ladies eccie member threatening false review (please read)

TheEccie214's Avatar
I do hope you have good insurance and see your doctor at least weekly. Only 29 and practicing BBFS with hobbyists you don't even screen. I just read a review from a hobbyist who just joined in July, a newbie like most of your clientele. You really care more about the money than your health. Change your name to the cold sore queen. And not on your mouth. It makes me sad for you. It's not too late to smarten up.
And please don't take this in your BSC way. STDs aren't funny.
But I'm done. I was just surprised, I don't know why. Take care. Originally Posted by GingerKatt
Come on now, YOU, of all people are going to criticize someone for BBFS? Ever hear of that don't throw stones when you live in a glass house?
Mojojo's Avatar
I just read a review from a hobbyist Originally Posted by GingerKatt
Wait wait

How did you read that review?
FunInDFW's Avatar
I do hope you have good insurance and see your doctor at least weekly. Only 29 and practicing BBFS with hobbyists you don't even screen. I just read a review from a hobbyist who just joined in July, a newbie like most of your clientele. You really care more about the money than your health. Change your name to the cold sore queen. And not on your mouth. It makes me sad for you. It's not too late to smarten up.
And please don't take this in your BSC way. STDs aren't funny.
But I'm done. I was just surprised, I don't know why. Take care. Originally Posted by GingerKatt
Talk about true colors being shown...
TheEccie214's Avatar
Wait wait

How did you read that review? Originally Posted by Mojojo
Used to be this profile - if you read their posts sometimes she forgot to change accounts.

Sorry Ginger but like I say, I keep it real and trying to shame someone else when you do the same thing isn't cool.
ManSlut's Avatar
Someone spare me the pain of having to read all the drama of another 'Wulfie' threAD and clue me in, but, was the Eccie member threatening to write a FAKE REVIEW a male or a female member?
inspector farquar's Avatar
Used to be this profile - if you read their posts sometimes she forgot to change accounts.

Sorry Ginger but like I say, I keep it real and trying to shame someone else when you do the same thing isn't cool. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
Too bad the alleged mandle you link doesn't have premium access. And too bad the BBFS is plainly listed under Activities in the review she linked. Otherwise, well sleuthed.

Keep keepin' it real. Like you say.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
Someone spare me the pain of having to read all the drama of another 'Wulfie' threAD and clue me in, but, was the Eccie member threatening to write a FAKE REVIEW a male or a female member? Originally Posted by ManSlut

Male. It sounds like a "grown" man was playing games on the phone in my opinion.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
You know, I don't know VI, never talked to her, but this is another thread that shows that there are mods operating with two sets of rules because if she'd said half of what some have posted there'd be public warnings and private points issued. But this thread? Crickets.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
You know, I don't know VI, never talked to her, but this is another thread that shows that there are mods operating with two sets of rules because if she'd said half of what some have posted there'd be public warnings and private points issued. But this thread? Crickets. Originally Posted by Fort Worth Punk
Bring up old threads in the Men's Lounge about Shep3.0, and mods will join in the fray questioning why the issue is even being discussed. Start multiple threads about Davidfree on even older topics WITH a poll in Co-ed, it's all good.

In fairness, I don't think they've ever claimed to be impartial. !VI! does get the short end of the stick.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Too bad the alleged mandle you link doesn't have premium access. And too bad the BBFS is plainly listed under Activities in the review she linked. Otherwise, well sleuthed.

Keep keepin' it real. Like you say. Originally Posted by inspector farquar
See your point and I didn't specify but should have that once the buzz was out about her having 2 profiles last year MB went quiet. My point being once you do that you close down shop and start again while learning how to do it correctly next time.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
She admitted she made a mistake, but people still go out of there way to pick a fight with the OP. I completely get that some of her posts rub people the wrong way, but why attack someone who acknowledged their mistake? Originally Posted by Roger.Smith
Nice, Roger
  • !VI!
  • 08-10-2015, 07:57 AM
Moved to co-ed Originally Posted by Mojojo
why why was it moved to co-ed?

what was it that made this not in alert? it was a post the gingerkat threadnapped

about a guy, who threatened to post false review if he had to follow my screening? and then became more aggressive about it as time went on?

Eccie 214, you are right, I am genuine and caring. But it seems to get me in trouble on Eccie so i very rarely post. There are just so many inconsistencies in Vi's stories and they could come back to bite you in that cute butt. You could do so well here and I care. I certainly care when anyone has to post an alert. I'm always really big on the truth. But I agree, your business is your business and you've never been grateful for people trying to help you or care for you and that's your right. I learned so much from reading posts from ladies who know what they're doing and do it well. You did admit your alert was for not screening. So is it an alert? Are an admission of guilt for not listening to the smart providers? Originally Posted by GingerKatt
look i will say this only one time woman... back the fuck off now, you have gone much further then needed in this case, you are going from being "helpful" to throwing shade...

so you know nothing about me, i have accepted all risks i take in terms of my personal life and career, and have yet to have any of them come at me.

so stop making dumbass assumptions and either get to know me or SHUT THE FUCK UP!

