Congrats to London Rayne

sixxbach's Avatar
Congratulations London!

I know you have been working so hard...............

London Rayne's Avatar
Thanks Sixx!! Wanna be my present to myself? Get your azz down here!
Congrats! Isn't it a big sigh of relief?
London Rayne's Avatar
Congrats! Isn't it a big sigh of relief? Originally Posted by SugarBeth
No not really lol.

I have an externship starting very soon where I will have to work for FREE for about 2 years...if I ever want to get a job in the field that pays well that is. It's going to be even harder than simply going to class a few hours a week.

Ah well....tis nice right now.
shorty's Avatar
London is going to give it away for free!!
Congratulations to London.

Way to go girl.
tammy4u's Avatar
i missed the memo....hate it when im off this site for too long. Congrats London. Enjoy your paid hard work.
You suck London, I'm so jealous!
Congratulations London! Such wonderful achievements for a wonderful woman! You go girl!
  • Paven
  • 05-10-2011, 10:54 PM
That's a load off your mind now! Good job!

I am happy for you London. Going forward I know you will always be successful in whatever you decide to wishes.......
sixxbach's Avatar
Thanks Sixx!! Wanna be my present to myself? Get your azz down here! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Hell yes I do!

Congrats Beautiful :-)
A great achievement and deserving of much credit!!