Where did Oklahoma go?

Eccie was strong in Texas and OK, but most hobbyists east of the Mississippi use uassexguide.info. Historically, not much OK activity on that site, but maybe that’ll change. now.
Even a pause on the expiration date would be a benefit
DNinja69's Avatar
Oklahoma has Staff Edit - Biomed1 but how dare you write a review! Originally Posted by Ksmith00144
Always loved seeing the <redacted> areas as of course on a forum simply dedicated to a 'hobby' we should never mention anything illegal right? I get it on one level with the new law nobody wants to find themselves on the news road testing invasive government morality efforts. But at some point it's like having a forum about bank robbery but prohibiting the mention of guns, masks, or getaway vehicles.

A note to fellow conservatives in the room we need to stop voting for candidates who continue to believe our government has any say in personal life choices. This means some people need to expand their mindset to include more than `1 dick + 1 pussy as acceptable sexuality. It is possible to value a smaller more efficient gov't without embracing this idea that our bedrooms are anybody else's business
Hypothetically speaking, what if a person, after seeing a provider, posted a review in the forum of a neighboring state?

It really sucks that all the Oklahoma forums were taken away from us.

If Oklahoma is going to make it illegal to see and review someone, I could take it to the next state over. Is fudging the location an offense that could get a person banned? Would that be the worst thing that could happen?
BBQ-Guy's Avatar
Questions Questions....what if i fuck a girl in Kansas then create the review on a device while inside Oklahoma territory....could the geodata and ip address etc make me a candidate for prosecution???
See how deep the weeds are getting around here.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Per ECCIE policies all reviews are to be posted in the forum area where they took place. Admin will have to post whether they will accept it in other forums but do you really want to take that chance with LE being on this site?
dfwtsfan's Avatar
I hear you but check this out.


Ed said in post # 1 to Oklahomans "...review to your hearts content" https://eccie.net/showpost.php?p=1063228616&postcount=1

An ECCIE moderator said in post # 4 "Ed, What kind of coffee?"

That moderator did not say "you can not post Oklahoma reviews in Connecticut" and that mods post and comment has been up for 4 days without correction.

I don't see any other staff member challenging post 1 or post 4, do you?

Maybe we are supposed to read between the lines
BBQ-Guy's Avatar
If you read the actual law of the okiehomie bill it says near the end that transmitting or delivering info regarding the same topics to another person is an offense also....not just publishing a proper review in the open forum. So if they were to subpoena the data and dissect it they could use private messages and chats to charge also....in my estimation.
Koalemos's Avatar
What about reviews posted before the law goes into effect? Should we all just go delete our post history.. I mean all of my reviews were fictitious anyway but I'm concerned about other people.
ben dover's Avatar
What I mean all of my reviews were fictitious anyway. Originally Posted by Koalemos
This is my point, it's all just fantasy, how can anyone prove it was an actual thing that happened. It's all fiction.
DNinja69's Avatar
If you read the actual law of the okiehomie bill it says near the end that transmitting or delivering info regarding the same topics to another person is an offense also....not just publishing a proper review in the open forum. So if they were to subpoena the data and dissect it they could use private messages and chats to charge also....in my estimation. Originally Posted by BBQ-Guy

It would not be difficult to demonstrate in court whether person A posted review X but I question the difficulty of getting a conviction off simply describing an encounter that may be 100% fiction. Are we now subject to government oversight any time we post online about doing something that may not be legal? If some jackass posts on YouTube doing 120 mpg around the airport boarding area and I thumps up and comment 'awesome dude you rock!' can I be sent to prison for promoting reckless driving? At some point advocating is protected expression and if any and all commentary that does that for Oklahoma is a felony the existence of this thread would likely fall under that same umbrella
Seems like they could've left the Coed Discussion, Mens Lounge etc ... just not the reviews ..
Always loved seeing the <redacted> areas as of course on a forum simply dedicated to a 'hobby' we should never mention anything illegal right? I get it on one level with the new law nobody wants to find themselves on the news road testing invasive government morality efforts. But at some point it's like having a forum about bank robbery but prohibiting the mention of guns, masks, or getaway vehicles.

A note to fellow conservatives in the room we need to stop voting for candidates who continue to believe our government has any say in personal life choices. This means some people need to expand their mindset to include more than `1 dick + 1 pussy as acceptable sexuality. It is possible to value a smaller more efficient gov't without embracing this idea that our bedrooms are anybody else's business Originally Posted by DNinja69
Yep, what he said. I Quit voting for Rethuglicans after the Iraq war and the Lack of any real WMD. I won't vote for these talibaptists that want to take away everyone else's rights and then screams if you dare suggest they've gone to far. Apparently their religious freedom depends on controlling everyone else's lives. I personally have had enough of that BS.
Well I ducked Coco at the world spa. It wasn’t all that but it was a fuck nonetheless.
trey32's Avatar
What if I go to Dallas find a good gill and write a review. I'm an Okie writing a review in a Texas forum. Does the review get pulled or does Oklahoma prosecute me? Who knows. Somehow I don't think the AG of Oklahoma wants to spend money knocking on eccie doors for information on one or two guys and proceed to try to put together a case.

We did have a sad political case in Ok with eccie members in Tulsa getting nailed by a local DA.