, you chose to believe the lie.
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  • 12-30-2013, 09:08 AM
[QUOTE=flghtr65;1054770425]The Bush prescription drug plan to help seniors with their medications cost $ 800 billion. So for an extra 400 billion you can bring affordable health insurance to extra 30 million people. Republicans only like entitlements if they are started by a republican.[/QUOTE]

They like giving them to old white folks that vote for the GOP.

That is who the Bush prescription drug plan targeted.
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  • 12-30-2013, 09:10 AM
. You got lied to...or more accurately, you chose to believe the lie. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Your side believed the Yellow Cake lie.

What is wrong with the other side believing a lie or two?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-30-2013, 09:27 AM
Once again, we know that it will not be universal (that means not 100%) like it was claimed. You got lied to...or more accurately, you chose to believe the lie. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

so point out the people who are not eligible for ACA.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-30-2013, 01:34 PM
so point out the people who are not eligible for ACA. Originally Posted by CJ7

oh, I see ... JD has nothing.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
ACA is not healthcare idiot. It is insurance and what if your policy is "junk". ACA is junk insurance. You won't cover you (even though you have it) from some treatments and it can't guarantee (even if you have it) the doctor of your choice and it won't keep you alive (even if you have it) with some experimental treatment even if you choose the risk. Learn to tell the difference between insurance and actual healthcare. I'll give you 30 seconds to respond CJ............................ .............................. .............................. ......... nope? Didn't think you had an answer.
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  • CJ7
  • 12-30-2013, 02:26 PM
ACA is not healthcare idiot. It is insurance and what if your policy is "junk". ACA is junk insurance. You won't cover you (even though you have it) from some treatments and it can't guarantee (even if you have it) the doctor of your choice and it won't keep you alive (even if you have it) with some experimental treatment even if you choose the risk. Learn to tell the difference between insurance and actual healthcare. I'll give you 30 seconds to respond CJ............................ .............................. .............................. ......... nope? Didn't think you had an answer. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

the answer is simple, you're an idiot ... ACA IS affordable healthcare you dolt.

there you go, knocking the BS meter off the charts again.

go grade a few coloring books and stay on your level.
By the end of 2016, 91% of all U.S. residents that live here legally will have health insurance.

http://health.yahoo.net/news/s/ap/th...by-the-numbers Originally Posted by flghtr65
So what.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
so point out the people who are not eligible for ACA. Originally Posted by CJ7

The law was written that everyone in the 50 states were eligible for the ACA....but now there is a story that those people who live in the US territories are not covered; Guam, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Truk, etc. So you see, there is no universal coverage. You asked, make a snarky remark and here is your answer idiot.
