Deleting and Done

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
If you truly love this life, then move to P411, do it around your classes and up your hourly rate to $400+ it will weed out the assholes & predators greatly.

~ Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
Agreed. I have no idea if a pimp is involved but I do believe I can smell the parasitic shitbird...there is no way for the chica to actually be who she is until she runs his ass off. Lose the pimp (if there is one), move to the P411, and increase the fee ... there will be peace and prosperity for her.
Wakeup's Avatar
Do you imagine being "legal and verified" makes someone emotionally able to move about this world? Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston

I feel a girl entering this world so young in robbing herself. It's just an opinion, but obviously strikes a cord.[/COLOR] Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
Actually no, it doesn't strike any "chord" at all...

I lived on my own since age 17, I know what it's like to be out there in the world truly alone and there are many other avenues.

I feel a girl entering this world so young in robbing herself. It's just an opinion, but obviously strikes a cord.
Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
Interesting.. on your own since 17?so why didn't you pursue these many other avenues you speak of?
Grace Preston's Avatar

There are 18 and 19 year olds who can handle this world and handle it well.

There are 40 year olds who can't.

Chronological Age and emotional maturity are not the same thing. There are a metric shit ton of 30 and 40 somethings on this site that have the emotional stability of a teenager.

College is always good advice for someone who is seeking to better themselves, regardless of age. But if a person is not on the path to better themselves.. its just going to go in one ear and out the other, whether they are 18 or 58.

Lets not break out the violins about the travesty of an 18 year old who chooses to mash for cash.


Lets not break out the violins about the travesty of an 18 year old who chooses to mash for cash. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Great point.

And maybe wakeup can tell us her real age. She's probably older than 18 at leasr by something.
  • Heman
  • 07-15-2017, 03:32 PM
Hello! I Will be leaving eccie here soon as i just dont think i can handle all the non sense anymore

Originally Posted by Jazzmine White
....if you can't handle non sense ...can't do good as a whore...better to go UTR or retire...
cinderbella's Avatar
Always ironic when hobbyists who insist a provider be an 18 yo. spinner will go to great lengths to trash her name when she gets prolific. Not the first time and definitely not the last.

There is a reason why prostitution is either illegal or not socially acceptable. It goes against everything a woman is taught about keeping herself pure. The desire for sex and men's lust over rides, women learn quick that their pussy can be sold over and over .

Most of the guys partaking are halfway decent and treat her well. She may try to "become" the so called customer service they seem to want. The illusion of passion or the embodiment of physical beauty without all the strings attached. When she is trashed online or warnings made public about her very human qualities of not being able to live up to the ideal surface, Wham! It hurts, big time.

As human beings, we cannot please everyone and we cannot be everything to everyone. Human beings cannot function like robots. The sex industry is flooded with hot looking women. Men who partake get a spoiled sense of entitlement sometimes, when the fantasy is not produced it tends to piss them off. Sometimes men use negative reviews as a warning to others, which may seem fair but you are reviewing a human being and not an appliance. I read the no reviews, some of them flat out border on pure revenge.

Sex work brings lucrative cash and hopefully, appreciative regulars who appreciate the so called customer service provided. Sex work is "Trafficking in Souls", a very old term for a very old problem. As long as there are women and men, sexual favors will be sought. Introduce money into the equation and men will get pissed off if they perceive they are slighted or ripped off for services and or expectations.

Very hard to take the emotional toll from the disgrace of it all. I recommend both parties who wish to meet take the time to have a short discussion. Open the lines of communication to find out what is and what is not expected. Otherwise you are going on a blind date and sometimes that doesn't always work out.

Do not give two fucks to anything posted online. Save those two fucks for the guy who you agree to see for an appointment. That is the person whose opinion should count. If he still cannot communicate his needs and wants during the appointment, it just may not be a good match. Sex is communication. Communication between two human beings. Stop making yourself available to everyone and save your availability for someone who treats you like a person during the contact initiation and take the time to figure out if you are a good match or not.

