New group in formation The Young Guns

Guest031411-2's Avatar
Um because they are openly planning to "get freebies" and scam providers? yeah dude you need a facebook page no room for you here as we already got a resident facebooker. Originally Posted by Dee Licious
This is the co-ed forum is it not where free speech and open thoughts are encouraged and welcomed? Even if it is an attempt at humour or a semi-serious thought? Doesn't the scam really go both ways? Really? I didn't know we had a resident facebooker, seriously? Who could that be?
It seems as if you have gotten scammed or feel like you have. I am not sure if that is the case or what, if so I am sorry that happened to you.

I am sure anyone..well just about anyone on here can get laid for free if they wanted too and a lot of us do. But just because one is single, young and maybe good looking and decides he wants to P4P is his personal choice. I am sure they are very well aware they can get it free, but just do not wanna deal with "after effects". So they choose to keep it business. I have a few hot young single stud "friends" that P4P because they are focussed on their careers, school or just doing them and dont have time to juggle "free pussy" becuase in reality we all know its never actually free. You do pay in some form of fashion.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I say that because someone said that in there civie world they expect some sort of compensation DT and I call bullshit. It was from a jaded person on this site. I am not saying everyone here thinks that.

Besides that why can't we talk about it here it happens in all areas of the adult world.

We do not want to take anything away from the site and no need to feel threatened. Just want to up the stakes for a small elite group who have the guts to try it and ad more play to there life.
Guest031411-2's Avatar
becuase in reality we all know its never actually free. You do pay in some form of fashion.
Now ain't that the truth!
I will leave that one alone with you Kitty....
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I don't think that is necessarily true I have had many no strings attached action and no drama. If you learn how to play the game well it can be avoided.
This is the co-ed forum is it not where free speech and open thoughts are encouraged and welcomed? Even if it is an attempt at humour or a semi-serious thought? Doesn't the scam really go both ways? Really? I didn't know we had a resident facebooker, seriously? Who could that be? Originally Posted by kittyloveratx
Guest031411-2's Avatar
true wyldeman, the trick is to learn when the game is being played on you

Besides that why can't we talk about it here it happens in all areas of the adult world.
Annnnnd, back on topic....that is a great question!
Guest031411-2's Avatar
Originally Posted by Dee Licious
If you don't like it don't respond......
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Rox I have not ever been scammed stood up not scammed though. I like to help people though and if getting attacked for wanting to help young guns get more action without having to feel like they need to p4p then it is worth it. Let me make myself clear if they want to p4p as a choice fine, but if they want to up there game we are here to help. I am not going to stop p4p I like it with some here and with some strippers. I like to know what I am getting. I also like the thrill of the hunt to.
Well party on garth, sounds cool to me. Hope yall have fun with it.
NipLover's Avatar
To the OP...
LOL @ Niplover
  • Booth
  • 02-08-2011, 09:55 PM
Rox I have not ever been scammed stood up not scammed though. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
If you paid for an education then you, sir, have been scammed.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Nip bring it on!

Booth just because I do not have your same views, ah hell I would explain it to you but you would not understand. Did you ride the short bus?