she has had to have been striked at least twice in this thread over this bullshit

I do hope you have good insurance and see your doctor at least weekly. Only 29 and practicing BBFS with hobbyists you don't even screen. I just read a review from a hobbyist who just joined in July, a newbie like most of your clientele. You really care more about the money than your health. Change your name to the cold sore queen. And not on your mouth. It makes me sad for you. It's not too late to smarten up.
And please don't take this in your BSC way. STDs aren't funny.
But I'm done. I was just surprised, I don't know why. Take care. Originally Posted by GingerKatt


how did you read that review? why are you even IN MY REVIEWS? how the hell is she not banned at this point?

i've never had cold sores of anytype? the worst "sore" i've ever had was from my retainer, and i was 11. now she clearly made an accusation of health.... and somehow read a review in a private thread...

and no one... no one saw this as odd? intresting... mod moved this to co-ed after she jacks it and then she is reading my reviews, and "giving me tips on being ace provider"

people i don't care, i enjoy making people happy and i do it very well

my issues come from not seeing dicks, i rarely screw up my screen process now, this time i just fucked up because i was busy doing something else. for another unrelated hobby
  • !VI!
  • 08-10-2015, 08:08 AM
Come on now, YOU, of all people are going to criticize someone for BBFS? Ever hear of that don't throw stones when you live in a glass house? Originally Posted by TheEccie214
no hold on, everyone knows i like dick lol, period

Wait wait

How did you read that review? Originally Posted by Mojojo
even better... why was she reading my review.... that's just odd

Talk about true colors being shown... Originally Posted by FunInDFW
"remember i'm being helpful" lol

ffs this has been the biggest troll i've had in months

Used to be this profile - if you read their posts sometimes she forgot to change accounts.

Sorry Ginger but like I say, I keep it real and trying to shame someone else when you do the same thing isn't cool. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
not sure what you mean... but my issue is she started a fire and i'm not allowed to burn ... because i'd get in troble for calling her out on her shit... this is bullshit

Someone spare me the pain of having to read all the drama of another 'Wulfie' threAD and clue me in, but, was the Eccie member threatening to write a FAKE REVIEW a male or a female member? Originally Posted by ManSlut
ugh you still exist... i thought you got off my dick long ago...

so let me myth bust you

this was an alert...
gingerkat thread napped it
it got moved to co-ed

and Oh... my ... god... he actually has a point... "he" never picked up... wow... this was a really stupid mistake.... i rejected him after he said why do i need to call you

Male. It sounds like a "grown" man was playing games on the phone in my opinion. Originally Posted by Roger.Smith
honestly i'm not sure

it could have been a lady
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
why why was it moved to co-ed?

what was it that made this not in alert? it was a post the gingerkat threadnapped

about a guy, who threatened to post false review if he had to follow my screening? and then became more aggressive about it as time went on?

look i will say this only one time woman... back the fuck off now, you have gone much further then needed in this case, you are going from being "helpful" to throwing shade...

so you know nothing about me, i have accepted all risks i take in terms of my personal life and career, and have yet to have any of them come at me.

so stop making dumbass assumptions and either get to know me or SHUT THE FUCK UP!

she has had to have been striked at least twice in this thread over this bullshit


how did you read that review? why are you even IN MY REVIEWS? how the hell is she not banned at this point?

i've never had cold sores of anytype? the worst "sore" i've ever had was from my retainer, and i was 11. now she clearly made an accusation of health.... and somehow read a review in a private thread...

and no one... no one saw this as odd? intresting... mod moved this to co-ed after she jacks it and then she is reading my reviews, and "giving me tips on being ace provider"

people i don't care, i enjoy making people happy and i do it very well

my issues come from not seeing dicks, i rarely screw up my screen process now, this time i just fucked up because i was busy doing something else. for another unrelated hobby Originally Posted by !VI!
I don't know you, hon. But take a deep breath and try to shake it off.

I've made tons of mistakes in my life, unlike some of the more perfect folks here, so I feel ya. You seem responsible in that, at the very least, you know to admit it and try to move forward. So kuddos!

There are gents here who may not say they see you and understand, but they are here too. There's a couple who actually will speak up at times, and they're kinda awesome!

Ya see? They get it when hateful folks go after others full force, and they can see through the muck. Most folks here are liars and cheats, but they sure don't want ya to say it out loud for the whole world to see. It might mean they have to think about their own actions a bit. Some of 'em just can't bring themselves to and make all kinda excuses and not only blame, but hate on others. Take those folks with a grain of salt.

Again.... Shake it off, and do what you do best! Make the gents happy that can see thru the muck and want to spend time with you.

Have a sexy day!

Knight2554's Avatar

Ya see? They get it when hateful folks go after others full force, and they can see through the muck. Most folks here are liars and cheats, but they sure don't want ya to say it out loud for the whole world to see. It might mean they have to think about their own actions a bit. Some of 'em just can't bring themselves to and make all kinda excuses and not only blame, but hate on others. Take those folks with a grain of salt.

MM Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
If you really feel this way then why, oh why, would you even want to be on this board? You are formally invited to not associate with us liars and cheats.