So what do you think of Dianne Feinstein releasing the CIA Torture Report??

TheDaliLama's Avatar
In WW2 during the Battle of the Bulge, the Germans took 40+ American prisoners and massacred them at Malmedy. When the word got back to Patton, he sent an order down through the ranks - until further notice, take no new German prisoners, execute them on the spot. This went on for about a week, enough time for the Germans to get the message. We can play by your rules too. Then the order was rescinded, and German prisoners were again put in POW camps until the war ended.

If Diane Feinstein and her squeamish squeaky clean clique of holier-than-thou high horse surrender monkeys had been around then, we never would have won WW2. Originally Posted by lustylad
Darn right!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Why in that order? You turning wimpish on us all of a sudden? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I never thought of that.

Ok......cut their dicks off....stuff it in their mouth.....and then cut their stuffed pimento heads off.........take them home......ring the bell and run.

Much better.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Torture results in one thing, they will tell you what you want to hear. Most is inaccurate. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Oh WTF do you know?

Give me a gallon of Ozarka Spring Water and I'll tell you where Ayman Al Zawahiri hides his Easter eggs.
I keep hearing this from the talking heads too.

Who is going to get killed as a direct result of being outed by this report? Originally Posted by boardman
The Democrats asked for the elevation in terror attack warning level as a result of this report. Strange as we have yet to see the OBL pictures and we continue to drone on foreign soil where those govts have asked us not to.


It's the CIA's position that they briefed Feinstein, and considering how Feinstein's actions reek of vindictiveness, there's no reason to accept her version over the CIA's.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Let's go over this again...
President Obama signed an EO forbidding "torture" even though during the speech about it he reserved its use in a "ticking timebomb" situation. I documented this several times.

Pelosi denied being advised about waterboarding by the CIA even though she was in the HOR meetings where they were discussed. Generally no Democrat or Republican Rep raised objections.

The CIA claims it advised the Senate Intelligent Committee of the used of enhanced interrogation techniques also.

The Senate pretty much busted the CIA for spying on the key Senators communications regarding the report. The CIA is specifically forbidden from monitoring Senators.

The President's current CIA director says that important information that was obtained using enhanced interrogation techniques on a few radical Muslims.

It's a political mess. But keep droning. And "torturing".

This is all Obama's fault for insisting on characterizing the waterboarding as torture.
It goes hand in hand with "white lives, don't matter".
I B Hankering's Avatar
The Democrats asked for the elevation in terror attack warning level as a result of this report. Strange as we have yet to see the OBL pictures and we continue to drone on foreign soil where those govts have asked us not to.

Let's go over this again...
President Obama signed an EO forbidding "torture" even though during the speech about it he reserved its use in a "ticking timebomb" situation. I documented this several times.

Pelosi denied being advised about waterboarding by the CIA even though she was in the HOR meetings where they were discussed. Generally no Democrat or Republican Rep raised objections.

The CIA claims it advised the Senate Intelligent Committee of the used of enhanced interrogation techniques also.

The Senate pretty much busted the CIA for spying on the key Senators communications regarding the report. The CIA is specifically forbidden from monitoring Senators.

The President's current CIA director says that important information that was obtained using enhanced interrogation techniques on a few radical Muslims.

It's a political mess. But keep droning. And "torturing".

This is all Obama's fault for insisting on characterizing the waterboarding as torture. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Feinstein was the understudy for the role of Captain Renault in "Casablanca".

bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Everybody seems up in arms about using some rather enhanced methods in garnering information from detainees after 9-11, but have no qualms about dropping a drone on someone thousands of miles away and killing them along with whom ever might be in the same vicinity.

The big difference is President Bush was involved in the "enhanced methods", and President Obama is basically owns the drone program.

Politics? Originally Posted by Jackie S
what do you mean "politics"?

how do I feel about the usa torturing non-american citizens to get info to prevent American deaths?
dont care... war is war... dont want to get hurt, dont be part of war.

that;s why I dont like drones killing random people. but that't not the topic is it? People are upset about torturing non Americans for war info. Dont care..rather them than us
Surprised COG hasn't weighed in.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I never thought of that.

Ok......cut their dicks off....wrap them in bacon....stuff it in their mouth.....and then cut their stuffed pimento heads off.........take them home......ring the bell and run.

Much better. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Fixed it for me.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Feinstein = Treasonous cunt. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
GFE(forbidden topic), did you really say that?


Im sure you can prove that Sen. Feinstein committed treason.

You don't need to prove what a worthless, big mouthed asshole you are.

I can't believe how fucking whacked out you are.

Considering your handle describes addiction, I think it's time for you to change it to something less hypocritical and in line with the standards of this forum.

GFEIdiot. It's your destiny.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It goes hand in hand with "white lives, don't matter". Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You go hand in hand with guys...
Every death that results from this we will attribute to Sen. Feinstein. If one of my fellow Americans should die because of her hunger for fame I will be sure that she receives the name of the deceased.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Seems like there are a lot of roaches scattering right here on ECCIE.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Surprised COG hasn't weighed in. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Ok. I oppose torture. Sometimes. I'm conflicted on this. In theory, torture is evil. But, if someone was going to harm my family, and I had someone with information in my custody, it wouldn't bother me a bit to dunk them underwater, cut off fingers, toes, ears, or other appendages until they told me what I want to know.

But we must be nicer to these Islamist warriors. They are brainwashed to endure torture, and death, in order to have unlimited sex with young ladies who don't know what they're doing in the Afterlife. I suggest we give them pets. Yes, pets. They can learn to care for smaller, defenseless creatures and experience the non-judgmental love a pet can give.

That is the answer! Confine them in a small cell with a lovable potbellied pig, and see if they don't suddenly get talkative.

Nailed it!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Lies or drones take your pick. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

No equivalency. First, no one was subject to enhanced interrogation after the first couple of years and the only person involved was the person involved. With drone strikes Obama has killed not only some terrorists (and we lost intelligence with each death) but a lot of "innocent" bystanders that were near or with the subject of the strike. At least Bush was not killing the innocent.

As for as the release, this is nothing but dangerous politics. The democrats admitted that this release will endanger US military personnel and embassy people (anyone of which could be the CIA station chief). I liken this to a couple where one person cheated on the other. A lot of anger was expended but the identity of the partner never came out. Time healed old wounds and then one day an idiot decided to piss of their partner by telling them who they were fucking and how good it was.

Another thing, the democrats in the House and Senate (which they control) had access to this information since 2001. If they didn't then someone should have their ass in a huge sling. No charges are being filed so I take it that no one was really hiding information. The democrats knew. Also Obama has said that these charges are very, very why does he still have some people who were involved serving in his administration?