It is not natural for a woman to service multiple men. It is far easier for men to have sex with multiple women. Men and women are different emotionally and physically. Stop being a slave to the money and try to think like a man in order to protect yourself. Be choosy with who you decide to see and treat those guys who you feel comfortable with well. Protect yourself physically and mentally from emotional vampire types who seek to deplete you of your dignity. Reward those guys who see you and treat you well. You are not an infinite supply of pussy, and you are not a robot. You are a woman, and you need to understand the good and the bad of what you are putting up with in order to receive money. Nobody can stand a job where they are stressed out all the time, eventually you get burned out and look for a less stressful job. Sex work is no different. You still have to learn how to say no and when to say yes.
Wakeup's Avatar
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Let's see, this little girl is 18 years old, been here for 7 months with 68 reviews in this short time. So, I'm guessing may of you should seriously be ashamed of yourselves! Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
These were my thoughts.

Jazzmine, just because I'm not active in the hobby anymore doesn't mean I've forgotten about the psychology of this 'hobby'. You are 20 (?) and probably a year or so out of high school. So you now find yourself in a business where you have to be intimate with men old enough to be your father or grandfather, something you probably didn't think you would do a year or so ago. When you were 17 you may have looked at older guys and went ewww 'he's old', and now you're in a business where it's you job to sexually please them. Perhaps this NO review will give you a chance to reflect on whether you want to do this or not. If you choose to live on and do something else, that's OK. There is so much more to your life than this time in the hobby, your life is not summed up by your short time as a provider.

Some guys here can't see the forest for the trees. You did have around 5-6 pages of reviews without a NO review. Anybody with any brain cells would see that you're more committed than you were in your first two pages of reviews.

Some of the guys here (I won't call them men) are bullies and have a general hatred toward women, and not just providers. You can judge who they are by reading what they post. They live on this site to create misery for men and women, most especially women. I can see women living on this site as a part of their profession, however the guys who live on this site aren't here because they want to add something to the hobby, they're here because they have no lives. They feel comfortable being a big fish in a small pond, however common sense should tell them that most people can see right through their bullshit. As your life isn't summed up by your time here, their lives are.

As far as your make up session goes, I understand why you are doing this, however you feel you need to go the extra, extra mile for this to get a YES review from the same guy. You aren't entering this on an even basis, but from a position of vulnerability. If I were active I would view any NO review from a fair point of view. If the woman was bad, was there a reason? Was she unsuited for this business? How about the guy, was he clean, breath smelled good, treated her with kindness, or was on a power trip to treat her like a lifeless and soul less whore? Like the quarter in your purse, every review has two sides. No person on this site, either gender has 100% great days at work. No person on this site, either gender, was at the top half of their profession with a year or two. Yes, there are things to learn being a provider, especially at your age.

I wish you well.
Wakeup's Avatar
lalovesfun's Avatar
You can't leave. I haven't had a chance to play with you yet
Hey Doll
You are too cute

Stay....take a break if needed but don't leave, you'll figure it out.

PM me anytime

Just my need to answer every question on this thread especially if it's negative
Hugs Originally Posted by Italia DiBella
pyramider's Avatar
Perhaps you posting taint photos will make a positive impression on the OP.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
I agree with Dear_John.

And I would like to add that you are young and beautiful and could have 100 "no" reviews, and they will still line up for you. It's not gonna hurt you in the least. It just adds to the fact you are a human being and not a robot.

Illegitimi non carborundum.

You don't owe anyone anything. Especially not here.
bon69's Avatar
  • bon69
  • 07-16-2017, 12:34 AM
+1 You are definitely hot and I'm hoping to see you too.

I'd still fuck you Jazzmine.......... I don't go by anyone's reviews as it's always YMMV.....

Don't leave yet til I get around to you.......

... Originally Posted by threshold