Sweden’s disease expert says just wearing face masks could be ‘very dangerous’

Do yous wipe off the equipment every time a sweaty lunkhead gets done with it?

Didn’t think so.

When someone wants to wear a mask in “your gym,” do yous all stands in a line and blow raspberries at him?

Thanks yous super spreader. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
No we just laugh at him. They either leave or take the mask off.
That’s a joke, right?

Originally Posted by HoeHummer
No it's no joke. I am not obligated to protect anybody. Your level of disrespect in this forum proves right there someone like you isn't worth protecting.
PythonLeeJackson's Avatar
When you breath in the natural air it's the oxygen present in the air that your body utilizes for respiration. There is only about 22% Oxygen in the air we breath the other 78% is other gases our bodies really can't utilize for respiration. When we exhale we give off Carbon Dioxide which of course is waste product of respiration. Ok so with that out of the way, now you wear a mask to ward off contracting a virus. So now you are inhaling and exhaling through a mask which is commonly made up of synthetic fibers, cotton cloth ect. The mask is like a double edge sword. It may offer protection when in immediate contact of an infected person such as Health Care workers in a Hospital setting or caring for a loved one infected with the virus. On the flip side of that coin strolling through town or driving with a mask on for prolonged periods of time could lower your over all oxygen in take and could cause a dangerous condition known as Hypoxia which is an absence of enough oxygen in the tissues to sustain bodily functions. Also low oxygen levels in the body suppress the immune system and provide rather optimum conditions for many pathogens including viruses to thrive. So it's a matter of weighing out the pros and cons for what your individual needs might be. Originally Posted by Levianon17
OMG a redneck that tries to convince us he’s got a brain using fancy words. Ha ha hilarious. You haven’t got a clue what you’re talking about but maybe old sour face Trump might hire you if you kiss his ass enough. Oh BTW how’s the Lysol injections working out for you. And the Hydroxychloroquine? Eh boy ?
PythonLeeJackson's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 08-23-2020, 04:18 PM
Arrogant, elitist garter snake.

Does not have the girth of the middle finger.
OMG a redneck that tries to convince us he’s got a brain using fancy words. Ha ha hilarious. You haven’t got a clue what you’re talking about but maybe old sour face Trump might hire you if you kiss his ass enough. Oh BTW how’s the Lysol injections working out for you. And the Hydroxychloroquine? Eh boy ? Originally Posted by PythonLeeJackson
OMG, a Dumb Black guy who puts his foot in his mouth. I never mentioned Lysol or Hydroxychloroquine but you did dummy. Now, if I don't know what Iam talking about let's see you prove it. I am willing to bet you can't.
PythonLeeJackson's Avatar
Somehow doctors and nurses wear them all day and don't die... Originally Posted by friendly fred
Thanks for your IGNORANT AND MISINFORMED comment,

Doctors and nurses don’t die from the COVID19.

Are you effing serious ? We’ve lost at least 1000 nurses and doctors because they risk their lives everyday trying to save people. And they have to go thru a rigid process of protecting themselves. It’s not just about wearing a mask. There is much more too it, but a HALF WIT like you can’t grasp that fact. I have friends in the medical field. So I know, unlike YOU.

You’re a disgrace pure and simple, but not surprising when you support that worthless piece of putrid, pathetic pustule or racist and social intolerance, a useless genetic mistake of a human being. Who only cares about himself and actually hates folks like you lot. But you can’t even figure That out.
Exactly. I've been wearing a KN95 mask in the gym while doing interval training on a stationary bike, which is not recommended by health experts. It's a little uncomfortable, but I think I've got a bit more stamina as a result. Maybe I'm a little faster when I'm running outside without a mask. Wearing a mask while exercising may have a similar effect to training at altitude.

I'm not recommending anybody do what I'm doing by the way. I'd hate to see one of our fellow esteemed posters try the same thing and drop dead. Originally Posted by Tiny
Actually, I think it is a slight additional respiratory load and is therefore a workout enhancement. In the old days we used to wear ankle weights when training - or heavy gloves when hitting the bag in the boxing gym.
Thanks for your IGNORANT AND MISINFORMED comment,

Doctors and nurses don’t die from the COVID19.

Are you effing serious ? We’ve lost at least 1000 nurses and doctors because they risk their lives everyday trying to save people. And they have to go thru a rigid process of protecting themselves. It’s not just about wearing a mask. There is much more too it, but a HALF WIT like you can’t grasp that fact. I have friends in the medical field. So I know, unlike YOU.

You’re a disgrace pure and simple, but not surprising when you support that worthless piece of putrid, pathetic pustule or racist and social intolerance, a useless genetic mistake of a human being. Who only cares about himself and actually hates folks like you lot. But you can’t even figure That out. Originally Posted by PythonLeeJackson
Damn you are stupid! They are not dying because they are wearing n95 masks all day - they are not dying because of the mask creating some type of respiratory problem with carbon dioxide or other breathing issue related to the mask - that is the context of the remark.

Look at the fucking title of the thread moron!

BTW - I have multiple family members who are MD's! I know all about the risks they are taking and I salute them.
  • oeb11
  • 08-24-2020, 04:59 AM
FF - Thank You for the 'Salute' - You are correct.

Originally Posted by PythonLeeJackson
Thanks for your IGNORANT AND MISINFORMED comment,

Doctors and nurses don’t die from the COVID19.

