Enough is enough.

LayneLaughlin's Avatar
Share their names with other girls contacting you for references or post them on the ladies only forum.

Consider contacting back the girls whom they used for references and letting them know what happened. They might stop give references for these guys, or not. Originally Posted by Redwolf
Red, I have done both of those things. If there is anyone that I have missed, please contact me and I'll give you the appropriate information. One provider that gave him a reference is currently out of town and unreachable by phone, so I will get with her as soon as she returns.

Thank you for your kind words, everyone. I try very hard to be polite. I don't think it serves anyone to be a nasty bitch.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
So much yes ...
Also....I think if she (Layne) had to post this then the frequency of the attempts is a scary amount (hell once is one too many).

Yes. Yes, we do.

Originally Posted by hgritstoo
AmberMercadezRose's Avatar
I agree if a lady says she dose not offer bb then the client needs to be respectful of that. There are a lot of clients that get mad when I tell then that I do not offer bb. Then they say oh you would make a lot more money if you did. Well its like this I never have and never will. I have had clients that try and be slick like try to slip it off. But I have caught them and a few I have stopped the session because they kept trying to take it off. If the ladies that are offering bb would stop then a lot of this would not be happening. I have no Idea when doing it became the norm in this business but it has caused a lot of problems for the providers that don't offer it.