What words do you use in the heat of the moment?

Sorry, I seem to be lurking in the Dallas forum today... My bad... Thanks for putting up with me.

Most of the time I can't hear a word my partner is screaming, cuz she's got her thighs squeezed too tightly around my ears, but.....

If I've done my job, the best thing I love to hear is the end of my name...


which leads to my follow-up comment "Wait, I'm not done with you yet! You've only had [fill in the blank with a number] O's."

it depends on the individual I'm encountering these "heat of the moment" incidents.

OOOhhhhh.....aaahhh....OOOOHHH HH....AAAHHHH...yes! yes! yes! yes!.....grunt grunt grunt...

yep.....positively....BIG O.

mtabsw's Avatar
Actually, I have four ones depending on my mood and circumstance....

POSITIVE: "yes! Yes!! YEs!!! YES!!!!"
NEGATIVE: "Ohhh Nooooooooooo!"
RELIGIOUS: "oh My GOD I am cuuummiiing!"
FAKE: "Oh Kelly Kelly Kelly!"
I should add that I often speak in tongues when I'm having that cosmic mystical mind-blowing orgasm. Something like: "Oh shit, baby! MmmAHA! RRROHH! HinnnnAAH! SShhhhi! hooo, hooo, nguh.... Ohhhyeh."

[PS - sometimes followed by hysterical laughter! Mine and hers!]

That's usually followed by something like, "Mmmmm, thaaaank yoooou, angel."
netman's Avatar
Besides the usual (i.e. "Oh God/Shit/Fuck!"), and at the risk of embarrassing myself...

1) Something like "OMG, you're awesome!!!", or...
2) "You are so fucking hot/beautiful/sexy!!!"
3) The occasional marriage proposal.
4) Last, but not least (and REALLY embarrassing myself), when really going hard at it, maybe some grunting/growling.

I actually laugh every time. Believe me, it is not the sexiest thing for a girl to see. or so I gather from the reactions I've seen.


Every time.
I actually laugh every time. Believe me, it is not the sexiest thing for a girl to see. or so I gather from the reactions I've seen.


Every time. Originally Posted by sirliamscross

Yeah, I think some women may misunderstand the laughter. Hard to explain it, but it's most like the uncontrollable giggles one can get when stoned, and the buzz of a great orgasm is a LOT like getting stoned for me.
Sweetie anything you say is fine but please not " Is it in yet?"
advenchurus's Avatar
when i'm really going for it... it a strange mixture of

"... already?"
I guess I have less of a connection, I usually say something like you rock that was fun and get on my way if I had a good experience. Seems like the ladies enjoy that.
I actually laugh every time. Believe me, it is not the sexiest thing for a girl to see. or so I gather from the reactions I've seen.


Every time. Originally Posted by sirliamscross

Laughing..not sexy? I love it when my partner laughs after a good "finish". I think it is very sexy and trust me...I am going to be giggling right along with you not at you.
Thanks Reese, but it's not a cute giggle... I think that would be fine.

I laugh like I got away with something. Like I heard a good "knock knock" joke. Like you just heard the "You know how I know you're gay" part of 40yr old virgin for the first time. Like I read something good on failbook.com

It's like something funny just happened. I have been asked - more than once - "what did I just miss?" by a partner.

I have to explain that I just always laugh when I get off. The look on their faces is priceless.

I think the only thing that would make it better - and I just thought of this and decided to try it out next time I'm in the moment - is to scream "OH JESUS CHRIST OH GOD OH FUCK I'M CUMMING!" as I laugh like an idiot... Should make for a sexy time for some young lady

I just have to get a video of the reaction. I have a feeling it'll be worth watching over and over.
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 07-31-2010, 09:21 AM
I think laughter is a good and honest reaction...kind of a combination of how good was that!!! and then just feeling a little sheepish about how lost you were in it all as the world comes back into focus...all good for some knowing giggles between partners.
Wow. Fiero, that is the best description ever. Spot on.

Anyone ever raised their hands in victory while the theme from Rocky plays in their head after an especially great one?

Hello? Anyone? Just me?
I have done the "fist Pump" before....does that count?