Are you effing serious ? We’ve lost at least 1000 nurses and doctors because they risk their lives everyday trying to save people. And they have to go thru a rigid process of protecting themselves. It’s not just about wearing a mask. There is much more too it, but a HALF WIT like you can’t grasp that fact. I have friends in the medical field. So I know, unlike YOU.

You’re a disgrace pure and simple, but not surprising when you support that worthless piece of putrid, pathetic pustule or racist and social intolerance, a useless genetic mistake of a human being. Who only cares about himself and actually hates folks like you lot. But you can’t even figure That out.

' snake' - learn to look up and try to understand that which is outside the XiNN narrative - Don lemon is not the only news in this world/ Lemon thinks he is god Omnipotent - i leave that assessment to your own opinion. . And perhaps You might learn to give your fellow human being a bit more respect - You earn none with attacks on people as you posted just above!
You do describe your own hatred well -learned from Al sharpton and OBLM - and the DPST party - spread false narrative - Whites people are not born to hate black people - there is some racism in America - but the race-baiters/DPST party are encouraging and worsening the racial divide for their own selfish political and financial motives.

Get some professional help - hatred is self-destructive. as is the casting of all who have a different opinion as You do Above.

Life can be much better when One gives up hatred and Racism!

Tracking of Physician and Nurse deaths from Wuhan virus in the US is very poor - there are very different estimates out there in internet land.

fact is - health care workers - inicluding respiratory therapists - who handle ventilators and are very much at risk with wuhan virus patients - do contract the virus - and some die.

Some references :

American hospitals have lost dozens of medical workers to the coronavirus. Here are some of their stories.tps://www.businessinsider.com/healthcare-workers-who-died-with-the-coronavirus-2020-4

In Memoriam: Healthcare Workers Who Have Died of COVID-19



Nobody Accurately Tracks Health Care Workers Lost to COVID-19. So She Stays Up At Night Cataloging the Dead.

Anesthesiologist Claire Rezba started tracking lost health workers almost instinctively. Researchers and industry professionals say the lack of good official data on these deaths is “scandalous” and is putting lives in danger.

BTW - Burger King and junk fast food are not good for one's health.
rexdutchman's Avatar
This is old news , Sweden's response was common sense
HoeHummer's Avatar
And if Sweden recommended wearing a plastic bag over your head, you’d listens to the Ms before our very own AMERICAN deep state medical experts?

Don’t yous believe in America first?

HoeHummer's Avatar
FF - Thank You for the 'Salute' - You are correct.

Originally Posted by PythonLeeJackson
Thanks for your IGNORANT AND MISINFORMED comment,

Doctors and nurses don’t die from the COVID19.

Are you effing serious ? We’ve lost at least 1000 nurses and doctors because they risk their lives everyday trying to save people. And they have to go thru a rigid process of protecting themselves. It’s not just about wearing a mask. There is much more too it, but a HALF WIT like you can’t grasp that fact. I have friends in the medical field. So I know, unlike YOU.

You’re a disgrace pure and simple, but not surprising when you support that worthless piece of putrid, pathetic pustule or racist and social intolerance, a useless genetic mistake of a human being. Who only cares about himself and actually hates folks like you lot. But you can’t even figure That out.

' snake' - learn to look up and try to understand that which is outside the XiNN narrative - Don lemon is not the only news in this world/ Lemon thinks he is god Omnipotent - i leave that assessment to your own opinion. . And perhaps You might learn to give your fellow human being a bit more respect - You earn none with attacks on people as you posted just above!
You do describe your own hatred well -learned from Al sharpton and OBLM - and the DPST party - spread false narrative - Whites people are not born to hate black people - there is some racism in America - but the race-baiters/DPST party are encouraging and worsening the racial divide for their own selfish political and financial motives.

Get some professional help - hatred is self-destructive. as is the casting of all who have a different opinion as You do Above.

Life can be much better when One gives up hatred and Racism!

Tracking of Physician and Nurse deaths from Wuhan virus in the US is very poor - there are very different estimates out there in internet land.

fact is - health care workers - inicluding respiratory therapists - who handle ventilators and are very much at risk with wuhan virus patients - do contract the virus - and some die.

Some references :

American hospitals have lost dozens of medical workers to the coronavirus. Here are some of their stories.tps://www.businessinsider.com/healthcare-workers-who-died-with-the-coronavirus-2020-4

In Memoriam: Healthcare Workers Who Have Died of COVID-19



Nobody Accurately Tracks Health Care Workers Lost to COVID-19. So She Stays Up At Night Cataloging the Dead.

Anesthesiologist Claire Rezba started tracking lost health workers almost instinctively. Researchers and industry professionals say the lack of good official data on these deaths is “scandalous” and is putting lives in danger.

BTW - Burger King and junk fast food are not good for one's health. Originally Posted by oeb11
Why did yous single out Don Lemon in your reply to Python, oebsy?

That was rhetorical, in case yous are reading this (he says knowingly).
Why did yous single out Don Lemon in your reply to Python, oebsy?

That was rhetorical, in case yous are reading this (he says knowingly). Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Well, isn't Don Lemon a faggot?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Are you effing serious ? We’ve lost at least 1000 nurses and doctors because they risk their lives everyday trying to save people. And they have to go thru a rigid process of protecting themselves.... Originally Posted by PythonLeeJackson

So, you are saying that nurses and doctors wear masks and other PPE - yet they contract COVID, presumably from patients? So how are those masks working out again?