Hobbying prices

Pangolier's Avatar
Many of the SW I've met, by their own admission, make substantially more than not only the average per capita income for a single person, but well over the median household income. That's family income assuming that both spouses work. And it's not likely they just make 10 or 20% more than that, they may make double or even triple that amount. That won't apply to every girl, no. But the ones not making large sums of money from this business are solely responsible for that fact. Something wrong with their service, not seeing profitable clients, lack of availability, poor hygiene, etc... Most girls who go into this job can make way more than the average household, if they operate their business "correctly"

Unless you don't have any money left over each month after supporting your lifestyle, you wouldn't raise your rates just because the cost of living went up. Any intelligent SW would know that's going to deter new clients, and cost them existing business if they pass the increase on to their current guys. No person in their right mind is just going to come out and say "Hey, I want to pay more to see you!" Especially given the prices associated with this industry. If guys feel like they are getting "too good of a value" from their SW, then they gift them at the beginning of the session, or tip them at the end. If a guy stuffs more money in the envelope before he even arrives, then there's some sort of ulterior motive involved, such as trying to win over her emotions with cash so she will marry him, or expecting services she normally doesn't offer like BBFS. Maybe I'm wrong... maybe guys barge into the room with their regular SW and announce "Hey, I'm giving you a raise!" Rather than thinking to themselves "Hmmm, when that time comes along I'm sure she will approach me and ask to sit down so we can talk. Then explain to me the cost of living has gone up, so she's going to need to charge me more starting next session even though she doesn't want to."
Sherry of DFW's Avatar
some of us are still a great bargain